What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

Took yesterday off.

Today I did day 2/week 1 of fighter. Everything felt good.

Pull-ups- 4 sets of 5, BW
OHP- 4 sets of 5, 115lbs
Squat- 4 sets of 5, 190lbs
Dead- 4 sets of 5, 275lbs

I'm going to drop GTG pull-ups until after xmas, as my holiday schedule is pretty wacky (like everyone else, I'm sure) and I want to save my mental bandwidth on ensuring I get all my Base Building work in as RX'ed.

"Fobbit Intervals" tomorrow!
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

I did fobbit intervals today; honestly, I think I made a bit of a hash of it. I used the 50 lb KB for two handed swing (20 reps), used 200 reps jump rope as "rest" interval, and the 35 lb KB for the 10/10 snatches.

After the first two rounds, I realized the jump rope was tiring me out more than the KB work, so I started jogging around my yard for the rest intervals, then switching between the two every other round. I also didn't have my phone (lent out to a visiting American without a Euro cell plan), so I didn't have a countdown timer, just the stopwatch on my wristwatch.

AAR comments;
- go heavier on the KB work. 50 lb for the snatches, maybe 70 lbs for swings (garage gym has 20, 35 and 50 lb KB, plus and adjustable swing handle).

- make sure I have my 2 min interval timer.

- maintain the jump rope/yard jog switch every other round; I liked skipping rope, even if it wasn't much of a rest interval.
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

First day of week 7 of Base Building.

I took a few days off, but I was mostly walking through various European cities with a 30 lb child strapped to my back; does that count as LSS? :lol:

Fighter week 2/day 1 (80% of max)
Pull-ups: 4 sets x 5 reps x BW
OHP: 4 sets x 5 reps x 125 lbs
Squat: 4 sets x 5 reps x 210 lbs
Dead: 4 sets x 5 reps x 310 lbs
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

Hill sprints today. 10 rounds, 62 to 68 second splits. Hard workout, felt good.
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

Ran 36 min for my "E" today. had to cut it short to assist w/ xmas prep.
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

Fobbit intervals. 1 million times better than last week. Everything felt really good. Conducted in my front hall/mud room.

Used 50lb KB for the 20x two-handed swings and the 10/10 snatches. Did jump rope for the two min "rest intervals".

Jumping rope is something I think is cool, and I'm ok at, but I'd like to get even better at.
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

Fighter week 2/ workout 2

Pull-ups: 4 sets x 5 reps x BW
OHP: 4 x 5 x 125 lbs
Squat: 4 x 5 x 210 lbs
Dead: 4 x 5 x 310 lbs

Everything felt really good.

Week 7 of base building done, though with holidays/excuses it took a few days longer than I would have liked.
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

First day of week 8, base building. Ran 55 min, 5.8 miles.

My lovely wife got me a GPS watch for xmas, so I can accurately track how far I run during my workouts. It's a pretty cool toy.
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

Fighter week 3, day 1

Pull-ups=> BW (220) + 25 lbs
I got 2 sets of 3, then the last 2 sets I got 2.5 reps in

4 sets x 3 reps x 140 lbs

4x 3x 240 lbs (hard!)

4x 3x 330 lbs

Yesterday did 5x5 pull-ups and 5 sets of 15 GTG push-ups.

Did 5x5 pull-ups, GTG. I'll update with my GTG push-ups tonight.
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

5 sets of 15 push-ups GTG last night

Fobbit Intervals tonight.
50 Lbs KB for the 20x swing and 10/10 snatches, jump rope for the 2 min "rest" Intervals. 20 min total. For the last few sets of swings, I switched to 10/10 one handed swings.

Did 5 sets of 5 pull-ups, GTG today at work.
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