Workout Log

Posts: 2054
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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


145kg 3x5

55kg 3x5

Ring Rollouts

Note: shorter session today, good early morning start. All lifts felt good, OHP was a little sticky but still pretty achievable. Ring Rollouts were a breeze.

Posts: 2054
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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


LSS Run 15 mins

Double End Bag 10 mins

Jump Rope 5 mins

LSS Run 10 mins

Double End Bag 15 mins

Reflex Ball 5 mins

Note: Jump rope after DL day doesn’t work very well, at least for me, I could move well enough but I was noticing that I was tightening up in the calf around the knee which I’m definitely looking to avoid, the run on the other hand felt very smooth, I kept the combinations on the double end bag light for the most part. Good fun session.

Posts: 2054
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:06 pm

Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest day

Note: mobility work, left over bbq from last night, coffee and chill.

Posts: 2054
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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Sandbag Zercher Walking Lunge
1x5 p/s
3x4 p/s Moderate/Heavy bag

40kg 3x3

20kg 3x3


Ring Rollouts

Ramp Rollouts
4th notch 4x5

Band Good Mornings

Note: felt strong on all lifts in the morning, used the lunges as I felt the back squats were slightly slowing the knee recovery. I had a play with zercher sand bag squats yesterday, they also felt good on the knee, I may give FSQ a go as well next MS session.
Core is getting stronger on the ramp, the sets are starting to feel easier, the band good mornings are definitely working well as an assistance exercise.

Posts: 2054
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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Speed Endurance Ladders (Airbike Variation)
30 Cals
40 seconds rest
22 Cals
30 Seconds rest
15 Cals
20 seconds rest
7 Cals
10 seconds rest
Then back up the ladder


Wrist Pronation/Supination Device
5kg 1x5 each way p/s
6.25kg 2x5 each way p/s

Wrist Roller
15kg 3x5 each way

Note: couple of good sessions today. Still Targeting the wrists a bit more, knee definitely is feeling the benefits of the lunges yesterday, I may try front squats and see how they go. I may have to trial a few variations on the lower body just to see what helps the knee. Had no issues with it at all today, hopefully the trend continues, then I can get back to at least some passive skating and progress slowly from there. Speed endurance ladders, short session, yet very intense.

Posts: 2054
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:06 pm

Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day
Last edited by Adski on Fri Apr 23, 2021 11:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 2054
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:06 pm

Workout Log

Post by Adski »


80kg 5x3

40kg 3x3

20kg 3x3


KB Goblet Walking Lunges
36kg 3x5 p/s

Note: so I discovered that my outside of shoulder width stance aggravates the knee, as soon as I narrowed the stance to shoulder width. No issue. Had some niggles throughout the day, so trialed more lunges in the afternoon, the knee immediately felt better. I’ll have to keep them in the mix. TBDL also made the knee feel better as well. It is definitely on the mend, just taking longer than I initially thought.

Posts: 2054
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:06 pm

Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Heavy Bag
5x3 min rds

Freestyle Jump Rope
3x3 min rds

Reflex Ball
2x3 min rds

Note: felt good to get some time on the bag, short sharp combinations mainly. Jump rope felt good, no issue with the knee, reflex ball fun as always.

Posts: 2054
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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


163kg 3x3

60kg 3x3



Ring Rollouts

Ramp Rollouts
3rd notch 2x5 2x3

Ring Rollouts

Band Good Mornings

Note: I misread my lifts for today, I was meant to hit 85% on the DL but ended up doing 90%, the lifts felt fine, I’ll be sure to double check next time.
OHP was solid, and the rollouts in the afternoon felt great. I used an additional thinner band for the good mornings, all reps/sets were still very achievable. And the knee felt great after yesterday and today’s sessions.
That ends the block, which seems to be working well with my life schedule right now which is fantastic. Ideally next block FSQ will be back, lunges will stay, I may do one day lunge, one day squat and lunges and TBDL on the third day. Anyway, off to make some pizzas and enjoy the upcoming back off training week for 5-7 days...

Posts: 2054
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:06 pm

Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

Note: Dawn service for ANZAC day, then just getting a few things sorted for the working week, mobility work etc.

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