Lyon's Log

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

TB operator W5D2 85%

Highbar SQ 4x3 @ 195lbs
CGBP 3x3 @ 150lbs
DL 2x3 @ 280lbs
Weighted Neutral Chin 3x3 @ 200lbs(165lbs bw+35lbs added)
the week got away from me so i need to catch up on running :D
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

TB Capacity W5 D1

5.15 miles covered in 48.45 minutes. average pace 9.28min/mi average HR 149bpm
the trail was the long lake loop that i did 2.5 times
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

9/21/2022 TB Capacity W5 D2
3.51 miles covered in 37:34. AVG pace 10:43/mi. AVG HR 152bpm.
Total ascent of 825ft the trail was the st peters dome trail which is very rocky and technical.
TB operator W5D2 85%
Highbar SQ 4x3 @ 195lbs
CGBP 4x3 @ 150lbs
DL 2x3 @ 280lbs
Weighted Neutral Chin 3x3 @ 200lbs(165lbs bw+35lbs added)
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

TB Operator W6 D1 95%

Highbar SQ 3x1 @ 220lbs
CGBP 3x1 @ 165lbs
Weighted neutral Chinup 3x1 @ (165lbs bw+60lbs added)
Conventional Deadlift 2x1 1x2 @ 315lbs
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

TB Operator W6 D2 95%

Highbar SQ 3x1 @ 220lbs
CGBP 3x1 1x2 @ 165lbs
Weighted neutral Chinup 2x1 1x2 @ (165lbs bw+60lbs added)
TB Capacity W5 D3
4.34 miles covered in 42:19 minutes. Avg Pace 9:45min/mi Avg HR 137bpm
fairly flat road
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

TB Operator W6 D3

Highbar SQ 3x1 @ 220lbs
CGBP 3x1 1x2 @ 165lbs
Weighted neutral Chinup 2x1 1x2 @ (165lbs bw+60lbs added)
TB Capacity W6 D1
3.38 miles covered in 32.27 minutes. Avg pace 9:36min/mi. Avg HR 140bpm
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

SBS Hypertrophy W1 D1

Cambered M BP 3x10 1x12 @ 130lbs
Yates rows 1x12 @ 2RIR 1x10 @ 1RIR 145lbs
CGBP 1x12 @ 125lbs 2x12 @ 115lbs 1x10 @ 115lbs triceps were so full of blood i had a hard time extending my right elbow
Cambered W BP 2x12 1x10 1x12 110lbs
Weighted Neutral Chins 4x5 1x13 (165lbs BW-15lbs added)
work is officially over as of yesterday so now i have more time to train.
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

SBS Hypertrophy W1 D2

Con DL 4x5 1x15 @ 255lbs
SSB SQ 4x7 1x18 145lbs
Weighted Neutral Chins 3x10 1x11 (165lbs BW-15lbs added)
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

SBS Hypertrophy W1 D3

Cambered Pin Press M 3x10 1x13 80lbs
Weighted Neutral Chins 4x5 1x10 (165lbs BW-15lbs added)
Cambered M BP 3x12 1x12 120lbs
Incline Cambered N BP 3x12 1x10 110lbs
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

W1 D1 Velocity

5.03 miles covered in 48:11 minutes: Avg Pace 9:35 min/mi Avg HR 146bpm
the route was fairly flat. now i that i am done working and because i can pass the capacity benchmark i am gonna start velocity promptly
SBS Hypertrophy W1 D4

Highbar SQ 4x5 1x11 170lbs
SLDL 3x7 1x15 180lbs
Weighted Neutral Chins 3x10 1x11 (165lbs BW-15lbs added)
Volume on lower body movements is gonna fluctuate; on days i am feeling stiff and particularly tired i will likely cut it down to 3-4 sets as i am not really expecting to gain much strength in this period anyway.
upper body hypertrophy on the other hand i am looking to drive forward
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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