B71 return to TB

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Re: B71 return to TB

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Block 3 - GREEN PROTOCOL Foundation - Capacity: Wk 1, Day 4

Fr 7 Oct 22 ~0505 - 0555

Weight/Waist: 212.8#/97.6 cm


Leg Press (180) 10/15/15

Calf Raise (180) 15/7/20 \/ , /\, ||

U/H Flye (@10) 15/15/15

Pull/Chin (BW) 5P/4N/5C

Toe Raise 23/21/20

- this felt like a waste of a workout
- started late (ended up giving unsolicited career advice to one of the young staff) and never got in a groove

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Re: B71 return to TB

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Week 1 Thoughts

- This is not working for me. I was swayed by the argument that focusing on heavy compound lifts would develop strength overall. I do not think that it actually meshes with my goals. I haven't enjoyed my time in the gym and I'm not going to continue a program that requires me to start my days doing a workout I don't like.
- Strength is great, but I don't need to chase numbers. I need to feel good and move well. After the one squat session to test for 1 RM, I could feel my back/neck in a bad way. I haven't felt it since the last time I squatted. After the one front squat session, I could feel the chronic muscular pain in my right knee I've had come back. The big lifts aren't my friends anymore.
- I am willing to sacrifice optimal performance (i.e., strength) for health and longevity. Performance gains will come. Or they won't. It doesn't matter. No one gives a sh*t how much I bench.

- Next week, I'll be starting a plan that resembles a Green Protocol Continuation block, but it won't be exactly according to the book.
- I'll go back to my heavy, moderate, light days (10-12 reps, 13-15 reps, 18-21 reps) and I'm going to start playing with my running speeds in a similar way (fast, tempo, long & slow).

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Re: B71 return to TB

Post by B71 »

Block 3A - Need a Cool Name for this Program - Week 1, Day 1

A program in which I run intervals, fartlek and tempo runs and I lift using my Hi-Rep, Heavy and Hyper rep schemes.
The goals are health & longevity: lose weight and move better/well.
Specific performance improvements are secondary to primary health goals.
I will start with 6 days/week - 3 lifting days, 3 running/cardio days.
I will run outside as long as it is safe to do so.

M 10 Oct 22 0435-0526

Goblet Squat (45) 18/18/18
Arnold Press (15s) 18/18/16
Toe Raise 26/23/21

Incl. DB Squeeze Press (45s) 18/18/16
Bent Row (25s) 18/18/18 || , __ , /\
Step-Downs (5s) 18/16/15

Triple Curl (20s) 7/7/7, 6/6/6, 5/5/5
DB Step Calf Raise 12/19/19 /\ , \/, || (use 2x4 instead of step - not enough room on step to get balanced)
Abs 15 V-up, 6 Twist*, 40c Plank (*cramped immediately)

I don't know if it was a return to the familiar or the sense that I've realigned my workout to my 'true' goals, but this felt good.

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Re: B71 return to TB

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Block 3A - Week 1, Day 2

Tu 11 Oct 22 0450-0537


5:00 warmup on Assault Bike

20s fast/40s walk x 20

2.58 km

- Was definitely winded but I got through all 20.
- Checking the stats afterwards, I was surprised that my HR max and average were so low - I certainly didn't think I could have gone faster.

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Re: B71 return to TB

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Block 3A - Week 1, Day 3

W 12 Oct 22 0509-0601


Super Squat (180) 15 - stopped for knees

Leg Press (270) 8/9/10
Pull/N/Chin 5P/5N/5C/
Toe Raise 22/21/19

Incl. Smith Bench (135) 10/10/10 - wore elbow sleeves; not sure they helped.
Lean Delt DB Raise (10s) 15/15/15
Step-Downs (10s, off 3 plates) 18/20/20

Stand Calf Raise (@110) 20/20/20 /\ , \/, ||
Abs 15 V-up, 11! twist, 10 Ab roller

Felt good to lift and superset again. I like the whole body split.
Left elbow is giving me some static from Monday, I think. I may have to get away from bench presses.

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Re: B71 return to TB

Post by B71 »

Block 3A - Week 2, Day 1

M 17 Oct 22 0451-0557


Belt Squat (60/70/80) 12/12/10
Incline Cuban Press (10s/5s/5s) 8/10/10
Toe Raise 23/21/23
Isom. Tri Pressdown 30s/30s/30s

DB RDL (40s/30s/30s) 8/10/9
U/H Flye (20s) 12/10/11
Stiff leg DL (20s) 12/12/10
Step Down (20s) 12/13/9

Abs (V-up) 15
Seated incl DB curl (20s) 10

- was sick with a cold last week. Still getting over it. I'll try to run tomorrow.
- elbows did not like bench press at all. I am adding in some triceps tendinopathy re-hab stuff.
- abs started cramping immediately starting second set - ended the workout there.

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Re: B71 return to TB

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Block 3A - Week 2, Day 2

Tu 18 Oct 22 0450-0540


40:35 with 24 lbs weight vest

- still have a bit of a stuffy nose. Thought better of trying to run with it.

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Re: B71 return to TB

Post by B71 »

Block 3A - Week 2, Day 3

W 19 Oct 22 0443-0536


Rev Lunge (BW) 18/19/18 per side
Arnold Press (10s) 21/21/21
Toe Raise 23/22/20
Scap Pushup 6/7/10

1-L RDL (BW) 11/11/9 per side
U/H DB Bench (20s) 21/21/21
DB Bent Row (20s) 17/19/18 || , _ _ , /\
DB Calf Raise (20s) 26/26/25 /\ , \/ , ||

Abs (V-up/Twist/Hand walk) 15/16/6
Triple Curl (15s) 7/7/7, 7/7/7 , 7/7/3

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Re: B71 return to TB

Post by B71 »

Block 3A - Week 2, Day 4

F 21 Oct 22 0510-0553


Leg Press (270) 10/10/10
OHP 10 O-bar / 10 (65) / 10 (75)
Toe Raise 24/22/21

Pec Deck 10 @100/10@115/10@130
Pull/Chin (BW) 5 P / 6 N / 5 C

DB Calf Raise (@110) 24/21/21 /\ , \/ , ||
Preacher Curl 10@80/8@95/8@95
Abs (V-up/Twist/Ab roller) 16/19/9

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Re: B71 return to TB

Post by B71 »

Block 3A - Week 2, Day 5

Sa 22 Oct 22 0608-0656


4:00 easy
4:00 hard
4:00 easy
4:00 hard
4:00 easy
2:00 hard
2:00 walk

- not an auspicious start. I was 'supposed' to do 4 sets but decided to do 3. And then my watch alarm told me I was done after 2, which played with my mind. I only ran 'hard' for 2 minutes at the end.

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