Green2Blue TB Log

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

BlackPyjamas wrote:
Aelian wrote:Looks like a solid plan G2B. Keep in mind there is a 3rd option--- staying with the same weight for several blocks until you "grow into it". No need to retest or force progression. It works. It's all about getting used to the load as KB outlines in the books. TB is perfectly set-up to act as a natural plateau buster (submaximal/frequent) if you let it be for a while.

I can't stress enough how much I agree with this line of thinking. At the end of the day it's about getting comfortable enough with a certain amount of weight so you can level up. Once you level up, it starts all over again, discomfort until you keep putting the reps in and you're comfortable again. It stands to reason that as you get to more advanced levels you might need to spend more time with the same loads until they become "comfortable".

With that said, I'll throw my hat in the ring here G2B, but have you thought about just leaving the weights the same for a few blocks until you really own them? This might even give you the opportunity to pay attention to other areas of training like your cardio.
Absolutely. Thanks for the input gentlemen (or otherwise, apologies). I'll leave it to how the lift is feeling. If it's feeling heavy then I completely agree that there's no rush.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Barkadion »

BlackPyjamas wrote:
Aelian wrote:Looks like a solid plan G2B. Keep in mind there is a 3rd option--- staying with the same weight for several blocks until you "grow into it". No need to retest or force progression. It works. It's all about getting used to the load as KB outlines in the books. TB is perfectly set-up to act as a natural plateau buster (submaximal/frequent) if you let it be for a while.

I can't stress enough how much I agree with this line of thinking. At the end of the day it's about getting comfortable enough with a certain amount of weight so you can level up. Once you level up, it starts all over again, discomfort until you keep putting the reps in and you're comfortable again. It stands to reason that as you get to more advanced levels you might need to spend more time with the same loads until they become "comfortable".

With that said, I'll throw my hat in the ring here G2B, but have you thought about just leaving the weights the same for a few blocks until you really own them? This might even give you the opportunity to pay attention to other areas of training like your cardio.
This is something I need to learn! To learn how make it feel natural. Great reminder. Thank you!
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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Mini-Block 1

Zulu I/A Black at 80% TM


SQ 270
WPU 90
PP (push press) 150

PC (power clean) 165
DL 390
BP 200
(I switch between DL and PC. PC is done on B1 and DL on B2)

All conditioning days are flexible as far as scheduling, because life happens. One of my HIC's every week will likely be a DT (cop martial arts) practice day with a shorter GC added on. The plan is to do this every Tuesday and since I'm running an 8 day training week it will always fall in a different location on my training schedule. The HIC/E will be either a tempo run for the HIC or LSS for the E. The remaining HIC will be hill sprints or some kind of other interval track HIC.

Emphasis for these mini-blocks is on mobility and technique refinement.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Mini-Block 1
Week 1
Day 1

Zulu I/A: A1

Limber 11 + a few extra dynamic stretches

10 touchdown squats
5 box jumps

5 warmup sets per primary movement

Primary Lifts (70% of TM)
SQ 3x5@190
WPU 3x5@65
PP 3x5@105

3 min rest

Static Stretching

-Pre-mobility and warmup took about 30 minutes combined. Primary lifts took about the same. Post mobility was about 15 minutes.

-Technique felt good. My heels are elevated on my squats which really helps. Squats feel more natural than ever as a result. I just naturally fall into proper depth now. Slowly I'll reduce the amount of elevation. Biggest issue I'm feeling in my squats at the moment is actually my shoulder mobility when I try to keep my wrists straight, something I never bothered with before.

-It's uncomfortably light weight. But I keep reminding myself that it serves a purpose.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Mini-Block 1
Week 1
Day 2

Zulu I/A: B1

Limber 11 + a few extra dynamic stretches

10 touchdown squats
5 box jumps

5 warmup sets per primary movement

Primary Lifts (70% of TM)
PC 3x5@115
BP 3x5@140

3 min rest

Static Stretching


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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Mini-Block 1
Week 1
Day 3

Was supposed to do hill sprints after work but I had to work late. So I'll have to do a HIC on one of MS days this week which is fine.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Mini-Block 1
Week 1
Day 4


Limber 11 + a few extra dynamic stretches

HIC: Hill Sprints

14:10 total

Static Stretching

-Only 3 rounds. Just easing back into it.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Mini-Block 1
Week 1
Day 5

Zulu I/A: A2

Limber 11 + a few extra dynamic stretches

10 touchdown squats
10 box jumps

3-5 warmup sets per primary movement

Primary Lifts (70% of TM)
SQ 3x5@190
WPU 3x5@65
PP 3x5@105

2 min rest

Static Stretching

-First time I've had FUN working out in a while. Can't even explain why. For the first workout of 2017 I'll take it.

-Second set of push press I was focusing so much on my rack position I forgot to move my head when I pressed. Totally smashed the bar right into my jaw! Just barely chipped a tooth. Despite this the above still held true haha.

-Swapped to 2 min rest times during these sub-submax TM

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Revised Continuation Plan

So after some contemplation I decided my plan wasn't quite as in line with KB's advice as I'd like. I don't think dedicating multiple weeks to SE is quite in-line with my personal goals as I am primarily a strength athlete. But more frequent SE/Deload weeks is a good idea compared to what I originally planned.

So I'll be doing 4 week mini-blocks with the first 3 weeks being Zulu I/A and the 4th being an SE/deload week.

I'll still be doing reduced TM's for the first 2 blocks and no assistance lifts until the 4th block.

My initial struggle with doing mini-blocks was finding out what percentages to use. The first half of a standard block which is easier, the second half which is harder? But then I realized that with Zulu I/A, with the same workouts twice a week, I can do both!

So here it is, my Zulu I/A Black Mini-Block:

Zulu I/A Black Mini-Block

Week 1:
MS A1 5x70%
MS B1 5x70%
MS A2 5x75%
MS B2 5x75%
Rest & Mobility

Week 2:
MS A1 5x80%
MS B1 5x80%
MS A2 5x85%
MS B2 5x85%
Rest & Mobility

Week 3:
MS A1 3x90%
MS B1 3x90%
HIC (deloaded)
HIC (deloaded)
MS A2 1-2x95% or Retest
MS B2 1-2x95% or Retest
HIC (deloaded)
Rest & Mobility

Week 4:
Rest & Mobility
Rest & Mobility
Rest & Mobility

So there you have it. Critiques and criticism are welcome.

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Re: Green2Blue TB Log

Post by Green2Blue »

Mini-Block 1
Week 1
Day 6

Zulu I/A: B2

Limber 11 + a few extra dynamic stretches

10 touchdown squats
10 box jumps

3-5 warmup sets per primary movement

Primary Lifts (75% of TM)
DL 3x5@295
BP 3x5@150

2 min rest

Static Stretching

-So I'm having a lot of issues with my left shoulder. It's popping on every BP and WPU. It then causes me a fair amount of pain throughout the day afterwards. I hate to say it, but it started after I brought my BP grip in. I may have to bring it back out, maybe at a happy medium between where it was and where it's been recently.

-I'm not really enjoying lifting in the morning right after I wake up and before work. Everything feels rushed. Not much I can do about it, I'm just complaining. It'll be better when I go to nights because I'll have more time between when I wake up and when I head off to work.

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