mikhou's training log

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by J-Madd »

mikhou wrote:Op I/A - 85%
BP - 4x3 @ 75.5 kg
SQ - 4x3 @ 88.7 kg
WCU - 5x3 @ 76.5 kg
Core work - 2 rounds of 10 reps light RDL, 10 reps straight leg raises, 45 second plank, 45 second plank

This is my first time through an Operator cycle since TB, 3rd edition was released so this is the first time that I am doing 85% at 3 reps. This is also my first time through Op I/A and I am choosing to do it as written with the last 3 workouts at 85 /85/ 90. My initial reaction to the 3-rep sets at 85% is that I like it. I feel super fresh after my workout today. After 2 days of 85%, I feel like I am going to crush the 90% day later this week.
I just started the 85%-90% "week" of OP I/A. I a have always found 85 x three reps to be a very productive range for me, so I'm looking forward to seeing how then next two workouts unfold.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Connaught Range 10 to 1s

The kind of HIC that I like - simple, quick, and effective.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Op I/A - Session 8
BP - 4x3 @ 75.5 kg
SQ - 4x3 @ 88.7 kg
WCU - 5x3 @ 76.5 kg

Loving the triples. Again, feel very fresh after the workout today.
Last edited by mikhou on Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday was a rest day.

Today was Indoor Power Intervals. Although, I wasn't indoors. I just did them outside with a Gymboss timer.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Op I/A - Session 9
SQ - 4x3 @ 93.7 kg
BP - 4x3 @ 79.9 kg
DL - 3x3 @ 97.9 kg

Squats and bench press felt great - really strong and controlled. I wasn't grinding out deadlifts, but they were tougher than squats. I had gotten up to a 128kg max (which is 2xbw for me) on DLs awhile back and then tweaked my back so I dropped my TM way down and am building back up again. In the process of building back up, I learned the importance of bracing my core and keeping my chest up. I could feel the tendency today to straighten my legs before lifting the DL so I need to really focus on keeping my chest up and my core braced, and I was able to do that once I was cognizant of it today. I might give some thought to moving to the alternative deadlift strategy in Op I/A of alternating WCU and DL every session. Don't know if this would be too taxing or if it would accomplish more of the GTG function of frequency.

I've got an E run tomorrow and then a deload week before forced progression.
Last edited by mikhou on Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

1 hour E run today.

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by J-Madd »

mikhou wrote:Op I/A - 90%
SQ - 4x3 @ 93.7 kg
BP - 4x3 @ 79.9 kg
DL - 3x3 @ 97.9 kg

Squats and bench press felt great - really strong and controlled. I wasn't grinding out deadlifts, but they were tougher than squats. I had gotten up to a 128kg max (which is 2xbw for me) on DLs awhile back and then tweaked my back so I dropped my TM way down and am building back up again. In the process of building back up, I learned the importance of bracing my core and keeping my chest up. I could feel the tendency today to straighten my legs before lifting the DL so I need to really focus on keeping my chest up and my core braced, and I was able to do that once I was cognizant of it today. I might give some thought to moving to the alternative deadlift strategy in Op I/A of alternating WCU and DL every session. Don't know if this would be too taxing or if it would accomplish more of the GTG function of frequency.

I've got an E run tomorrow and then a deload week before forced progression.
I've struggled with this same issue in the DL. A mental cue that has helped me immensely is to try to picture myself as keeping my chest and shoulders behind (not over or beyond) the bar when I initiate the pull from the floor. I used to set-up the DL with my shins touching the bar before I reach down to grab it. A couple years ago I started setting up such that my shins are 1-2" behind the bar before grabbing it. When I reach now they then make contact with the bar. The former set-up (it seems to me) leaves me leaning over or beyond the bar, whereas the latter leave me more behind the bar where I want to be be. I think we are build very differently, so don't let this throw you off!

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

J-Madd wrote: I've struggled with this same issue in the DL. A mental cue that has helped me immensely is to try to picture myself as keeping my chest and shoulders behind (not over or beyond) the bar when I initiate the pull from the floor. I used to set-up the DL with my shins touching the bar before I reach down to grab it. A couple years ago I started setting up such that my shins are 1-2" behind the bar before grabbing it. When I reach now they then make contact with the bar. The former set-up (it seems to me) leaves me leaning over or beyond the bar, whereas the latter leave me more behind the bar where I want to be be. I think we are build very differently, so don't let this throw you off!
Thanks, J-Madd. I'm deloading this next week and can think about these cues with a lighter weight. Appreciate it!

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest day

Today - This is an easy week with deload percentages (ala 5/3/1) on the weights and half HICs.
SQ - 40/50/60% of TM x 5 reps
BP - 40/50/60% of TM x 5 reps
HIC #7. Black on Oxygen (only 2 instead of 5 rounds)

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Re: mikhou's training log

Post by mikhou »

Yesterday - Rest day

Today - This is an easy week with deload percentages (ala 5/3/1) on the weights and half HICs.
DL - 40/50/60% of TM x 5 reps
HIC #11. Oxygen Debt 101 (only 2 instead of 4 rounds)

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