djfLift Yarak Log

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Re: djfLift Yarak Log

Post by djflift »

• Warm-up += Z2, 5 minutes.
• Run in Z2, easy pace, 15 minutes.
• Cool down, 5 to 10 minutes.
@TrainHeroic #OAF
August 3, 2024
Monthly Wellness 1
Walk/Jog — Accumulate 30+ min of @Z2
Time 42:00 #5K
Couch Stretch (Hip Flexors) — Accumulate 2 min
Time 120
Box Breathing — Perform one session of box breathing
Time 300

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Re: djfLift Yarak Log

Post by djflift »

August 4, 2024

KB single leg RDL
Reps 5 5 5
Weight 35 53 70
Backward Lunge with Twist
Reps 10 10 10
Weight BW 18 18
Seated Box Jump
Reps 3 3 3
Height 24 24 33

Trap Bar Deadlift — Find a heavy single with the trap bar. += chains if desired.
Reps 1 1 1 1 1
Weight 175 245 335 385 390*
*385+=chainz ⛓️

Ring Pull Up — Add Weight. Go for 5-10 reps
Reps 6x15 ⛓️ 10x15 ⛓️

Bulgarian Split Squat
Reps 10 10
Weight 10 33
Forward Sled Drag — Get heavy w/sled, keep the sandbag or DB's a bit lighter @FCz
50'x275/35&25 50'x300/35&25 50'x300/53&50

Banded Anterior hip mobilization
Time 120

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Re: djfLift Yarak Log

Post by djflift »

• Run in Z2, easy pace, 5 minutes. • Run in Z3, steady pace, 5 minutes. • Run in Z2, easy pace, 5 minutes. • Cool down, 5 to 10 minutes. • Stretch.
Row a 5k

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Re: djfLift Yarak Log

Post by djflift »

#OAF @W7D3: ME-UPPER @InclineVariation
30 Degree Incline DB Bench Press: 3x10
Lateral Kettlebell Swing: 3x10 each direction
Chest-Supported DB Row: 3x10

Incline Pin Press: 5x2
Pendlay Row: 5x3

DB Hex Press: 2x10
Spider Curls:2x10
Overhead Cross Body Tricep Extension
Seated Hand over Hand sled pull: 3x50'
Sled Push: 3x50'
Farmers carry: 3x50'

5 Way Shoulder Mobility
August 7, 2024
30 Degree Incline DB Bench Press
Reps 10 10 10
Weight 20 30 35
Lateral Kettlebell Swing — 10 each direction
Reps 10 10 10
Weight 35 35 35
Chest-Supported DB Row — 1 Arm does an ISO hold while the other rows.
Reps 10 10 10
Weight 20 30 35

Incline Pin Press — Set up the bar height at a sticking point. Find a heavy double. Don't bounce the weight.
Reps 2 2 2 2 2
Weight 115 135 155 185 200

Pendlay Row
Reps 5 5 5
Weight 135 155 175

DB Hex Press
Reps 10 10
Weight 25 40
Spider Curls
Reps 10 10
Weight 15 25
Overhead Cross Body Tricep Extension
Reps 12 15
Weight 30 30

Seated Hand over Hand sled pull: 50x245
Prowler Push: 50x245
Farmers carry: 50x53/50

5 Way Shoulder Mobility: 30lb bands

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Re: djfLift Yarak Log

Post by djflift »

#OAF @W7D4: Sprints + Hypertrophy + Recovery
August 8, 2024

Rowing — Sprints on the rower. Rest 2:00 between efforts (Sub'd AirBike)
Distance (m) 400 400 400 400 400

Zottman Curls: 3x12 @20/20/25
Lat Pulldown
Reps 12 12 12
Weight 25 40 40
Bulgarian Split Squat
Reps 12 12 12
Weight 20 20 26

Yoga for Stress
Reps 1x25min

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Re: djfLift Yarak Log

Post by djflift »

August 9, 2024

Single Arm Russian KB Swing
Reps 12 12 12
Weight 35 35 35
Single Leg Glute Bridge — 6 reps each leg
Reps 12 12 12
4-Way Dead Bug
Time 30 30 30

Banded Deadlift — Speed pulls. Use mini bands @FAST.
Reps 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Weight (%) 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155

FB/Trap Bar Bench Press — Add bands or chains. @Speed If you don't have a specialty bar, use a close or wide grip.
Reps 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Weight (%) 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65

Lunge with Trunk Rotation*: 2x10 @35
:*Use kettlebells in the front rack or goblet style
Rings Dip*: 2x10 @BW, += 30lb band
:*Add some weight if you want.

Banded Shrugs: 2x20 @60lb bands
Wheelbarrow Walk*: 3x100' (sub FCz @53/50lb)
:*If you don't have a wheelbarrow, then substitute for a farmers carry or sandbag variation

Foam Roll: 1x5min

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Re: djfLift Yarak Log

Post by djflift »


• Run: @Z2 easy pace: 1x20 mins. -> Cool down, 5 to 10 minutes. Stretch.
• Walk: Accumulate 30 min of walking throughout the day

Couch Stretch (Hip Flexors)*: 1x2 mins
:*Accumulate 2-min of couch stretch throughout the day
Box Breathing*: 1x5 mins
:*Perform 1x5-min session of box breathing, preferably post workout or before sleep.

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Re: djfLift Yarak Log

Post by djflift »

#OAF @W8D1: ME-LOWER (Squat)
August 12, 2024

Assault Bike
Time 240
Goblet Squat
Reps 5 3 1
Weight 35 53 70
Weighted Box Jump
Reps 3 3 3
6 6 6
Split Stance Single Arm Russian Kettlebell Swing — 8-12 reps per arm
Reps 10 10 10
Weight 35 35 35
Box Squat: 5x3 Use a specialty bar, if available. Add chains, if desired. Find a 3RM.
Reps 3 3 3 3 3
Weight 155 245 265 300 315

Power Clean: 3x3
Reps 3 3 3
Weight (%) 70 70 80
Accessory 1
Sandbag Bulgarian Split Squat: 3x8. On the last set, after completing 8 drop the sandbag and do a burnout set.
Reps 8 8 8 10
Weight 80 80 80
Accessory 2
Reverse Hyperextension
Reps 20 20 20
Forward Sled Drag: Get heavy and add weight each set.
100 100 100 100
Backward Sled Drag
100 100 100 100

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Re: djfLift Yarak Log

Post by djflift »

August 14, 2024
Assault Bike
Time 300
Mace 10-2 — If you don't have a mace, use a kettlebell or dumbell and get some halo's in for some rotational work
Reps 10 10 10
Plyo Push-Up
Reps 10 10 10
Overhead Cross Body Tricep Extension
Reps 10 10 10
Weight 50 50 50
Close Grip Bench Press: 5x3 add some accommodating resistance. Feel free to use a specialty bar if you have one too. Find a 3RM.
Reps 3 3 3 3 3
Weight 115 135 155 175 185
Landmine Clean & Jerk: 3 reps each side. If you don't have a landmine, then you can do this with a kettlebell for unilateral work, or just use a regular bar and do clean and jerks.
Reps 3 3 3
Weight (%) 135 155 175
Meadows Row — Superset this with Pull Ups
Reps 10 10 10
Weight 50 65 75
Weighted Strict Pullup — Pick a weight you can do 8-12 reps with
Reps 10 8 8
Weight BW 15 25
Loaded ISO Holds: You can also just grab a plate, or kettlebell, loaded bar, etc. Try to pick a weight that you can hold for at least 20 seconds. Rest :30 between sets
Time 30 30 60
Weight 70 70 70
Sandbag Carry — Pick a sandbag, hopefully a heavy one if you access, and do a max distance carry. Rest 1-2:00 between sets

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Re: djfLift Yarak Log

Post by djflift »

August 16, 2024

Dynamic Warm Up 1
Reps 20 20 20
Vertical Jump
Reps 6 6 6
Rotational Medball Slam
Reps 6 6 6
Weight 30 30 30
Dynamic Lower
Front Squat: 9x3 @30% Use what you have. The focus is speed here, so if you have bands, use them as long as you keep your speed above 1.0 m/s. Rest 1:00 between sets
Reps 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Weight 50 70 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Slight Incline Speed Bench: 9x3 @30% @AFAP Add bands if you can, but keep the weight light enough to move fast. Rest 1:00 between sets
Reps 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Weight (%) 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62
Weighted Dips — Drop the weight on the last set and do a burnout
Reps 10 10 10 MAX
Circuit: 3-5 Rounds, rest 1-2:00 between efforts 3 Trap Bar Deadlifts + 15' carry 5 Box Jumps 7 HEAVY Kettlebell Swings

Barbell Push-Up: 100 AFAP
Reps 100
Banded Hammer Curls — Go until you need a only about 10 seconds. Chase the pump.
Reps 30 25 25

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