Green2Blue TB Log

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Barkadion »

Green2Blue wrote:Cut about 3 minutes from my time on GC2 last week
I've seen the same for my GC2.. Well it was about 2mins for me.. Great dirll and takes some patience to get through :D
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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Conditioning (Black)
Block 5
Week 6


First 30 mins:
2 45lb DB Snatches each arm
10 Jumping Jacks

Second 30 mins:
2 45lb DB Snatches each arm
10 Jumping Jacks
rotated with
1 45lb DB Snatches each arm
3 pull-ups
10 Jumping Jacks

Average HR: 128

-I wasn't able to do a LISS yet again due to weather and watching my daughter. Instead of giving up I got creative. This actually worked REALLY well.
-Changed things up second 30 minutes because I was a little afraid of posterior chain burnout.
-Last workout of block 5

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Block 5 Review

A lot of big changes this block. A lot of learning.

1. The biggest change this block was getting my home gym up and running. The biggest thing this has done is saved me an enormous amount of time. Not only do I not have to travel to the gym, but I don't waste time between exercises unracking and racking because I can just do that during my tests between sets. I can also superset my assistance work so it shortens the time dramatically and adds an element of conditioning. I can also watch my daughter and lift at the same time. The only negative is missing out certain equipment. The big ones for me is no hex bar (for my farmers walks), kettlebells, or treadmill.

2. More time means I've been putting more focus on mobility. More time for mobility had allowed me to overcome a half-decade old hip injury. I can now squat to a full depth that I've never quite been able to hit. My squats have completely changed. Unfortunately the gain of an inch has made me lose 100 lbs off my TM, but it's all for the better in the long run. I can also now do front squats for the first time in my life thanks to improved mobility, and implement them with my assistance work.

3. My bench has also changed. Lifting at home allowed me to record my lifts. That allowed them to be critiqued here on the forum. J-Madd gave me some great pointers. Short term it made my benching more of a challenge, but in the long term it should improve my long time nemesis lift.

4. The change in weather and daylight savings has made running, especially E, very difficult. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's opened me up to trying other forms of conditioning. It's allowing me to get creative and to naturally cycle my conditioning. I did need to go back to a 7 day training for this next block so I can fit in some true E work on my days off though.

5. A big mistake I made early in the block was dramatically increasing my volume. I went from 3 sets to 5-7. This was in an attempt to overcome a platuea in my squat (pre depth change) and dead. It was too much. My knees hurt like crazy and I was too exhausted to hit my deads. I fully believe increasing your volume is a great way to bust plateaus, but I now think you need to slowly add sets. I should have gone from 3 to 4, then 5 the next block if needed.

Block 6 Plan

-Going back to standard Operator Black. Had nothing against OP I/A, other than increasing volume too much which was my fault, but I need my training week to match my work week so I can get some LSS work in on days I don't work.

-Doing standard Black over Pro because it's just tough enough as it is to get my runs in with the weather. I'll rotate my LSS runs with my tempo runs. My other HICs will consist of track sprints (a little more variety this time), hill sprints, and some GC's.

-Gunna try to pack on a few pounds this block. Very slowly.

-Happy to say all of my lift TM's will be progressed 5 lbs. They all felt solid block 5 week 6. SQ: 340, BP: 250, WPU: 110, DL: 485.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by J-Madd »

Green2Blue wrote:Block 5 Review

A lot of big changes this block. A lot of learning.

1. The biggest change this block was getting my home gym up and running. The biggest thing this has done is saved me an enormous amount of time. Not only do I not have to travel to the gym, but I don't waste time between exercises unracking and racking because I can just do that during my tests between sets. I can also superset my assistance work so it shortens the time dramatically and adds an element of conditioning. I can also watch my daughter and lift at the same time. The only negative is missing out certain equipment. The big ones for me is no hex bar (for my farmers walks), kettlebells, or treadmill.

2. More time means I've been putting more focus on mobility. More time for mobility had allowed me to overcome a half-decade old hip injury. I can now squat to a full depth that I've never quite been able to hit. My squats have completely changed. Unfortunately the gain of an inch has made me lose 100 lbs off my TM, but it's all for the better in the long run. I can also now do front squats for the first time in my life thanks to improved mobility, and implement them with my assistance work.

3. My bench has also changed. Lifting at home allowed me to record my lifts. That allowed them to be critiqued here on the forum. J-Madd gave me some great pointers. Short term it made my benching more of a challenge, but in the long term it should improve my long time nemesis lift.

4. The change in weather and daylight savings has made running, especially E, very difficult. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's opened me up to trying other forms of conditioning. It's allowing me to get creative and to naturally cycle my conditioning. I did need to go back to a 7 day training for this next block so I can fit in some true E work on my days off though.

5. A big mistake I made early in the block was dramatically increasing my volume. I went from 3 sets to 5-7. This was in an attempt to overcome a platuea in my squat (pre depth change) and dead. It was too much. My knees hurt like crazy and I was too exhausted to hit my deads. I fully believe increasing your volume is a great way to bust plateaus, but I now think you need to slowly add sets. I should have gone from 3 to 4, then 5 the next block if needed.

Block 6 Plan

-Going back to standard Operator Black. Had nothing against OP I/A, other than increasing volume too much which was my fault, but I need my training week to match my work week so I can get some LSS work in on days I don't work.

-Doing standard Black over Pro because it's just tough enough as it is to get my runs in with the weather. I'll rotate my LSS runs with my tempo runs. My other HICs will consist of track sprints (a little more variety this time), hill sprints, and some GC's.

-Gunna try to pack on a few pounds this block. Very slowly.

-Happy to say all of my lift TM's will be progressed 5 lbs. They all felt solid block 5 week 6. SQ: 340, BP: 250, WPU: 110, DL: 485.
Great write-up G2B. There is a much to learn in this debriefing.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Strength (Operator)
Block 6.1.1

Primary Lifts (70% Training Max)

SQ 3x5@240 lbs
BP 3x5@175 lbs
WPU 3x5@75 lbs

3 min rest

Accessory Complex

Front Squat
Pendlay Row

1 min rest

-First day of the new block. Good lift. I'm hoping for a simple block this time around.
-Enjoying front squats now that I can actually do them.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Conditioning (Black)
Block 6.1.2

HIC: Oxygen Debt 101

3 rounds: 19:52

-First time doing this HIC. It was fun! I liked the varied rest times. I'm going to try varying my HICs a bit more and try new things.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Strength (Operator)
Block 6.1.3

Primary Lifts (70% Training Max)

SQ 3x5@240 lbs
BP 3x5@175 lbs
WPU 3x5@75 lbs

3 min rest

Accessory Complex

Clean and Press

1 min rest

-Clean and Press was supposed to be supersetted with Toes to Bar, but it was heavier than I was used to and didn't have it in me.

-Since I'm gaining weight I can already tell I need to pull back on the WPU. They'll be regressed 5 lbs back to last block's weight.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Conditioning (Black)
Block 6.1.4


Distance: 5.04 miles
Duration: 59:52
Average HR: 139

-First genuine LSS in a month or two. Felt decent all things considered. I'd prefer to do it prior to a rest day instead of in the middle of my training week, but I needed to fit it in when I could.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Strength (Operator)
Block 6.1.5

Primary Lifts (70% Training Max)

SQ 3x5@240 lbs
BP 3x5@175 lbs
DL 3x5@340 lbs

3 min rest

Accessory Complex

Floor Press
Pendlay Row

1 min rest

-Way too heavy on the complex. Lesson learned for next time. I did like the floor press though. It's like a dead bench.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Conditioning (Black)
Block 6.1.6


Grace: 7:53
1/2 Cindy: 7 rounds

-Ya ya it's blasphemous, but I don't have a lot of GC's out of the book I can do at home. I wanted to do GC9, but I had the little one and couldn't go to the track.

-This was pretty good, but a tad easy. I could have sped it up but I wanted to focus on technique for the C&P. If I do this again I'll probably do s full Cindy after Grace.

-I was going to fill a bucket full of bricks and do a Spartan "Bucket Brigade" after Grace, but it turns out the bricks are too light. I need to find some gravel.

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