Fat Moz's training log

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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Barkadion »

Moz69 wrote:
Moz69 wrote:
Not happy with the form on my FS, see how the next block goes in a few days and may drop the weight 10% to improve form.

To clarify.
I recorded two sets of FS from different angles and from what I felt was reasonable form showed a number of errors.

1. Did not appear deep enough, just parallel
2. Knees appear to go way past my toes
3. Slight lean forward at the bottom of the squat.

It could be just I'm a bit tight after Xmas and new year.

Possible way forward is to dropping the weight down and greasing the groove for a while and possibly incorporate Bulgarian squats for strength.
Would you consider investing into oly shoes? I found that it helps enormously with my FS.. It does fix mobility limitations.

Another thing I notice that 90% of my success is depending on proper upper back adjustment/position. Once my upper back is in right position and tight enough - > the rest of the body is golden without any issue.. It might sound stupid but FS is Upper Body movement for me in a way...

Another trick is doing paused ATG for all warm up sets.

Just 2c..
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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »

Barkadion wrote:
Moz69 wrote:
Moz69 wrote:
Not happy with the form on my FS, see how the next block goes in a few days and may drop the weight 10% to improve form.

To clarify.
I recorded two sets of FS from different angles and from what I felt was reasonable form showed a number of errors.

1. Did not appear deep enough, just parallel
2. Knees appear to go way past my toes
3. Slight lean forward at the bottom of the squat.

It could be just I'm a bit tight after Xmas and new year.

Possible way forward is to dropping the weight down and greasing the groove for a while and possibly incorporate Bulgarian squats for strength.
Would you consider investing into oly shoes? I found that it helps enormously with my FS.. It does fix mobility limitations.

Another thing I notice that 90% of my success is depending on proper upper back adjustment/position. Once my upper back is in right position and tight enough - > the rest of the body is golden without any issue.. It might sound stupid but FS is Upper Body movement for me in a way...

Another trick is doing paused ATG for all warm up sets.

Just 2c..
Cheers as usual for your 2 cents bark.

To be honest mate I do my FS and DL in bare feet. I'll take your advice on board and try the ATG, focus on the upper back stability and will incorporate the Bulgarian split squat.

I feel the way forward at some point is a hex bar and using light FS for accessory in the future.
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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Barkadion »

Moz69 wrote:I feel the way forward at some point is a hex bar and using light FS for accessory in the future.
That sounds like a perfect couple :D
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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »

Barkadion wrote:
Moz69 wrote:I feel the way forward at some point is a hex bar and using light FS for accessory in the future.
That sounds like a perfect couple :D

sure does.. need to save up for one now.
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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »

Black Zulu I/A Week 2

Block A3
Warm Up
Rope work, Animal flow Transitions, Foam rolling
4x5 @80%
Ring PU BW

FP felt good and strong
RPU First two sets great. Last two was a struggle.

Due to hamstring injury earlier in the week decided to have an extra days rest before DL.


FS & DL day
Decided to work on the form for FS, since my last session I have been experiencing sore knees. Combine that with my poor form on FS and I haet BS I’ve decided after reading around the forum and the web to substitute Bulgarian squats. The ideal situation would be to use a hex/shrug bar something for santa to get me next xmas.

Bulgarian splits
I don’t have a bench so played around with different heights on boxes to find the ideal height, this was a 10 inch step. Any higher it felt my rear leg engaged more than I was happy with. This being a new movement for me and as recommended in T-Nation started from the bottom of the movement. https://www.t-nation.com/training/bulga ... lit-squats
Kept the weight light and used a single 16kg kb @5x5. It felt very manageable and an enjoyable exercise.
The way forward is to find my form and slowly increase the weight while also working on FS form.
Finished off with a few sets of Goblin Squats.

Worked up to working weight, 127KG 5x5. First two reps of the first set the weight felt great, 3rd rep felt the hamstring so walked away… now that isn’t something I would have done a few years ago.
Tried a few hyper extensions for some posterior work, 4x8@10kg, felt good.

Then grip work, 3x40 sec ring dead hangs. 3x20 sec bar hangs using a fat gripz on alternate sides. RI 1 min

Rest Monday, into week 3 on tuesday.
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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »

lack Zulu I/A Week 3

Block A1

1 mile run to test the hamstring, took it steady 9.11 and no pain felt. then a session of yoga.

Warm Up
Rope work, Animal flow Transitions, Foam rolling

4x3 @90%
Ring PU 10kg

The weight felt right for the percentage.

Floor slider press ups, to the front and side.
Band pull apart

3x15 16kg kb dble swings (one each hand).



Light exercise specific warm up plus rope work.

Bulgarian Split squat

Took the weight to 24kg @4x3. A great movement and really enjoyable, the weight is nowhere near the 90% one rep max but as this is only the second time I have done this exercise I am taking it steady.

Then practiced Bulgarian split squat with a Barbell in the Front Squat position (15kg short oly bar) felt great.

To finish off
24kg kb swings 50 each side.

Ball slams to finish off with.
An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »

Friday 13th

Zulu I/A Week 3

Warm up, freestyle rope work. Animal flow transitions

4x3 @90%
Ring PU 10kg

When loading the bar up I felt the hamstring go, my knees have been sore and my left shoulder pain is coming back. So I have decided to have a week off from all training including mobility work. At the end of this I was feeling pain free with just a slight clicking in the left shoulder.
Decided I need to build up a running base and would like to get to a reasonable 5k speed before incorporating hill sprints from where my hamstring injury came from. This will also give me time to work on my running form which I believe contributed to the injury

The plan is to follow a 5k running program with 3-4 sessions per week.

Monday 23/1/17

Zulu I/A Week 4

Block A1

Warm Up
1.5 mile slow and steady run
As per the running program.



FP 82kg
Ring PU BW

An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »

The Hamstring is still causing a problem and due to this I have dropped the Deadlifts bit of a friggin pain but it just isn’t healing. Trying to look at the positives I will be able to concentrate on S&S as the replacement which I am currently doing.
I am still not using the FS and working on the Bulgarian splits and incorporating LSS on a cross-trainer for the low impact and slow runs of 1-2 miles.
I have some self-imposed time constraints due to work, assignments etc. This now means that I now do all my strength training on one day instead of two. Not the ideal situation but part of the beauty I’ve found with TB is the flexibility to do this. Anyone browsing through my log will see I have had to adapt the routine in the past. This flexibility is great as at the end of next month I will be working away and doing 14hr shifts for 3-4 days per week.

I finished off the Week 4 Block 4x5@ 75% with 3 LSS states for around 30 mins still doing the extra training blocks A&B.

Currently on Week 5 4x3@85%
I have reduced the number of ROMWODs routines as I felt they aggravated the injury and currently mainly use foam rolling.
Floor Press 92.5kg
Ring PU 5KG
Bulgarian Split Squat 24kg – still greasing the groove on this one but loving the movement
S&S 24kgx100 single arm swings
TGU 16-24kg 5x5
Accessory is mainly shoulder stabilization exercises.

The Floor Press feels like I can easily do 6 reps and the same with Ring PU. I do feel that adding the extra workout block has benefited myself as I feel I take longer to adapt to the weight increase and one week feels to short now.
Looking forward, I am away on holiday in 3 weeks just in time for the end of the training block and looking at running Base Building block depending on the hamstring injury. As on holiday I will use swimming for LSS and BW SE.
An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »

Well been a while since posting and here is a quick rundown on whats been happening.

I was not sure what was going on with my body but just after my last post I was getting really bad joint pains in my L shoulder and knees after exercising and still had a nagging hamstring injury. It got to the point even after some light weight squats I was struggling standing up for a few days without getting sharp pains in my knee joints..

So decided enough was enough and to have a break from all exercising and mobility work and within a few weeks most of the pain had gone. At the same time I have reduced the mileage I travel by motorbike. In a bad week its around 400-450 miles, not a huge amount but I think due to the style of the bike which is a supermoto you have an upright riding position. This has affected my posture which i feel has caused issues. My knees have been getting very cold while travelling, even with protective gear the temperature soon drops. Plus I am always pushing the bike and never taking it easy even in extreme weather and can feel battered, drained and aching at the end of the ride. I think I am feeling the effect of the combination of age, wear and tear from all the training and different sports over the years.

I was going away on holiday from which I have just comeback from. I did plan to do some gentle jogging but was literally on a small desert island in the Indian Ocean that you could walk round in 15 minutes so spent most days snorkeling which was great for working the legs out.

I am currently mostly pain free in the knees and looking to use the triple progression system just to build a strength base. I am going to introduce mobility work gradually as I felt sometimes in ROMWOD the static positions aggravated the knees so some testing needed there.

I am still working on the routine and will post shortly. However in two weeks time I will be working away from home for 3 days per week doing 14 plus hour shifts so I will need to build some flexibility into the program.
An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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Re: Fat Moz's training log

Post by Moz69 »

This is the first session back after a break.


Rope work, mobility drills for warm up.

FP 5x5 @70kg>> This felt very light, no issues with the shoulder.

Ring Pull Ups. aimed for 5x5 ended up 2x5 3x4

Landmine Front Squat. 5x5@15kg weight. A very slight pain in the knees.

RI 2 mins


Very light weights used and progress is going to be slow and steady


Warm up.
Rope work and foam rolling.

30secs Burpees
30 secs Jumping jacks
30 secs High knees alternate dumbbell press
30 secs bag work light and fast.
30 sec rest

5 sets.

10x10 1h KB swings 24kb

wheel roll outs x10
Slider slow controlled knees to chest x10
supermans x10

ROMWOD 20 mins
An old Scottish friend once said to me "A queer bird the fish" I never bloody knew what he meant.

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