Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


Bjj Midday No Gi

Rolling rounds
2x5 min rounds mostly from standing before popping my rib.


Strength session to test the ribs
5 min assault bike warmup

1 Arm KB press 20 kg x6 es
1 Arm Dumbbell row x20 es
20 min treadmill run
10 min sauna

I injured my ribs at BJJ so I will be out for a couple weeks. I had no issues running so I guess it's back to basebuilding. Basically I will just do LSS and Yoga for the next couple weeks and study tape. I will be taking my time for this one as it's my 3-4th time.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


Strength work and swim

3 min Echo bike warm up

Dips BW 4x8
Dumbell benchpress 10 kgx10 ,15kgx10
1 Arm Dumbell benchpress 20 kg x5 es

10,15,25 kg x5 es

Couch stretch and hip stretch

Swimming 800m
Freestyle 50m swim, 1 min rest x5 (250m total)
Breast stroke 100m swim x6, 1x50m (550m total)

15 min spa and sauna

I am still testing my rib out to see what movements it can take. No issues at work which is the main thing. I think I will end up returning to some unilateral work just to allow things to stabilize whilst I let it recover. I don't want to risk any heavy lifting reinjuring it and keeping me off the mats. I have no issues breathing etc, but can sometimes feel it when lifting and moving. No serious pain though which is great.

I will probably do fighter with some higher volume unilateral strength stuff and higher rep finishers. Throw in plenty of stretching, swimming and LSS work and I think I will be back to full strength by next year.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


Strength Work and Swim

Bulgarian squat
Worked up to 1x 80kg es (40kg Dumbells)

Pullups BW 8,6

Freestyle 50m x4 1 min rest between laps
Breaststroke 500m 15.27

10 min sauna

I just had a bit of a play to see how my rib tolerated heavy Bulgarians and ended up working my way up to a single BW (80kg) rep on each side.
I will probably use these as my squat movement going forward as I wait for my rib to heal.

I decided to test my breast stroke 500m to see if I can meet some swim times just cruising along in the pool. I would like to continue to swim 1,2x a week to build up the proficiency. I think I will aim for 1-2 runs and 1-2 swims a week on top of Fighter for the foreseeable future. I have some time off over xmas and should be able to build up the training volume as I return to BJJ.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


TB Op I/A Week 1 Day 1
Strength+ HIC

Warmup 2 rounds
Cossack squatx5, Pushups x10, SLDL x5 es

Bulgarian Squat x5 es 2x20kg DB (40kg total)
1 Arm DB Bench Press 20kg x5
Single leg Deadlift DB 20kg x5
x 3 rounds,1-2 min rest between sets

Plank 60 secs,30 sec rest x 3 rouunds

HIC Swim 500m
5x50m freestyle with 1 min rest between laps
2x 100m breaststroke with 1 min rest between laps
1x50m freestyle

10 min Spa

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

TB Op I/A Week 1 Day 2
Strength+ HIC

Warmup 2 rounds
Cossack squatx5, Pushups x10

Bulgarian Squat x5 es 2x20kg DB (40kg total)
1 Arm DB Bench Press 20kg x5
Single leg Deadlift DB 20kg x5
x 3 rounds,1-2 min rest between sets

Plank 60 secs,30 sec rest x 3 rounds
GHD ham raises 2x10

HIC Swim
50 m Freestyle warmup
6x50m freestyle with 30sec rest between laps
500m Breaststroke 14:50 min

10 min sauna

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

TB Op I/A Week 2 Day 1

Warmup 2 rounds
Bulgarian Squatx5, Pushups x10
SLDL x5 es, Cossack Squat x5es

Bulgarian Squat x5 es 25kg DB (50kg total)
1 Arm DB Bench Press 25kg x5
Single leg Deadlift DB 25kg x5
x 3 rounds,1-2 min rest between sets

Plank 90 secs,30 sec rest x 3 rounds

Easy Swim
100 m Breaststroke
2x50m freestyle with 60sec rest
100m Breaststroke
2x50m freestyle
100m Breaststroke

10 min sauna

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


Run and Swim

Easy 2.4km run 19:31
Avg pace 8:08 per km
Avg HR 147 bpm

Swim 700m 27:59 min
50m Freestyle x2, 30 secs rest between
50m breaststroke x2, 30 secs rest between
1 min rest
50m freestyle x2,30 secs rest
50m breast stroke x2,30 sec rest

30 min cooldown walk

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

TB Op I/A Week 2 Day 2

Warmup 2 rounds
Bulgarian Squatx5, Pushups x10
SLDL x5 es,

Bulgarian Squat x5 es 25kg DB (50kg total)
1 Arm DB Bench Press 25kg x5
Single leg Deadlift DB 25kg x5
x 3 rounds,1-2 min rest between sets

Plank 90 secs,30 sec rest x 3 rounds

BW Pullups 3x5

Stretch entire body

Two more strength sessions to go then looking forward to mixing things up. I have been going through and working out goals for next year. I am looking at returning to the program Grouchy put together for me as it ticks the boxes for everything I need to achieve next year.

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

TB Op I/A Week 3 Day 1

Warmup 2 rounds
Cossack squatsx5, Pushups x10,SLDL x5 es,

Bulgarian Squat x3 es 30kg DB (60kg total)
1 Arm DB Bench Press 30kg x5
Single leg Deadlift DB 30kg x5
x 3 rounds,1-2 min rest between sets

BW Pullup 8,7
Plank 120 secs,30 sec rest x 2 rounds

Foam roll upper and lower back, Couch stretch

Evening Ice bath

Posts: 1977
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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »


BW 83kg (Clothed, no shoes)
TB OP I/A Cycle 1
Strength Session Week 1 Day 1

3 min Easy assault bike
2 rounds
5x 16 kg Prying Goblets Squats, 10 Pushups, Hip Flexor stretch, Foam roll


Back Squat 4x5 80kg
OHP 40kg 5x5
Pullup BW 6x7
(Circuit format, 2-3 mins rest between rounds)

1 round
Shoulder Complex 3kg

Kneeling Ab Wheel Rollouts 2x10

Greatest Stretch ever 30/30/30/30
Pigeon Stretch 30 sec es
Lower back stretch 30 sec es

This was my first training session of the year. I was feeling great so I pushed the volume including actually doing more than 3 sets on the back squat. I had a slight lower back tweak on the second set by not staying tight and I can feel some pain now. Stretching and some light cardio tomorrow will fix it in time for BJJ on Tuesday.

I will put some goals for the year to keep myself accountable. The plan is to keep my strength work consistent as usual and not impact BJJ too much whilst hitting some conditioning goals and a couple fun events through the year. I will basically work on general conditioning for the first couple months to set me up for some specific work towards the end of the year.

83 kg is the heaviest I have ever been. I think the daily habit of 2-3 drinks whilst not doing BJJ or LSS has caught up with me.

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