Cluster for fighter

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Cluster for fighter

Post by Conor78 »

Finished up base build and as December is pretty mental I'm getting by with heavy S and S, some LSS and wherever else I can fit in. I'm thinking of a cluster for black with fighter and was thinking front squat. Military press, pull up withere DL. Has anyone any experience with such a cluster???Front squat is a relativity new lift for me but it's tough and I want to try to progress with it..

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Re: Cluster for fighter

Post by StayGrey »

Sounds like you're trying to do too much. If you're going to continue with S&S, then keep your Fighter cluster more minimal. If it were me I'd do OHP/FSQ/PU. If you're going heavy enough with S&S then your posterior chain should be getting worked pretty good. Adding in DL seems a little redundant to me. If you really want to include some DL'ng, you could do it like this:

D2: OHP/FSQ/DL x 1 set

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Re: Cluster for fighter

Post by close_fox »

I used that cluster for the last three weeks of BB. There are some notes on it in my training log. Not gospel; just my .02.
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: Cluster for fighter

Post by Conor78 »

Great guys yes I'll take that on board, pushing hard on the S and S, I know what you mean about doing too much. I'll check out the log..

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Re: Cluster for fighter

Post by Tyr0331 »

I am on my second week of fighter Bangkok/black. Using S&S as my SE day. Working out great so far. Thinking about taking a break every six weeks and just doing S&S 4-5 days

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Re: Cluster for fighter

Post by Maxrip13 »

Have you considered zulu along with S&S ? My guess is you want to stick with short frequent training almost daily ? I may have misread.

You could do S&S as a warmup and then just do zulu also. It may be to intense, but if you use a training max for zulu, stay conservative and use a slow progression with S&S I think it would work well.

Think of S& S like a daily recharge/warmup and your zulu as work like practice with the intensity. The training should be under an hour easily, but you need to be able to think long term and not push yourself too hard to progress in either one.

Just as another option that may allow you to continue to do both effectively.

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Re: Cluster for fighter

Post by Maxrip13 »

Conor78 wrote:Finished up base build and as December is pretty mental I'm getting by with heavy S and S, some LSS and wherever else I can fit in. I'm thinking of a cluster for black with fighter and was thinking front squat. Military press, pull up withere DL. Has anyone any experience with such a cluster???Front squat is a relativity new lift for me but it's tough and I want to try to progress with it..
I believe I misread in my post below. That cluster should be fine if you are just doing it twice a week. If you want to include deadlifts you could swap it out for the occasional pullups and keep the volume low. Maybe sub it in every third pullup session. Only thing is pullups benefit from frequency.

Front squats are brilliant especially if you haven't done them much before. You will see some great strength gains from having to stabilize the weight more upright. I would and have in the past, done that cluster and had great results minus the deadlift.

I personally can't squat and deadlift at the same time with any sort of frequency. I am a strong deadlifter so I just always include a squat movement. You may be different.

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