Green2Blue TB Log

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Conditioning (Black) Deload Week
Block 5

HIC: Tempo Run

12 Mins at 90% HRM

-Usually this would be a rest day but I had stuff to do on the 9th so I swapped them.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Block 5

I was instructing academy DT on this day. We were doing a non-compliant warrant arrest simulation. Two cadets at a time, I was bad guy. I was supposed make this winnable, but not hand it to them.

Honestly this was one of the biggest reinforcements of the efficacy of TB I've had to date. Minus a few of the more fit and/or skilled teams these cadets STRUGGLED to secure me, and I was only at 50-75% intensity the whole time. I went through 12-15 teams one after another and I was barely out of breath by the end. I remember at one point one team was just hanging on me unable to even get me on the ground and one cadet just yelled out "He's so strong!" And at 5'8" 160 I'm not exactly huge.

As a DT and PT instructor I hoped this was an eye opener for the cadets.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Strength (Operator I/A)
Block 5

Primary Lifts (90% Training Max)

SQ *
BP 3x3@220 lbs
DL 5x3@430 lbs

Accessory Lifts

Pendlay Rows 8-12
Reverse Lunges 8-12

*Still experimenting with squats. I am very week in that bottom inch and it's unbelievably humbling.

-Bench is feeling very strong. I'm definitely moving up 10 lbs next block.

-Celebrated my beloved Corps' birthday by lifting in full green on green.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Strength (Operator I/A)
Block 5

Primary Lifts (75% Training Max)

SQ *
BP 3x3@185 lbs
PU 3x3@80 lbs

Accessory Lifts

Power Cleans 5+
Hanging Leg Raises

*STILL being humbled. I experimented with 5x5@280 (TM of 375). It was doable, but felt more like what my 85% should feel like, which means I may have to drop my TM by a full 100 lbs. It's amazing the difference an inch can make ( ;) )

-The time change is screwing me over. I was supposed to do my E yesterday but it was dark out when I got off work. Since it was just deloading week I skipped it and just started my next training week a day early. I really need an Airdyne or Concept 2.

-Mmmm banana-ey post workout shake.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by J-Madd »

[quote="Green2Blue"] It's amazing the difference an inch can make ( ;) )

I'm really working hard at restraining myself not to make the "mom" joke that naturally follows here. :lol:

In all seriousness, I bet that it won't be long and the greater ROM will second nature, and you will see the T-max creep back up.

-I really need an Airdyne or Concept 2.

I just got back from Kansas City where I picked up an old tank of an Airdyne on the cheap. I'm going to to do "Indoor Power Intervals" on Tuesday instead of "600m Resets" just to give the thing a try. I think it will be a mainstay for me this winter.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

J-Madd wrote:
Green2Blue wrote: It's amazing the difference an inch can make ( ;) )

I'm really working hard at restraining myself not to make the "mom" joke that naturally follows here. :lol:

In all seriousness, I bet that it won't be long and the greater ROM will second nature, and you will see the T-max creep back up.

-I really need an Airdyne or Concept 2.

I just got back from Kansas City where I picked up an old tank of an Airdyne on the cheap. I'm going to to do "Indoor Power Intervals" on Tuesday instead of "600m Resets" just to give the thing a try. I think it will be a mainstay for me this winter.
I agree on the squats. Humility can be a tough pill to swallow but in the end I think I'll come out of it a better athlete.

Let me know how the airdyne works out for you. I'd love to pick up a 2nd hand one but I'd have to travel 4 hours to find one.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Conditioning (Black Pro)
Block 5

HIC: 400m Intervals


2 minute rests

Warmed up with .5 mile light run

-Not as good as the last time I did this during week 2.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Strength (Operator I/A)
Block 5

Primary Lifts (75% Training Max)

SQ *
BP 3x3@185 lbs
PU 3x3@80 lbs

Accessory Lifts

OHP 8-12
Good Mornings 8-12

-Working out at home has really cut down my workout times. I'm down from an average of about 1.5 hours to about an hour. This allows me more time for mobility work.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Rest/Active Recovery/Skills Work
Block 5

30 minutes of mobility work before and after.

Warmed up with touchdown squats to learn pistol squats

Dynamic Effort
40%/50%/60% of TM x5 for SQ, BP, WPU, and DL. As hard and fast concentric pull as possible.

Practiced double-unders for 15 minutes.

-I'm still doing Op I/A with MS/HIC/MS/Rest/HIC/MS/E/Rest. However, on my rest days, if I have time, I'm going to do something light, such as learn a new movement, practice technique, and/or put extra focus on mobility work.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Conditioning (Black Pro)
Block 5

HIC: Tempo Run

22 Minutes at 90% HRM

Warmed up with .5 mile light run

-So after this I went to the gym and did a few band pull-aparts and touchdown squats. On a whim I attempted a barbell front squat. For the first time ever I did it! Due to mobility restrictions I've never been able to do them. All of this mobility work is paying off.

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