Boon’s Training Notebook

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Re: Boon’s Training Notebook

Post by godjira1 »

=W37/2021 = 6 SEP start. STR=
MON: STR + E lite
0900: STR <50min>
BP 5x80, 90, 90. 10x80kg.
WPU +6kg 5xEMOM 32322
PU 5xEMOM 53333
Core work
1 x 4min Tabata Style BW Side to Side Sumo Squats
1800: E lite. <40min>
RV PCN. 5k jog 6:21min/k, 136ahr.
ALCOHOL: 2 units
Remarks: Pullups I went less reps today as my callus wasn’t 100% healed.

TUE: STR + E lite
0900: STR <40min>
SQ 2x125kg. Intensity deload.
OHP 3x45, 50, 57.5, 57.5, 50kg.
BW Lunges 50/50
1 min max bent row +30kg (30)
SL Deadlift BW 30/30
1.5 min boat pose
1700: E <20min>
UP PCN. 5x200m ~40sec per repeat (1min rest).
ALCOHOL: 1 unit
Remarks: OK I need to learn - BB back squats and BB OHP cause my left shoulder to ache, not in a good way. I am going to switch to Zerchers & KB Press since we are due for a new block anyway.

1700: BJJ <1h>
Some chill rolls and reverse X techniques.
ALCOHOL: 6 units!

0900: STR <1h>
BP 3x80, 87.5, 95, 95. 5x87.5kg.
TBDL 7x115, 135, 145, 145kg.
KBP 1x1/2/3/4/5 ladder 24kg
Core work
1700: E <40min>
33min jog 6:14min/k, 137ahr.
ALCOHOL: 6 units


SAT: Yoga + STR
1000: Yoga <1h>
1300: STR <20min>
ZSq 5x5 80kg

1800: E <45min>
7x10sec sprints, lots of rest and jogging around it. Great training session.

~7h of training
~ 13 units of alcohol, a bit much this week due to some gatherings.
Proving to be difficult to book BJJ sessions due to limits on number of pax per session. Next week looks like a single bjj session as well at this point.
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Re: Boon’s Training Notebook

Post by godjira1 »

=w38/13 sep start, str=
MON: STR + E lite
0900: STR <45m>
BP 1x105kg
WPU +6kg 5xEMOM 44333
PU 5xEMOM 55544
Core work
2 x 4min Tabata Style Finisher with BW lower body ex.
1700: E lite <45m>
E: 2x2.4km z2 jog, 7min rest. R1: 6:04min/k, 141ahr. R2: 6:01min/k, 142ahr.

TUE: STR + E lite
0900: STR <30min>
1KBP 1x1/2/3/4/5, 1x2/3/5 24kg.
Landmine row +30kg 1x30
SL DL BW 1x30/30
1x4min Tabata Finisher BW lower body
1700: E <30min>
C-Stadium. 5x200m ~40sec per repeat (1min rest).
Alcohol: 5units

1700: BJJ <1h>
Somehow it was 8min rounds from standup all the way, no guard pulling. I’m trashed.

0900: STR <40min>
BP 7x65, 75, 75, 85, 5x85kg
TBDL 5x115, 5/3/2x155kg
Core work. 3min plank.
1700: E <45min>
2x7min threshold runs with 2 min slow recovery jog in between. 4:46min/k and 4:54min/k respectively. Sandwiched with 10min warmup/cooldown jogs.
Remarks: Did not feel strong today for STR session, prob under-recovered from BJJ yesterday. Dropped volume a little. Felt pretty crap during the E session too. Need a light/rest day.
Alcohol: 8 units

1800: E lite <30min>
4k walk/jog z1 7:17m/k, 128ahr. Felt good.

1200: BJJ <1.5h>
Lots of hard rolling. Overall I was happy with my form today but some stuff to work on while passing guard.
1700: STR <15min>
SQ 1x10, 8x5 72.5kg


~Trg hours: ~7h
~Alcohol: 13 units. Still too much.

I seem to have settled into something that works in terms of eliciting improvements and yet not take away my energy from life.
2 STR sessions done 5/3/1 style, hitting a press, sq, hinge, pullup. Because I am hitting each lift only once a week, I can crank up the volume.
1 ACC session fluff and buff, BW + Kettlebells (optional, usually if I can’t get in 2 BJJ)
2 E sessions, nothing too heavy.
2 BJJ sessions (seems to be 1 that I can book reliably, the other 1 is a crap shoot)
1 Yoga session
So about 7 training sessions into 5 days seems to be sweet spot.

Also, I have been evaluating my stats and I feel that I am generally reached my strength goals but a bit off my endurance ones. I will run out the current strength cycles until I plateau then I will work hard at getting to the E stds I want.
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Re: Boon’s Training Notebook

Post by godjira1 »

=w39/20 sep start, str=
MON: STR + E lite
0900: STR <45min>
BP 5x70, 80, 80, 92.5. 3x95kg.
PU 1x10/12
Core work
2 x 4min Tabata Style Finisher with BW lower body ex.
1700: E <1h>
E: Q Stadium. 10k z2 run. 6:03min/k 142 ahr.
Remarks: Weights felt heavy today, prob due for a reset soon. Endurance session felt pretty good though.

TUE: STR + E lite
0900: STR <30min>
1KBP 1x1/2/3/4/5, 1x3/4/5 24kg.
Landmine row +30kg 1x32
SL DL BW 1x30/30
1x4min Tabata Finisher BW lower body
1700: E <30min>
C-Stadium. 4x250m ~51sec per repeat (1.5 min rest).

1730: E <1h>
LT test (162 bpm, 5:19k/min pace) & recovery jog around 30min. Improved by 9sec/min vs my last LT test in Jun21.
GTG: ~25 pullups total.
Remarks: Failed to book BJJ today. O well.

GTG: ~23 pullups total.
Alcohol: 8 units. Ouch. Too old for this.

0900: STR <45min>
BP 3x75,85,97.5, 5x80/85kg.
TBDL 3x115, 155, 162.5, 162.5kg.
Core work. 3:15 plank.
45min z1 recovery jog 7:27min/k 127ahr.

1000: Yoga <1h>
1200: E <2h>
10k ruck 10kg 10:26min/k pace. Took a 10min break in the middle. Been awhile, felt much harder than I expected.
GTG: ~31 pullups total
Alcohol: 2 units

60min z1 recovery jog 6:45min/k 126ahr (it's a lot easier when you are not hungover)

~Trg hours: approx 8h
~Alcohol: 10 units
~GTG: 101 pullups this week

Quick thoughts about LT pace/hr. In JUL21 I ran a 5k at 4:54min/k @167ahr. My threshold HR/pace test in JUN21 was 5:28min/k @162ahr. Now that I shaved 9sec/k off my LT pace I wonder if my 5k will move up by the same? Less? How much less? Purely academic as I have no inclination to go max out on a 5k anytime soon (I think).

In other news, no BJJ for a month as we go into lockdown again. FML.
It ain't what you don’t know that gets you into trouble.
It's what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

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Re: Boon’s Training Notebook

Post by TBPenguin »

You deserve credit for calling this a "notebook" instead of the redundant "log." Also you deserve credit for recording the units of alcohol. Sorry to learn about the lockdown.

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Re: Boon’s Training Notebook

Post by godjira1 »

TBPenguin wrote: Wed Sep 29, 2021 3:37 pm You deserve credit for calling this a "notebook" instead of the redundant "log." Also you deserve credit for recording the units of alcohol. Sorry to learn about the lockdown.
thanks for the kudos. for the alcohol - it is the one vice that I still allow myself but also cognisant that my average intake has definitely gone up in the last 2 years, and I want to make sure I am getting what I pay for (ie I enjoy the odd drink, but not so much that if it cocks up my sleep and training effect too much).

as for the lockdown, it is more like a semi lockdown, the gyms are kinda still open but with crazy restrictions so it is going to be 50/50 if i can get in any bjj at all. thank goodness for the home gym in times like this!
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It's what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

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Re: Boon’s Training Notebook

Post by godjira1 »

=w40/27 sep start, E=
0900: STR <45min>
SQ 1x8, 8x4 85kg
Parallette Pushups 12x10
RDL 5x10 40kg
Core Work
Remarks: Very light weights on RDL to start. I remember I did 5x8 70kg and it gave me DOMS for days.

0900: STR <20min>
Inc Row 5x12
Pullups 5x8
1700: E <20min>
2k warmup. 10x400m 1:54 (4:46min/k pace), 1min rest. Managed only 2 repeats of 400m before session got rained out. Oh well!
Remarks: Experiencing pretty serious DOMS in pecs/triceps from the 12 sets of 10 parallette pushups. Yeah, what the heck right? Bench press just trains a lower ROM so I clearly had muscles that were lagging way way behind.

1200: E <1h>
15min of Threshold running at 5:17min/k pace. 25min total warmup/cooldown at z1-2.
1730: BJJ <1h>
Only 1 partner due to COVID rules. Did many rounds of specific and then a couple rolls. As fun as it gets under the circumstances.
Alcohol: ~4 units

THU: STR (easy day)
0900: STR <45min>
SQ 85kg 1x8, 2x4
1KBP 1x1/2/3/4/5 28kg
RDL 5x10 45kg
Core Work
1700: E lite <45min>
Q-Stadium. 6k z2 run. 6:02min/k 136ahr. Was a good performance. Weather was nice and cool which definitely helped.

FRI: STR + E VLite (easy day)
0900: STR easy <20min>
Inc Row 5x8
Pullups 5x5
1700: E VLite <30min>
30min Elliptical
Alcohol: ~1 unit

1000: Yoga <1h>
1700: E <1h 20 min>
13km Run Walk z2 max 6:05min/k pace. I did this by running 1k, walking until my HR recovered to z1 and then running again. Surprisingly it is virtually the same time and average HR as running it all the way and it feels much easier doing it this way.

Alcohol: ~2 units

Training hours: ~8h
Alcohol: ~7 units

Good week of training. BJJ will be hit/miss for a month due to social distancing measures. I will take what I can get.
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Re: Boon’s Training Notebook

Post by godjira1 »

=2021: w41/4 OCT start, Mixed=

0900: STR <50min>
SQ 1x6, 8x3 97.5kg
Parallette Pushups 10x12
RDL 5x10 50kg
Core Work
1800: BJJ <1h>
Remarks: Trying the “Monk Fast”. My last food intake was Sunday 2200hrs so break fast at 1000 on Tues

0900: STR <15min>
Pullups 6x8
1700: E <35min>
1.6km warmup/cooldown. 8x100m stride, 100m recovery. About 20s per stride.
Remarks: Felt ok when I woke up despite the lack of food since Sun night. In fact, I felt pretty good. I might give this 36h fast another go this week.

1800: BJJ <45min>
Mix of hard and chill rolls.

THU: STR + E (easy)
0900: STR <50min>
SQ 2x6 97.5kg
1KBP 1x1/2/3/4/5 28kg
RDL 5x10 55kg
Core Work
1830: E
10k total - 8.8k at Half Marathon pace (2:16/400m) including walk breaks then 1.2k fast finish. 55:25, 151ahr.

FRI: STR (easy day)
0900: STR easy <15min>
Pullups 6x5
Alcohol: ~6units

1000: Yoga
2000: E
90min Run Walk z1 max. 6:58/km and 129bpm AHR. It was just ridiculously hot today.
Alcohol: ~3units.


Training hours: ~8h
EtOH: ~9 units

SUMMARY: Good week of training overall except neck is sore from wed’s bjj. Was trying to defend against a nasty brabo choke and tweaked something. Will take a few days off mats.
It ain't what you don’t know that gets you into trouble.
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Re: Boon’s Training Notebook

Post by godjira1 »

=w42/11 OCT start, E=

MON: STR + E lite
0900: STR <1h>
BP 5x7 70kg
Bulgarian SQ BW 5x10/10; Sumo Sq KB 36kg 5x12;
RDL 5x10 60kg; Box Jumps
Core Work
1800: E lite <50min>
45 min (did 48.5m) z1-2 run 6:04/k 134ahr.
Remarks: Today’s run was a sub for BJJ. Neck is still twingy so another day off mats.

0900: STR <10min>
Pullups 5x8. I backed off 1 set from usual as the insides of my elbow are sore. Not sure why, it’s not like I am doing any serious volume pull-ups. I guess I need to be smart about this.
1700: E <45min>
FR 5x200m, tgt 43-47s per rep, 200m recovery (39s, 44s, 42s, 40s, 41s) 15m warmup/cooldown.

WED: E lite + BJJ
1200: E lite <30min>
30min z1 jog on treadmill
1900: BJJ <1h>
Some inversion guard recoveries/attacks. 3 hard rolls.

THU: STR (easy) + E
0900: STR Easy <45min>
BP 1x5 80kg
FS 5s@60, 65, 70kg
RDL 5x10 65kg
1830: E <1h>
10k z2 run. 5:59/k pace, 141ahr.

EtOH: ~4 units

1000: Yoga <1h>
2000: E <1h 45min>
17k run walk z2. 6:04/k, 141ahr.


Training hours: 8h 40m (168 Relative Effort Strava)
EtOH: 4 units

SUMMARY: Good week of training, also a bit of a running peaking program as I aim to break my half marathon PB in 6 weeks. Garmin calculation of VO2max finally reached 50 after dropping to 44 post ankle injury earlier this year. Neck is 99% recovered.
It ain't what you don’t know that gets you into trouble.
It's what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

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Re: Boon’s Training Notebook

Post by godjira1 »

=w43/18 OCT start, E=

0900: STR <50min>
FS 5x5 70kg
BP 5x4 72.5kg
RDL 5x10 70kg
1230: BJJ <45min>
Chill rolls today.
Food: Fasting Day

1700: E <1h>
10k HM target pace. 5:22/km, 159ahr. Tough effort. Every bpm seems to translate to 2s/km for me.

WED: STR + E lite
0900: STR UPPER <30min>
1200: BP 5x3 77.5kg
Pullups 4x8, 2x6
1700: E lite <40min>
6km z2 run. 6:27/km, 135ahr.
Food: Fasting Day

1000: STR HINGE <30min>
TBDL 2x5 145kg
Core Work
EtOH: ~5units

2000: E <1h 15min>
12k z2 run walk. 6:25/km, 136ahr.

1000: Yoga <1h>
1315: BJJ <1h>
NoGi today.
Food: OMAD

Food: OMAD

Total Training Hrs: 7h 20m
Total EtOH: 5 units
Total Fasting Hrs: 1x40h, 1x36h, 2x24h.

SUMMARY: Read the book The Cancer Code by Dr Jason Fung and going to give this therapeutic fasting thing a go. Seems fine in terms of training around it so far.
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Re: Boon’s Training Notebook

Post by godjira1 »

=w44/24 OCT start, E=

0900: STR <45min>
FS 2x5/3/1 62.5, 70, 80kg
BP 2x5 52.5, 62.5, 70kg
RDL 4x10 75kg
1200: E lite <45min>
6k z1 jog walk. 6:46/km, 127ahr.
1815: BJJ <45min>
Some easy rolls
Food: Fasting Day

1700: E <45min>
8k Z3 run (HM pace). 5:21/km, 153bpm ahr.
EtOH: 1 unit

0900: STR UPPER <30min>
1200: BP 6x62.5, 70, 80kg, 5x82.5kg.
Pullups total 50 in 10:41
Remarks: Slept v poorly last night as I overdosed on cheese/milk post dinner. Decided to skip BJJ today and take it easy.

1000: STR HINGE <30min>
TBDL 2x5 155kg
Core Work
1815: BJJ <45min>
DLR work with a few hard rolls.
Food: OMAD

1900: E
21.1k z2 run walk. 6:16/km, 136bpm ahr.
EtOH: 2 units

1000: Yoga <1h>
EtOH: 3 units


Training hours: 7h 50m (215 RE on strava)
EtOH: 6 units
Fasting: 1x36h, 1x23h

SUMMARY: Good week of training. Next week is a general deload so hopefully will come back guns blazing after.
It ain't what you don’t know that gets you into trouble.
It's what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

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