Lyon's Log

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

SBS RTF Cycle #1 W13 D4

Push Press 4x2 1x7 120lbs
Zercher SQ 4x4 1x7 155lbs
Barbell rows 3x8 1x10 120lbs
Chinups 3x10

Today marks the last day of my 14-week SBS RTF cycle. The plan is to get some rough maxes on 2/26-3/1-3/3 and then take a 2-day break and start a more hypertrophy-focused plan on the 6th of march.
The plan in Question is the SBS Hypertrophy Template; it's quite similar to the RTF plan in structure the main difference is the volume is gonna be higher as you would imagine. For example instead of the main work being of 4x5 with an amrap target of 10 @ 70%, it is gonna be 3x10 with an amrap target of 12 @ 70%.
The rationale for doing this is developmentally I am lacking muscle mass, my work capacity could be a lot better, and right now I have 8 weeks left until work starts which just so happens to be the length of the first Block that is particularly high volume.
Overall the SBS RTF Strength program was good fun I liked having lots of sets far from failure and I felt I was able to dial in my technique well which should serve me moving into a higher fatigue style of training.
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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

TB Black Cycle #1 W11 D1

LSS Nordic Ski 70M
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

Max out day
Average body weight over the past 7 days: 168.1lbs
AM Session.
Conventional Deadlift: 355lbs.
This moved very slow but I was able to maintain positioning which I have often had trouble with.
I attempted 365lbs but I couldn't break it off the floor.
Paused Close Grip Bench Press: 195lbs
I attempted 200lbs but I wasn't able to move it further than 5 inches off my chest.
PM Session.
Zercher SQ: 245lbs
This moved very slow and I didn't attempt a higher weight than this.
Push Press: 165lbs
I attempted 167.5lbs but I could get it past the midpoint.
Strict Standing OHP: 115lbs

overall I am quite impressed with the progress I have made in 14 weeks
I added 25lbs to my deadlift.
60lbs to my squat(although looking back I might have undershot my initial max potentially)
20lbs to my CGBP
30 pounds to my push press.
and Finally 15lbs to my OHP
Rudimentary plans right now are to run the full SBS Hypertrophy Plan (21 weeks) at least once probably twice and then return to this again
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

TB Black Cycle #1 W11 D2
Hill Sprints(Indoor)
Air bike Sprint - 30 Sec
Rest - 1.5min
60M Nordic Ski
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

final max-out day.
High Bar SQ: 1x1 245lbs. I would say this is within 10 lbs of being my max.
Incline Bench: 1x1 175lbs.
3 Count Pause Bench: 1x1 175lbs
1" deficit Romanian deadlift. 1x8 185lbs
my estimated max is 230 and I am taking 10% off that to be conservative.
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

TB Black Pro Cycle #1 W11 D3

Indoor Hill Sprints
Air Bike Sprints - 30 Sec
Rest 1.5M
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

SBS Hypertrophy Cycle #1 W1 D1

Zercher SQ 3x10 1x12 160lbs
1.5" Deficit Romanian DL 3x12 1x15 135lbs
Pause BP 3x12 1x17 115lbs
neutral Chinups 4x6 W/ 5lbs added weight
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

SBS Hypertrophy Cycle #1 W1 D2

CGBP 3x10 1x13 135lbs
Standing Pin Press 3x12 1x16 60lbs
High bar SQ 3x12 1x15 145lbs
Barbell Rows Wider 3x10 1x12 115lbs
Lateral raises myorep Style 14,10,9,9,7,7 10lbs plates
Barbell curls myorep Style 13,9,6,6,5,5 55lbs
TB PWR Shrugs 2x8 1x12 185lbs
The plan for progressing the myoreps movements is to increase the weight once I can get 50 reps across 6 sets and then start over.
for TB pwr shrugs I am following a step loading method in which I will increase the sets from 3 to 5 and reps from 8 to 12. The last set will always be to 2-0RIR.
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

TB Black Cycle #1 W12 D1
Hill Sprints(indoor)
Airbike Sprint - 30 Seconds
Rest - 1.5 minutes
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

SBS Hypertrophy Cycle #1 W1 D3

Deadlift 3x10 1x12 250lbs
High Bar SQ 3x12 1x15 145lbs
Incline BP 3x12 1x15 115lbs
Barbell rows narrow 3x10 1x14 115lbs
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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