Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


TB OP I/A Strength Session 6
A Cluster

Warm up
BW Side lunge x5 es
BW Pushup x10
1 Arm DB Row10 kg x10 es

Weighted lunge 30kg WV x 8es
Bench press 75kg x6
BW Pullup x9
x 3 rounds

A Core
Med ball high throw
Push up top position hold x 1min
40-50m 1 Arm Overhead carry 24kg
40-50m 1 Arm farmers walk 28kg
x 2 rounds

LSS trail Run 30 min
Avg pace:8:18 per km
Avg HR: 147bpm

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


Long easy walk 55min

Just going to take a couple rest days to recover before heading into the last 3 sessions of OP I/A. I plan to test my max lifts after 1 more session of each A/B cluster. Tomorrow will be a MS day with some easy cardio following. One more MS session after that and then I will take a few recovery days and test at the end of the week. I then have a week of recovery to look forward to whilst on nightshift.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


Warm up
BW Side lunge x5 es
BW Pushup x10
1 Arm DB Row10 kg x10 es
x 2 rounds

Weighted lunge 40kg WV x 6es
Bench press 85kg x4
BW Pullup x11
x 2 rounds

15 mins grappling dummy drills
Knee through, to side control, back take to RNC
Knee through/leg drag, side control, counter under hook to guillotine using s grip.

Just two rounds of Strength work today and no direct core work. I just wanted to get a few sets in and keep the volume low to prep for testing at the end of the week. I skipped the core work because I plan on doing it differently in my next run through of whichever cluster I choose.

I finished up with some grappling dummy drills with a few changes to fundamental positions I attack regularly. Still no BJJ due to Covid, but I want to start getting used to the movements again in prep for a return once things open back up.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


TB Op I/A Strength Session 8
B Cluster

Stepups BW x5 es
DB 1 Arm Press x5 es
Pullup BW x5
x 2 rounds

1 Leg Deadlift 24kg x6 es
Ring Dips BW x11
Ring Rows BW x10
x 2 rounds

50 min cooldown walk

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


Testing day

BW 76kg

Bench press 100kg
Front Squat 100kg
BW Pullups x16

I did some strength testing today. Overall I am pretty happy but would have liked to have improved a bit more on the pullups.

I would like to maintain or slightly improve (5-10kg) the above lifts by the end of the year.
I will probably test my deadlift in the coming days or just use an extremely conservative max of 100kg so I can just use the same percentages as the other exercises.

I plan on upping my HIC and other conditioning so I am not massively worried about any strength gains over the coming cycles.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


Test day 2

BW 75.9kg

Deadlift 160kg

30 min Trail run 4.09km
25 min LSS,5 min intense
Avg HR: 152bpm
Avg Pace: 7.20 per km

25 min cooldown walk

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


I am enjoying my recovery week whilst on nightshift doing nothing more than daily walks. I absolutely love the 3 week on/1 week on schedule paired with OP I/A. I am looking forward to getting back to training post nightshift.

I have worked out my percentages and my cluster will probably involve the following:
Op I/A
Front squat 100kg 1 RM
70kg x5 /80kg x5 /90kg x 3

Bench press 100kg 1RM

Deadlift 160kg 1 RM (1 work set each session)

I will be pulling my HIC and conditioning sessions from a mix of TB2, Infinite Intensity and LSS running. I will also include regular core training including planks, loaded carries, med ball throws and some jumping just to cover off on a few other areas.

I will use unilateral exercises to warm up for my big lifts, but I am just looking to maintain strength whilst adding more intense HIC and interval work to my training.

Overall goal has just been to build up my ability to tolerate more intense conditioning after an extended period of LSS paired with OP I/A.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


I have decided to follow some programming from another website for a while to mix things up. I have been pretty consistent with TB all throughout this year and like to do this occasionally to mix things up. The programming I am following is based on building a bit of mass with some running intervals and sprints mixed in. We are still fully locked down with no likely return to BJJ for me this year so I thought I would take the time to add some more training volume. I won't post their programming verbatim in respect of the fact it isn't a free service. I look forward to some variety before I do a base build towards the start of 2021 and back into TB.

Week 1 Lower Body day 1
A. Warmup
2 min jog, 60 sec Bottom of squat stretch
2 rounds
3x depth jumps
5x 3 way lunge BW
5x tempo goblet squats (5 eccentric, 2 sec pause, 3 sec concentric)

B. 3x5
C. 3x10es- 20,30,35kg
D. 3x5-40,50,55kg
E. BW 3x15
F.3x15kg 6kg

Squat recovery 2 rounds
30 sec facet gapping es
30 sec dragon pose es

120 sec 90/90 breathing

37 min cooldown walk

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Week 1 Upper Body day 1
A. Warmup
2 rounds
6x Scap pullups
8x cuban press 2.5kg es
8 temp pushups (3,3,3)
5 burpees

B1. 3x8 40kg
B2. Sub pullup 8,8,6
C1. 3x10 10kg
C2.3x10 20kg Barbell
D1.3x10kg 20kg Barbell
D2.3x10 Black band

Shuttle run 25mx 6
every 1:30 min, 6 rounds
40,39,39,44,45(last round power chucked so cut it early)

Running recovery
60 second stretching
Couch, hamstring on bench es, Inner thigh, Downward dog

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Week 1 Lower Body day 2
A. Warmup
10 temp squats
10 SLDL es
Squat Stretch
10 Pushups

B. 3x6 55,65,75kg
C. 3x15 20kg
D.3x10 es BW
E. 3x15 22.5kg (2xDB)
F.3 rounds black band x2
G1.3x 20 secs 28kg KB
G2.3x20 secs

Squat recovery
60 sec facet gapping es
60 sec dragon pose es

120 sec 90/90 breathing

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