Workout Log

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Sandbag Shouldering
Heavy bag 3x3 p/s alternating

Sandbag Rotational Loading
Moderate bag 3x3 p/s alternating

50kg 3x5

Hamstring Slider Device
60kg 3x5

Sandbag Carry
Moderate bag 10 mins

Note: having fun with the sandbags, using them in place of the DL, good fun session overall.

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »



About an hour and a half

Note: fun session, landed a couple of tricks I hadn’t done in about ten years, not a bad day at all.

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

Note: caught a bit of a cold, hopefully it doesn’t last too long.

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

Note: so light cold turned into a sore throat that stopped me from being able to talk yesterday lol. Has cleared up a fair bit overnight, hopefully I can hit a strength session up tomorrow, could do it today, but I don’t think it’ll help things along.

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Re: Workout Log

Post by Maxrip13 »

Hope the cold gets better for you soon mate. I hate winter for that reason especially with covid floating around where I am it just means days off work for everyone.

I was about to place an order for the TB merchandise after realising I still haven't. I saw you mention about the medium shrinking and going a large. I am about 5,9 and fluctuate between 75-80kg. Just trying to compare your recommendations to myself as I hate long shirts and I want these for the gym so looking for a tighter fit to avoid it riding up in yoga etc.

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

Note: it would seem this cold wants to hang around, am feeling better but it is lingering, as soon as I’m feeling closer to 100% I’m back on, so hopefully tomorrow lol.

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »

Hey Maxrip yea it’s getting there, basically for me it’s meant that I’ve been sent home from work after being tested and have to wait for the results to come back, (should be in today) pretty certain I’m good on that front, my son got sick at day care and that’s where I’m sure the cold came from.

So we are basically the same height/weight. So the medium shirt fit ok when I got it, it went through the wash and the dryer and it really shrunk a lot. The bottom of it ended up sitting up just above my waist. So I tried the large thinking I could shrink it to a medium fit. It was still too Nagy after a wash/dry and the logo shifted from the shrinkage.

The classic fitted shirts, I have two mediums of now and they fit perfect. They’ve been washed and dried multiple times with no problem at all.

I want to try a hoodie at some point, however I am a bit concerned that the sizing may be similar to the first run of shirts.

Posts: 2054
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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

Note: cold is on the back end, still fairly fatigued and coughing etc….

Posts: 1977
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Re: Workout Log

Post by Maxrip13 »

Hey Adski,

Thanks for the heads up for the shirts. Hopefully that cold sorts itself. I have had to test so many times and quarantine over the last year. I still haven’t managed to catch anything to do with covid.

My partner who is a teacher brought home a common cold that floored my son and I for 3 weeks solid. I ended up on antibiotics and still have issues with my ears from it. Not covid though,but sickest I have ever been cold wise in my life.

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »

Wow! I’ve only been tested a handful of times. Having a cold drag on with those symptoms lasting that long is next level. I hope the ears ease up eventually! Your partner being a teacher must have a strong immune system!

Being at a “school” myself work wise, I’m always cautious, there’s always something floating through the place, especially at this time of year.

I’ve still got the last bit of this cold, I’m going to see how I am throughout the day, as long as I’m feeling good I’ll start today. If the symptoms go through the weekend I’ll go back to the doctor and look to get on other meds beside basic non prescription cough medicine etc.

And no problem with the info on the shirts. The classic fit is a bit thicker too, a bit like Ross’s old shirts from 2008 ish if you saw them.

I hope you’re still able to keep up with your bjj by the way!

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