Thinking of switching to fighter

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Thinking of switching to fighter

Post by Adski »

I'm considering a switch to fighter, if I do it would look like this

Day1 strength FS OHP WPU pm core-rollouts

Day 2 conditioning (skate/conditioning finisher PM pinch grip

Day 3 WPU early, conditioning pm- core session

Day 4 FS OHP Deadlift/GHR work

Day 5 conditioning pm Rollouts

Day 6 conditioning- sandbag carry finisher pm- grip work

My main goal is improving my Rollouts and getting my triple clap push ups looking better which I can work on prior to a conditioning session at least once a week. The thing I find with operator and I/A (as much as it is my favourite) is that I find it hard to fit in explosive work in particular.
I feel like this may be a good way of going about things, I'll have a bit more of a think about it, happy to receive any thoughts on the subject.

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Re: Thinking of switching to fighter

Post by Maxrip13 »

Seems like it would work, but have you considered just using your explosive stuff as a warmup and using a conservative training max on your lifts? Get your explosive stuff out of the way and then grind with some lifts. You could then do the same with your conditioning days and the rollouts.

Focus on whatever you want to improve first and then finish off with the meat and potatoes work to maintain what you have already achieved strength and conditioning wise. Just another option.

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Re: Thinking of switching to fighter

Post by Adski »

I have thought of doing this, (explosive work in warm ups) I might try that before making other changes, if it doesn't work I may make the switch. My t max is already somewhat conservative but I'm sure I could round it down if required.

My other concern is not burning my legs out too much for skating which can happen though I have adapted over the last couple of months I suppose this is where a flex day (op/ia) would be handy.

The other thing that I was thinking was that with the 3 days lifting it takes a bit out of the tank, say if one wanted to perform a decent finisher, for me personally sometimes it ends up not being feasible.

Thanks for the input by the way, appreciate it! I'm on a forced deload this week so I'll have a good think about it before I start my next block.

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