Workout Log

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Re: Workout Log

Post by Barkadion »

Adski wrote: Mon Jun 28, 2021 1:38 am
Barkadion wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 9:56 pm
Adski wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 7:58 pm 28/6/21

Rest Day

Note: wrote up a couple of plans yesterday, it looks like OP/IA is still workable, there will just be a couple of times where there is 3 days between MS sessions which makes the block last just over 4 weeks, which is fine. It’ll look something like

Easy day (boxing, E work)

After that it basically repeats, noting how life is atm there are times where additional rest days may come into play due to life. I want to make Saturday a hill sprint day, unless there’s another day I can get it in, just with the life schedule at the moment any other day is difficult to get it in, do miss hitting hills, so there may be modifications made to allow for that. Anyway, that’s roughly what it will look like, will decide on the cluster throughout the week. Unilateral leg work has been good to work with, I’ll be looking to maintain that for now.
Are you having back to back lifting days (yours last and first)?.
Hey Bark. No, that’s just the 3rd 75% session. Then it would go HIC, Easy Day, MS 80% and so on, but with how a few things are at the moment, flex days may be needed here and there.
I see.. Cheers mate! Good luck with new block.
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

Note: may only take 4-5 days for back off week due to the amount of days off I had during the last block from being a bit ill.

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

Note: last day of deload. Considering bringing FSQ back and alternating single leg work with it each block, will see. Very keen/charged to start training again.

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


75kg 2x5
70kg 1x5

27kg 3x5

Ring Rollouts

Ramp Rollouts
3rd notch 3x5

12kg 3x5

Note: Knee felt great with the FSQ, however, even with the unilateral work, it seems that strength with squats has dropped which was a bit surprising, I recalculated my T max after my second set, it’ll be lighter across the board, which is fine, I’d rather go slightly lighter than ego lift heavier. Started earlier than planned due to my 9mo that wanted to party at 0330 lol. All things going well, Apex will be on the cards tomorrow.

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Apex Hills

Hill Sprint
10 T Handle Swings 35kg
Jog back down

32-34 seconds across

Note: Started a little further down the hill than usual, legs felt great the whole way, I’m actually really surprised since I haven’t done any real running intervals in a good while. The Airbike among other things has been a bit of a mainstay for conditioning. I capped it at 10 rounds just in case of a slow recovery. Otherwise, felt great to run outside again, albeit in the darker morning hours.

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »



Just over an hour

Note: a little flat rail practice, good fun little session

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


Rest Day

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


70kg 3x5

27kg 4x5

Hamstring Slider Device
60kg 1x5
50kg 3x5

12kg 3x5

Fat Grip DB Farmers Carry
25kg DBs 3 sets

Note: Had to drop the slider weight as for some reason as I went to do the movement my body would slide on the ground, for whatever reason the flooring was slippery, was a bit weird, I put a grippier mat down to counter it. Squat groove came back strong in the last set today which was nice, everything else felt fine, it’s actually feeling really good to squat again.

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Workout Log

Post by Adski »


BOO II Airbike Variation

10 Burpees
60 Cal Airbike
5 Burpees
30 Cal Airbike

Rest 3 mins

Complete x3


Note: good bit of huff and puff to start the day

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