B71 return to TB

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Re: B71 return to TB

Post by B71 »

Block 3A - Week 7, Day 5

Sa 26 Nov 22 ~0530-0620

213.2/97.5 cm


5 km - rural loop route.

- had to walk at about 4 km mark.
- was testing out new winter running kit and was way over-dressed. I was sweating and starting to worry about it.
- this is two runs in a row where I've been overthinking what I'm wearing to run. It's distracting and, I suspect, draining. I think I'm just going to have to go by feel.
- if it wasn't the fact that I was overthinking it, then my cardio fitness has plummeted in just a couple of weeks of neglect.

- I've been contemplating adding in a "ruck" (weight vest), just to burn a few calories.
- what I need to do is get on a meal plan that I can maintain

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Re: B71 return to TB

Post by B71 »

Block 3A - Week 8, Day 1

Mo 28 Nov 22 0431-0526


"HI-REP" - Garage gym


Goblet Squat (40/40/45) 21/21/21
Arnold Press (15s) 18/18/16
Toe Raise 24/21/21

U/H DB Bench (40s) 18/18/17
DB Bent Row (40s) 17 -- / 16 || / 14 /\
DB RDL (20/20/10) 17/14/16

Triple Curl (17.5s) 7/7/7 , 7/7/7 , 7/x/7/7* (*Swapped fwd-leaning curls for hammer curls)
DB Calf Raise (30s off 2x4) 25 /\ 27 \/ 23 ||

- No more hammer curls.
Last edited by B71 on Tue Nov 29, 2022 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: B71 return to TB

Post by B71 »

Block 3A - Week 8, Day 2

Tu 29 Nov 22 0455-0540

211.8/97.4 cm


40 min Assault Bike

10.1 mi / 175 Cal / 120 W / 16.5 mph / 43 RPM

- After this weekend's not-very-good running performance, and after listening to parts of "80/20 Running" and "Younger Next Year", I thought going with a SLOW session would be worthwhile.
- "80/20 Running" tells me that the moderate-to-high running pace is only hurting my long-term performance, while "YNY" tells me that the slow and easy Phase 2 effort over a longer period will "signal" my body to "build", instead of "decay". Apparently, cytokine-6 is a "messenger" for the "decay" signal and cytokine-10 is the key messenger for the "build" signal.
- I'm actually impressed with myself that I was able to sit on the bike for 40 minutes. I've tried a LSS session on it before and I tapped out early from boredom. Victory.

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Re: B71 return to TB

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Block 3A - Week 8, Day 3

Tu 30 Nov 22 0457-0546




Deadlift (185) 13/13/13
DB Lat Raise (17.5s) 14/14/13
Toe Raise 22/20/18

Pec Deck (@130) 15/15/12
Lat Pulldown (@130/@115/@115) 8 P / 13 C / 10 P
Isom Tri Press 30c/30c/30c

Seated Calf Press (25/) 15 /\ 16 \/ 17 ||
DB Curls (25s) 15/13/10

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Re: B71 return to TB

Post by B71 »

Block 3A - Week 8, Day 4

Th 1 Dec 22 ~0500-0550

213.0/97.8 cm


Zone 2 jog

4.68 km / 37:53 / Avg HR 134 bpm

- I've been listening to "80/20 Running" by Matt Fitzgerald and "Younger Next Year" by Henry Lodge and Chris Crowley and I am thinking I should try Zone 2 training. Come to think of it, TB suggests that Base Building involves "easy" and "comfortable" cardio, which would seem to fall into Zone 2.
- Training in Zone 2 is supposed to offer a host of benefits. It's supposed to increase the amount and efficiency of mitochondria (which will improve your cells' ability to produce ATP), improve performance, send the "build" signal to the cells (vice the "decay" signal), improve work capacity, boost mood, et cetera.
- I thought I'd been doing proper low-intensity cardio training but my last couple of cardio days sucked, which made me think that I wasn't getting the improved performance benefits that I'm after.
- Today, I tried to keep my HR under 140. I figured between 120-140 bpm was sufficient. I used my old HR monitor and I checked it every so often.
- To keep my HR in the appropriate range, I jogged very slowly and walked (uphill and into wind) to bring HR back into range. It felt pretty good. I got a little bored.
- I'm reading that I need to go for 45 minutes to trigger the optimal benefits for mitochondria. I'll have to bump up my time.
- I ran outdoors. It was 0c and windy (-6C with windchill). I wore a long-sleeve tee and my MEC cycling jacket and was pretty much fine. It was cold going into the wind, but otherwise no issues. I didn't overheat like the last couple of times.
- I convinced myself to run outside in the cold, instead of going on a treadmill. Victory.
- I kept my HR below 140 by swallowing my pride and walking to drop HR down when I needed to. Victory.

Other thoughts
- The YNY book says we should exercise 6 days a week and 4 of those should be 'endurance' based exercises. It refers to humans being "endurance predators". This is definitely falling in line with my recent thoughts that I need to adapt my fitness regimen to be less focused on lifting and put greater emphasis on cardio fitness. (It also starts with a discussion that issues with heart attacks are issues with the arteries being unable to transport blood and not the heart's failure to pump the blood. As such, it makes sense to do things that promote better circulation.)
- If I'm going to go to 4 cardio days a week, I'll need to figure out whether I reduce weight training to 2 days ("Fighter" template) or whether I do one "two-a-day" weights and cardio day.
- I should work up to 45 minute jogs. At Zone 2, this is not too onerous.
- YNY says rep ranges for weights should be 10+ (for injury prevention, mostly). I've already ditched low-rep schemes, so I think I'll keep my "Hi-Rep", "Hyper", "Heavy" rep schemes in place for now.

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Re: B71 return to TB

Post by B71 »

Block 3A - Week 8, Day 5

Fr 2 Dec 22 0505-0552

214.0/97.5 cm


Leg Press (410) 8/8/8
OHP (95) 10/10/10
Toe Raise 22/21/19

U/H DB Bench 10x35s / 10x40s / 10x45s
DB Row 10x35s / 10x40s / 10x45s

Seated Calf Raise (70) 13 /\ 12 \/ 13 ||
Lean DB Curl 10x30s / 10x30s / 8x35s

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Re: B71 return to TB

Post by B71 »

Block 3A - Week 8, Day 6

Sa 3 Dec 22 ~0900-0950

212.8/97.8 cm


Zone 2 jog

45:08 / 5.39km / 440 Cal / 132 Avg HR

- On the one hand, this was a bit disappointing because I was so, so SLOW. On the other hand, I guess that's the point. I kept my HR in the appropriate zone. I was shooting for 120-140.
- I should also take some pleasure in how I effectively used my time. I dropped the dog off for his vet appointment and used the hour to get my run in. Victory.

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Re: B71 return to TB

Post by B71 »

Block 4 - GREEN protocol - Week 1, Day 1

M 5 Dec 22 0500-0539




Goblet Squat (45) 21/21/21
Arnold Press (17.5s) 19/18/11
Toe Raise 23/21/20
- minimal RI between supersets

Svend Incl. DB Press (25) 21/21/21
U/R Row (12.5s) 21/21/21
- skipped DB RDLs because last time my hamstrings were sore for a couple of days

Rev Curl (20s) 21/21/14
DB Calf Raise (30s) 30 /\ 30 \/ 30 ||

- starting a new block based on standard GREEN protocol (i.e., 2 days lifting, 4 days cardio conditioning).
- for STR sessions, I'm going to stick with my HI-REP, HYPER, HEAVY rotating rep scheme - if only because I like the alliteration of the H's. I need to keep in mind that longevity/movement/athleticism are the things I'm after. Strict performance (i.e., strength for strength's sake) is not what I need.
- for E sessions, I'll go with the 45-minut (minimum) Zone 2 easy jog outdoors for as long as I can manage it. At some point, running in the snow and cold will lose its novelty, at which point, I'll try to gut it out on a treadmill. I'll sub in assault bike and maybe the odd weight-vest ruck, for variety or if the running volume becomes too much.

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Re: B71 return to TB

Post by B71 »

Block 4 - GREEN protocol - Week 1, Day 2

Tu 6 Dec 22 ~0435- ~0530

212.4/97.2 cm


Zone 2 jog

5.78 km / 46:39 / 135 bpm Avg HR

- good sleep
- slow jog / walk inclines seemed to work
- still need to sort out the HR alarms on my watch - it would help to be able to just respond to the watch, instead of always having to check.
- wetting the contacts on the old Timex Ironman chest strap seemed to improve the HR measurements - they didn't range as wildly as they did on the weekend.
- HR more or less in line between both Garmin watch and Timex chest strap

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Re: B71 return to TB

Post by B71 »

Block 4 - GREEN protocol - Week 1, Day 3

We 7 Dec 22 0505-0550

212.4/97.3 cm


Zone 2 jog - outside, around the block

5.84 km / 46:57 / 134 bpm Avg HR

- convinced myself to run outside, despite dodgy weather forecast. Victory.

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