Stefano’s Log

Posts: 1490
Joined: Sat May 19, 2018 7:33 am

Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Session 3@75%

BSQ 5x5 120kg
BP 6x5 75kg
WPU 6x5 14kg (Bw 91,4kg)
RDL 2x5 128kg
+ Curl 4x12 29kg
+ Weighted Plank 6x30s. 20kg

Posts: 1490
Joined: Sat May 19, 2018 7:33 am

Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

4x8min Rowing Intervals:
- 7154m
- 2:14.1/500m
- 15s/m
- 154bpm Avg Hr

Posts: 1490
Joined: Sat May 19, 2018 7:33 am

Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Session 1@75%

BSQ 3x5 120kg
BP 3x5 75kg
WPU 3x5 14kg (Bw 89,6kg)

After my MS Session:

10000m Row:
- 45:00.4min
- 2:15.0/500m
- 18s/m
- 169bpm Avg Hr

I got a bad cold/flu last week so I couldn’t train…today I was feeling better so I tought about resuming the 80% sessions I had in program before my llness: this was a really bad idea, I failed BP in the 1st sets…I understood my body need still to heal.

I restart the block from week 1 (75%) cutting all the accessories and doing minimum sets. I need also to cut some weight (I gained strength, muscles but also fat in the previous blocks), so I will experiment with doing more rowing (my priority right now), at least 5 times for week, in addition to my bare bones OP I/A Sessions.
Last edited by Stefano on Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 1490
Joined: Sat May 19, 2018 7:33 am

Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

5x750m Rowing Intervals:
- 14:52.2min
- 1:58.9/500m
- 30s/m
- 172bpm Avg Hr

Posts: 1490
Joined: Sat May 19, 2018 7:33 am

Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Session 2@75%

BSQ 3x5 120kg
BP 3x5 75kg
WPU 3x5 14kg (Bw 89,3kg)

After MS Session:

3x10min Rowing Intervals:
- 6721m
- 2:13.9/500m
- 19s/m
- 163bpm Avg Hr

Posts: 1490
Joined: Sat May 19, 2018 7:33 am

Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

8000m Row:
- 35:57.8min
- 2:14.8/500m
- 16s/m
- 160bpm Avg Hr

Posts: 1490
Joined: Sat May 19, 2018 7:33 am

Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Session 3@75%

BSQ 3x5 120kg
BP 3x5 75kg
RDL 3x5 128kg

After MS Session:

4x1500m Rowing Intervals:
- 26:08.3min
- 2:10.6/500m
- 19s/m
- 162bpm Avg Hr

Strength isn’t there yet…the weights felt still too heavy, I’ll repeat the 75% Sessions also next week.

Posts: 1490
Joined: Sat May 19, 2018 7:33 am

Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Fighter Block 1 Week 1@75%

BSQ 3x5 120kg
BP 3x5 75kg
WPU 3x5 14kg (Bw 89,7kg)

After my MS Session:

10500m Row:
- 47:18.6min
- 2:15.1/500m
- 18s/m
- 164bpm Avg Hr
Last edited by Stefano on Wed Apr 13, 2022 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 1490
Joined: Sat May 19, 2018 7:33 am

Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

5x1500m Rowing Intervals:
- 32:37.1min
- 2:10.4/500m
- 21s/m
- 160bpm Avg Hr

Posts: 1490
Joined: Sat May 19, 2018 7:33 am

Re: Stefano’s Log

Post by Stefano »

Training Update:

I fell so much in love with Rowing that I decided to join a Club and train with other Rowers. Now I have a Coach that outlined a plan for me and my teammates (on Erg and on Water) and I’m free to plan my lifting, because he doesn’t use weights for his athletes.

After some very useful tips I received in TB Reddit community I decided that Fighter Template with a Training Max is the right choice, considering all the Rowing I’m doing.

My weekly plan is now the following:

Monday - Long Distance (10 / 15k) + Fighter

Tuesday - Intervals (8x500 / 5x800 / 4x1000)

Wednesday - Medium Distance (6 / 8k / 30min)

Thursday - Long Recovery session (10 / 15k) + Fighter

Friday - Intervals (5x1500 / 3x2000)

Saturday - Easy Long Run with Teammates (12 / 15k)

Sunday - Rest

I count the Session 1 of Monday as my 1st of this new Fighter Block, for tomorrow Session I’ll definitely go with a 90% TM.


30min Rowing:
- 6683m
- 2:14.6/500m
- 18s/m
- 157bpm Avg Hr

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