Lyon's Log

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

TB Velocity W5D1

6.07 miles in 1:03:05 hours.
Avg Pace: 10:24min/mi.
Avg HR: 146bpm
conditions were snow-covered fire roads.
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

SBS Hypertrophy W5D3

Standing Pin Press 3x8 1x11 85lbs
Weighted Chins 4x4 1x7(165lbs+35lbs)
Cambered M BP 3x10 1x14 125lbs
Barbell Rows 10-10-10 155lbs
Cambered N incline BP 3x10 1x14 115lbs
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

TB Velocity W5D2

1-mile warmup 3 miles @ TPO pace 0.5mile cool down.
3 miles @ 7:30min/mi pace. Avg HR:160bpm
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

SBS Hypertrophy W5D4

Highbar SQ 4x4 1x10 195lbs
SLDL 3x6 1x14 215lbs
Weighted Chins 3x8 1x10(165lbs+20lbs)
TB Velocity W5D3
4 miles in 37:12minutes
Avg Pace:9:17min/mi
Avg HR: 142bpm
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

TB Velocity W5D4

11 miles in 1:47:06. Avg Pace: 9:44min/mi. Avg HR: 136bpm.
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

SBS Hypertrophy W6D1

Cambered M BP 3x7 1x10 145lbs
CGBP 3x9 1x13 125lbs
Weighted Chins 4x3 1x5(170lbs+35lbs)
Cambered W BP 3x9 1x12 120lbs
Barbell Rows 10-10-10 @ 155lbs
Upright Rows 16-14-12-11 80lbs
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

TB Velocity W6D1

LSS-8. 8 miles in 1:16:17.
Avg Pace: 9:32min/mi
Avg HR: 136bpm
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

11/23/2022 SBS Hypertrophy W6D2
Con DL 4x3 1x5 320lbs
SSB SQ 4x5 1x11 185lbs
Weighted Chin 3x7 1x8(170lbs+30lbs)
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

TB Velocity W6D2

CHR-39:49 minutes.
Avg Pace: 11:42min/mi| AvgHR:144bpm| Elapsed Time: 1:18:45| 3.4 miles uphill. 6.8 miles total| 1,332' ascent.
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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Re: Lyon's Log

Post by SeptentrionaliLyon »

SBS Hypertrophy W6D3

Standing Pin Press 3x7 1x12 85lbs
Weighted Chins 4x3 1x6(170lbs+40lbs)
Barbell Rows 155lbs 11-10-9
Cambered M BP 3x9 1x14 130lbs
Cambered N Incline BP 3x9 1x8 120lbs
Upright Rows 80lbs 18-14-9-9
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”Rust Cohle

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