Lyon's Log

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

TB Operator C1 W1 D3 70% week i guess :D
Highbar SQ 3x5 @ 160lbs
Weighted Chin BW W/ 5lbs added
CGBP 3x5 @ 125lbs
Deadlift 1x5 @ 230lbs
still been walking a lot at work.

I am signed up for a half marathon which is on May 20th of 2023
I have 38 weeks from today to prep for it and i have never run more than 5 miles at a time; walking yes running no.
The plan is to start capacity and Alex Bromley's bullmastiff program in the next 3 weeks; I should be able to manage both since i won't be working 50 hours a week anymore only 40.
After October 9th i am done working so i can dedicate more time to training.

The plan is to focus on putting on weight while running Bullmastiff and capacity for 12 weeks-ish, after that i will transition into velocity(likely going on maintenance) for 9-18 weeks while i only need to run 13.1 miles i do think it would be really cool to finish the 20-mile benchmark or 27 mile challenge.
the 27-mile challenge strikes me as really cool because Madeline island(the island the half marathon is on) has a 27.5-mile coast road that wraps around the whole island so that would be a cool place to do it

After velocity depending on how much time i have left until the half marathon i will likely use the no ruck peaking part of outcome outlined in gp.
in all honesty, this is probably overkill it's 13 miles on a fairly flat island but I think I need to pay my endurance dues since i have neglected it for a while besides what i do at work and i am very excited to start.
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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

TB Operator C1 W2 D1 80%

Highbar SQ 3x5 @ 185lbs it moved pretty slow but it moved.
Bench 3x5 @ 140lbs this moved nicely surprisingly.
Neutral Grip Chin 3x5 W/ 25lbs added. bw is sitting around 160-165 and it called for 190lbs.
the session felt good overall considering i had some soreness from yesterday.
Which is why i decided to go for a run.
TB Capacity W1D1
6.84-mile trail run on the CAMBA trail "tsuga daddy".
time was 1:04:35 W/ a 9:26/mi pace.
elevation gain of 840 ft
it wasn't easy by any stretch but I wasn't killing myself either I will likely still do capacity even though technically I have passed the benchmark.
Last edited by SeptentrionaliLyon on Wed Aug 31, 2022 11:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

Off day technically :D
I ended up hiking 15 miles throughout the day carrying materials for more than half of that.
My legs were pretty messed up from today and yesterday so after work I did Tabata front SQs.
Tabata Front SQs.
Work - 20 seconds 12-10-9-8-8-10
Rest - 10 seconds
x6 W/ 65 lbs
I feel a lot better now
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

off day; hiked 7 miles for work in the morning, after work I ran 1.5 miles w/ 1 mile @ 6:47/mi pace the rest being warmup/cooldown.
off day; i ended cutting trees for 3 hours after work
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

TB Capacity W1 D2

30-minute LSS run 3.45 miles covered average HR 150bpm
starting capacity this week and I am gonna finish up this 6 week block of operator; after that i might just continue with it or give Bullmastiff a go depending on how i am feeling
Last edited by SeptentrionaliLyon on Wed Aug 31, 2022 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

TB Operator W2 D2 80%

HighBar SQ 3x5 @ 185lbs
Weighted Neutral Chin 3x5 @ 190lbs(165lbs bw-25lbs added)
CGBP 3x5 @ 140lbs
DL 2x5 @ 265lbs
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

I ended up cutting slash for 5 hours today between 9:30-2:30
After 2:30
TB Operator W2 D3 80%
Highbar SQ 3x5 @ 185lbs
CGBP 3x5 @ 140lbs
Weighted Neutral Chin 3x5 @ 190lbs(165lbs bw-25lbs added)
After 3:30
TB Capacity W1 D3
32-minute LSS run 3.59 miles covered average HR 148BPM
Last edited by SeptentrionaliLyon on Wed Aug 31, 2022 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

TB Operator W3 D1 90%

Highbar SQ 3x3 @ 205lbs
CGBP 3x3 @ 160lbs
Weighted Neutral Chin 3x3 @ 210lbs(165lbs bw-45lbs added)
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

off day from work I ended up cutting brush for 6 hours after that i did 66 chinups in 7:30 minutes for no real reason other than i wanted to.
Last edited by SeptentrionaliLyon on Wed Aug 31, 2022 11:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

TB Operator W3 D2 90%

Highbar SQ 3x3 @ 205lbs
CGBP 3x3 @ 160lbs
Weighted Neutral Chin 3x3 @ 210lbs(165lbs bw-45lbs added)
Deadlift 1x3 @ 295lbs
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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