OP + KB Swings questions

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OP + KB Swings questions

Post by Barkadion »

Hi friends,

I know there are TB-ers who's doing/done KB swing as a finisher at the end of Operator. I hope you don't mind sharing your experience.

1. What is your experience? Pro/Cons?
2. What are your set/reps and how heavy KB you use (heavy for you)?
3. How does that affect the whole OP block progression?

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Re: OP + KB Swings questions

Post by Blackmetalbunny »

I do either KB swings or loaded carries to finish my sessions (Operator).

Which I do is dependent on how I feel - if I'm energetic I'll go for KB swings, if I'm feeling a little drained, I'll stick to loaded carries.

As a whole; I tend to prefer EMOMs - 20 minutes, with 15 reps of a moderately heavy KB. I avoid going heavy because the EMOM ratchets up fatigue quite quickly and I want my las few minutes to finish with strong swing which have snap, not the sluggish swings. For me I can swing sets of 5 reps with a 28kg, but I use a 20 Kg for my EMOMs.

Pros - they really hit your entire body and it's good conditioning.
Cons - you're out of breath and strength by the end of it, I hope you have your dinner ready and waiting.

I've not seen any negative impact so far, but I do avoid doing LB Swings on deadlift day (or use a light KB with a shorter session time) because I notice I can't quite snap my hips as forcefully as I'd like.

Personally I think KB swings are a nice conditioning approach to ending my Op sessions.

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Re: OP + KB Swings questions

Post by Barkadion »

Blackmetalbunny wrote:I do either KB swings or loaded carries to finish my sessions (Operator).

Which I do is dependent on how I feel - if I'm energetic I'll go for KB swings, if I'm feeling a little drained, I'll stick to loaded carries.

As a whole; I tend to prefer EMOMs - 20 minutes, with 15 reps of a moderately heavy KB. I avoid going heavy because the EMOM ratchets up fatigue quite quickly and I want my las few minutes to finish with strong swing which have snap, not the sluggish swings. For me I can swing sets of 5 reps with a 28kg, but I use a 20 Kg for my EMOMs.

Pros - they really hit your entire body and it's good conditioning.
Cons - you're out of breath and strength by the end of it, I hope you have your dinner ready and waiting.

I've not seen any negative impact so far, but I do avoid doing LB Swings on deadlift day (or use a light KB with a shorter session time) because I notice I can't quite snap my hips as forcefully as I'd like.

Personally I think KB swings are a nice conditioning approach to ending my Op sessions.
Thank you! I had to google EMOM :D Kinda threw me out a bit.

I have to stay away from DL due to my issue with the hamiies but I still can do swings. So, I am thinking of doing more heavy swings in order to get ready for DL again. Not sure how to approach that just yet. I am doing ME2 now and loving that. Might give swing-finisher a try with my second 6weeker..
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Re: OP + KB Swings questions

Post by Blackmetalbunny »

Ah my apologies, I'm not always conscious that CrossFit terms aren't always common knowledge.

In a nutshell, you set your timer for X rounds of 1 minute intervals, and every time the timer rings on the minute you do the prescribed number of reps - hence Every Minute on the Minute. I usually go for 20 minutes.

I find this methodology particular suitable to explosive and ballistic exercises. If that's a bit demanding, try 5 to 10 sets of 5 to 8 reps. I would go for lower reps to start swings because it limits fatigue - and the swing can be extremely fatiguing on the entire body, not just your hips and hamstrings. That said, I can really feel it attack my hamstrings when I apply Pavel's Hard Style Swing - I can feel exactly where my hamstrings are because they get hit so hard - maybe the ballistic nature of KB swings combined with volume can load my hamstrings harder than deadlift day.

I return to the KB swing regularly to refresh my deadlift cues like snapping the hips forward, full body extension, no hyper extension of the spine, slight arch to the spine in the bottom position, pushing through the heels, chest up and shoulders down etc.

That said, because I catch slackness creeping into my deadlift form so I know what to "refresh" during the swing, so I can't attest as to how to transfer these cues to the deadlift when relearning it.

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Re: OP + KB Swings questions

Post by Barkadion »

Blackmetalbunny wrote:Ah my apologies, I'm not always conscious that CrossFit terms aren't always common knowledge.

In a nutshell, you set your timer for X rounds of 1 minute intervals, and every time the timer rings on the minute you do the prescribed number of reps - hence Every Minute on the Minute. I usually go for 20 minutes.

I find this methodology particular suitable to explosive and ballistic exercises. If that's a bit demanding, try 5 to 10 sets of 5 to 8 reps. I would go for lower reps to start swings because it limits fatigue - and the swing can be extremely fatiguing on the entire body, not just your hips and hamstrings. That said, I can really feel it attack my hamstrings when I apply Pavel's Hard Style Swing - I can feel exactly where my hamstrings are because they get hit so hard - maybe the ballistic nature of KB swings combined with volume can load my hamstrings harder than deadlift day.

I return to the KB swing regularly to refresh my deadlift cues like snapping the hips forward, full body extension, no hyper extension of the spine, slight arch to the spine in the bottom position, pushing through the heels, chest up and shoulders down etc.

That said, because I catch slackness creeping into my deadlift form so I know what to "refresh" during the swing, so I can't attest as to how to transfer these cues to the deadlift when relearning it.
Thanks BMB. All good points. I have never done KB swings consistently in the past. Just once in a while. I think I need to make a habit out of it now :D
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Re: OP + KB Swings questions

Post by grouchyjarhead »

Haven't done this approach personally yet, but I don't think it would be a bad approach if you had access to an array of kettlebells.

I would do a 10x10 at the end of each workout but just adjust the kettlebell weights according to the week. Something like...

Week 1: (70%) 16kg
Week 2: (80%) 20kg
Week 3: (90%) 24kg
Week 4: (75%) 20kg
Week 5: (85%) 24kg
Week 6: (95%) 28kg

Do that for 12 weeks, then next time start with the next kettlebell weight up. So you would do 20/24/28/24/28/32 next time.

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Re: OP + KB Swings questions

Post by Barkadion »

grouchyjarhead wrote:Haven't done this approach personally yet, but I don't think it would be a bad approach if you had access to an array of kettlebells.

I would do a 10x10 at the end of each workout but just adjust the kettlebell weights according to the week. Something like...

Week 1: (70%) 16kg
Week 2: (80%) 20kg
Week 3: (90%) 24kg
Week 4: (75%) 20kg
Week 5: (85%) 24kg
Week 6: (95%) 28kg

Do that for 12 weeks, then next time start with the next kettlebell weight up. So you would do 20/24/28/24/28/32 next time.
Interesting! So you apply the progressing logic to finisher as well..
Thank you! I haven't thought this way.. I makes perfect sense if you think about that..
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Re: OP + KB Swings questions

Post by xfitxm »

When you do this, does it replace a black HIC session or you do this as an extra to black?

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Re: OP + KB Swings questions

Post by J-Madd »

When using Operator (SQ/BP/WPU cluster), I typically do one session of swings right after my barbells. I use either a 106lbs bell or a 70lbs bell for 100 reps. If I use the 106, then I do sets of 10L-10R x 5, and I take anywhere from 30 sec to 90 sec between sets, depending on how ambitious I feel. If I use the 70, I do 100 1-hand swings without putting the bell down. That typically goes like 20L-20R, 15L-15R, 10L-10R, 5L-5R. I then have a second day of swings when I do Apex with the 106.

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Re: OP + KB Swings questions

Post by Barkadion »

J-Madd wrote:When using Operator (SQ/BP/WPU cluster), I typically do one session of swings right after my barbells. I use either a 106lbs bell or a 70lbs bell for 100 reps. If I use the 106, then I do sets of 10L-10R x 5, and I take anywhere from 30 sec to 90 sec between sets, depending on how ambitious I feel. If I use the 70, I do 100 1-hand swings without putting the bell down. That typically goes like 20L-20R, 15L-15R, 10L-10R, 5L-5R. I then have a second day of swings when I do Apex with the 106.
Thank you, J-Madd! Appreciate your comment. So, you are running 1 finisher and 1 HIC swings days. Makes sense. I do like this setup.

But.. Your numbers make me fear the KBs :D

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