What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

Fighter, week 3, day 2

Pull-ups- BW plus 25lbs
First 3 sets I did 3 reps, last set I gassed out at 2 reps. I think I'm going to have to kill the ego and drop the weight on these.

4 sets x 3 reps x 140 lbs

4 x 3 x 240 lbs

4 x 3 x 330 lbs

Except for the pull-ups, everything is feeling good.
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

Hills, 10x, ranging from 63-67 seconds per repeat.

This was the last workout in my Base Building cycle, and it feels great! If you are on the fence about whether or not to do B.B., DO IT!!! I promise you won't regret it.

I'm down 5 pounds from when I started, 225=>220 lbs. My running is much better and I feel fitter overall and my strength hasn't been negatively affected.

I allowed myself two "tweaks" to KB's vanilla BB template;

1) I did some "grease the groove" push-ups and pull-ups. I was doing this before I started TB and plan on keeping these in the mix no matter what I do.

2) I use my patented "weekly whiteboard" method. I write on the whiteboard in my laundry room all the workouts for the week, and cross them off as I finish them. I don't worry about doing E, or SE or Max Strength on Thursday or Monday or whatever. Just get all the workouts for the week done. My job isn't super stressful, but the hours are weird and I have a big family full of tiny people, so my life is pretty chaotic. The weekly whiteboard helps me shape my workouts to my life, instead of the other way around. If you are the type who is constantly discouraged because they miss a day here or there, I highly encourage giving this a shot.

For my continuation, I'm going to follow the LE prep Operator/Black schedule in the back of TB2. I was really tempted by the marathon schedules everybody posted in the marathon thread, but I felt my f*ck-around-itis kicking in and decided to stay the course with a "do this" TB program.

Happy New Year!
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Barkadion »

Nick wrote:Hills, 10x, ranging from 63-67 seconds per repeat.

This was the last workout in my Base Building cycle, and it feels great! If you are on the fence about whether or not to do B.B., DO IT!!! I promise you won't regret it.

I'm down 5 pounds from when I started, 225=>220 lbs. My running is much better and I feel fitter overall and my strength hasn't been negatively affected.

I allowed myself two "tweaks" to KB's vanilla BB template;

1) I did some "grease the groove" push-ups and pull-ups. I was doing this before I started TB and plan on keeping these in the mix no matter what I do.

2) I use my patented "weekly whiteboard" method. I write on the whiteboard in my laundry room all the workouts for the week, and cross them off as I finish them. I don't worry about doing E, or SE or Max Strength on Thursday or Monday or whatever. Just get all the workouts for the week done. My job isn't super stressful, but the hours are weird and I have a big family full of tiny people, so my life is pretty chaotic. The weekly whiteboard helps me shape my workouts to my life, instead of the other way around. If you are the type who is constantly discouraged because they miss a day here or there, I highly encourage giving this a shot.

For my continuation, I'm going to follow the LE prep Operator/Black schedule in the back of TB2. I was really tempted by the marathon schedules everybody posted in the marathon thread, but I felt my f*ck-around-itis kicking in and decided to stay the course with a "do this" TB program.

Happy New Year!
Happy NY, mate!
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

Barkadion- thanks! You too!

Day one on my continuation.

I'm planning to follow the Black template KB laid out in the back of TB2, along with the vanilla Operator template from TB.

I'm using the same cluster and maxes from the fighter template I used the last three weeks of Base Building ( I lightened up the weighted pull-ups a little, since I was having trouble getting thru all the reps on week three of fighter)

WPU=> 245x3=> 263 lbs
OHP=> 155lbs
Squat=> 265 lbs
Dead=> 365 lbs

Today: 3 sets x 5 reps x 70%

3 sets x 5 reps x BW (these felt super crisp!)

3 x 5 x 110 lbs

3 x 5 x 185 lbs

3 x 5 x 255 lbs
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Green2Blue »

Nick wrote:Hills, 10x, ranging from 63-67 seconds per repeat.
Whaaat? My hill takes about 60 seconds to run up too, and I'm smoked after 3. Most I've done is 5. Damn dude, well done.

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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

G2B: you might be running your hill faster! :P thanks for the words of encouragement!

Did GC #6 this morning, but with one-handed 50lbs Kb;

10 swings
5 Burpees
10 BW squats
X AMRAP in 5 minutes

X 3 sets, 60 sec between sets

I managed 3 rounds for the first two 5 minute rounds, and got cut off in the middle of my 3rd set of squats on the last 5 minute round.

This workout smoked me. My burpees also have a very "sloppy" feel to them. Ive seen videos of professional x-fitters knocking out burpees, and I suspect they don't look like what I was doing. I'd like to get these looking and feeling a lot "crisper", if that makes sense.
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

Did 5 x 5 pull-ups and 5 sets x 15 push-ups, GTG yesterday at work.

This Morning: Operator week 1/day 2

3 sets x 5 reps x BW

3 x 5 x 110lbs

3 x 5 x 185lbs

3 x 5 x 255lbs

Easy Day.
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

SE ladder today:

400 meter sprint/40 sec rest
300 m/ 30 sec rest
200 m/ 20 sec rest
100 m/ 10 sec rest

Then back up the ladder.

First 400 was 1:30, last 400 was 1:45.

This one was a REALLY short workout (about 10 minutes) but was still a ball-kicker.

GTG at work: 5x5 pull-ups, 5 x 15 reps push-ups
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

Operator, week 1/day 3

3 sets x 5 reps x BW

3 x 5 x 110 lbs

3 x 5 x 185 lbs

3 x 5 x 255 lbs

Felt good. Chomping at the bit to put some more weight on the bar!
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

Change of plans. A bunch of guys at work are doing a half- marathon on 20 May. Doing a half, then a full has been in my bucket list for a long time (too long!) and this is my opportunity to get it knocked out.

My plan right now is to do Hal Higdon's Intermediate 1 plan along side Operator (WPU, OHP, Squat, Dead).

I'm concerned about cramming so many workouts into a week, not from a recovery standpoint, but from a time management aspect.

Hal's plan is only 12 weeks though, and I have 19 weeks until the race, so I've got some padding to get the plan ironed out.

Ran 4.2 miles, 38 minutes.
The wind calls your name; get out of your bed.

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