KS-90's Log

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Re: KS-90's Log

Post by Green2Blue »

KS-90 wrote:7 November 2016 - Monday

Wrapped up the first block of "Operator" Template using Bench, Deadlifts, and Weighted Overhand Pull ups as a cluster. Was not going to test for a few more days been feeling like shit, but decided to say fuck it and just see what happens.

Not super happy with the progress as I was hoping to hit 225 on the Bench and 365 on the Deadlift, but work got in the way and being out in the bush for almost a month doesn't do wonders for strength training. It is kind of double-edged as I am happy with the "Operator" template as a whole. Progress was made in spite of shitty recovery (down about 4 pounds) which is nice as I know with other programs I more then likely would have went backwards.

End of Block Retest

Bench: 205 > 215 when I warmed up I hit 205 on the warm up and it flew up. 215 went up decent as well I tried 225 and got stuck 4 inches or so off the chest spotter barely touched under the bar with both his index fingers and I got it. Pretty disappointed as 225 was a goal for this block, but next block I am confident I'll get it.

Deadlift: 335 > 345 wish I went with 350 as I know I would have gotten that. Attempted 355 rushed the set up a bit and broke the ground to about 4 or 5 inches and then stalled out. Next block I think I'll go from 315 straight to 350 or 355 for the test.

Weighted Overhand Pull up: +65 > +80 really happy with this one.
Great progress. Honestly I'd be beyond happy if I could make all 3 lifts improve by at least 10 lbs in a mere 6 weeks.

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Re: KS-90's Log

Post by KS-90 »

Green2Blue wrote:Great progress. Honestly I'd be beyond happy if I could make all 3 lifts improve by at least 10 lbs in a mere 6 weeks.
Ya man thanks. Now that I'm a day removed from testing I realized 10 pounds per lift for a few more blocks would be decent progress.

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Re: KS-90's Log

Post by KS-90 »

8 November 2016 - Tuesday


6x400m with a 2:1 rest to work ratio.

Forgot the watch ran these with a buddy.

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Re: KS-90's Log

Post by KS-90 »

Going to set up this block using the standard operator cluster with Bench, Squats, WPU/Deadlift. I think the hip issue has resolved itself.. I don't want to speak to soon though. I am going to test squats tomorrow and see where I am at. Last time I tested them it did flare up pretty bad, but I have not had any nagging sciatic pain at all the last couple weeks.

Week will Ideally look like:

Monday: Bench/Squat/WPU +Farmers walk
Tuesday: Short Intervals + Core
Wednesday: Bench/Squat/WPU + Suitcase Carry
Thursday: Tempo Run + Core
Friday: Bench/Squat/Deadlift + Zercher Carry/Sandbag Bearhug Carry (Going to trial both and see how they go)
Saturday: Long Run + strides
Sunday: off

*Going to start consistently doing band pull apart and shoulder dislocates as a warm up/cool down on days I Bench
*Going to only do three sets no matter the week.
*Loaded Carries are going to have decent rest time. I don't want to turn them into a finisher.
*Always warm up with Limber Eleven and finish with 15 minutes of Mobility work.
*Keep the total time in the gym to an hour-ish; only day that should go beyond that is the Long Run on Saturday.

The strength training volume should be roughly the same. I had been doing 4 or 5 sets on weeks 1,2,4,5 and I am going to cut all weeks down to 3 sets. I'll be removing 2 Deadlift sessions + 1 core session, and adding in 3 squat sessions and some loaded carries. It might be a bit more, but recovery should be much better these next 6 weeks.

I have never programmed loaded carries so any advice from someone with experience on distance/progression or whatever is welcome and appreciated. Not sure if I should always shoot for max distance/weight or treat them like the lifts and try and wave the loads depending on the week.

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Re: KS-90's Log

Post by KS-90 »

10 November 2016 - Thursday

Worked up to a heavy single on squats with 255; so a 10 pound increase. I tested them at the end of that block as well, but did not include them in that block or this one due to a hip injury.

I think it would be safe to assume that (for me at least) deadlifting holds/slightly improves my squat as long as I am keeping mobile.

I also think 275 would be a good conservative end of block goal as the 255 was not to bad (I stalled halfway up for a moment or two) and I have not been squatting at all for the last few months. Looking forward to this block.

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Re: KS-90's Log

Post by Green2Blue »

I like that you're getting into loaded carries. I've recently started to really love them.

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Re: KS-90's Log

Post by KS-90 »

14 November 2016 - Monday

Operator Template (Week One - 70%)

Bench: 150 for 3 sets of 5
Squat: 180 for 3 Sets of 5
Pull ups: +5 for 3 sets of 5

Farmers Carry (Dumbbels):
60 per hand for 50m
70 per hand for 50m
75 per hand for 50m
75 per hand for 50m

Carries were fairly light.
Last edited by KS-90 on Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: KS-90's Log

Post by KS-90 »

15 November 2016 - Tuesday

Warm up: Limber Eleven followed by half mile jog with high knees, heel kicks, etc thrown in



Fairly sick today didn't keep track of all the times. around 1:25ish

Cool down: 15 minutes-ish of hip mobility and foam rolling

Core Circuit (80s)

Side Plank
Last edited by KS-90 on Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: KS-90's Log

Post by KS-90 »

16 November 2016 - Wednesday

Warm up: Limber Eleven, Foam Rolling

Operator Template ( Week One - 70% )

Bench: 150 for 3 sets of 5
Squat: 180 for 3 sets of 5. *(plus a few extra)
WPU: + 5 for 3 sets of 5

Suitcase Carry (Dumbbell)
75 for 50m
80 for 50m
85 for 50m

*Been playing around with High Bar squats and was doing sets of High Bar in between the Low Bars I normally do. A really strong lifter I know recommended them and said they are good for guys with hip issues. I like them so far they feel quite a bit more natural and other then getting used to the bar resting higher they feel good

Cool down: Hip mobility + 4 sets of Band Pull-Aparts

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Re: KS-90's Log

Post by KS-90 »

17 November 2016 - Thursday

Warm up: Limber Eleven, Leg swings

Tempo Run

5k at 8-9/10

HRM was not working. Felt a little slow on this one. Might be the transition back into squatting.

Core Circuit (80s)

Side Plank

Cool down: 15 minutes of Mobility and Foam Rolling

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