Free Weights vs Max Rack

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Free Weights vs Max Rack

Post by Your_Lunch »

When I'm training at my local gym it's all free weight barbells, but on shift at the Station we have a Max Rack but no free barbells, and I've found it's much easier to lift using the Max Rack. I'm assuming this is due to it not needing to use stabiliser muscles as much, but also partially as, being a tall dude, the Max Rack is much better for dialling in the setup/liftoff height (free weight rack is just too short!).

So when testing my 1RM, which would be better to use? I guess the obvious choice is free weights, but the added safety of the rack, plus better rack heights make it more desirable.....

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Re: Free Weights vs Max Rack

Post by TBPenguin »

I had to go look up what a Max Rack is. If you are going to be using both part time, I'd use the free weights for any testing. If you could though I think it would be better to use the free weights as much as possible and just use the Max Rack when you can't get to the gym.

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Re: Free Weights vs Max Rack

Post by Maxrip13 »

Why dont you buy a bar and use it on the max rack? haha best of both worlds. You get the better height and from google it's no different than a power rack, but the bar is on smith machine rails. You can use the same weights and just do your lifts on the other side of the rack to where the fixed bar is.

Otherwise I would recommend your own bar and cheap squat stands over the max rack thing. I used to take mine into work all the time haha.

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Re: Free Weights vs Max Rack

Post by Caleddin »

If you're really splitting your time evenly, it might be better to test your max on both separately, right? That way you can push your maximum with the main muscle using the machine assistance, and you can make sure you aren't being dangerous by using that inflated maximum on your free weights.

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Re: Free Weights vs Max Rack

Post by Your_Lunch »

Maxrip13 wrote:Why dont you buy a bar and use it on the max rack? haha best of both worlds. You get the better height and from google it's no different than a power rack, but the bar is on smith machine rails. You can use the same weights and just do your lifts on the other side of the rack to where the fixed bar is.
I hadn't thought of that at all mate, might be the best way forward!
Caleddin wrote:If you're really splitting your time evenly, it might be better to test your max on both separately, right?
Unfortunately due to the rolling shift system, sometimes I might be in my gym and not touch the rack at work all week, and other times use it a few sessions per week, so no real consistency to it :(
TBPenguin wrote:I had to go look up what a Max Rack is. If you are going to be using both part time, I'd use the free weights for any testing. If you could though I think it would be better to use the free weights as much as possible and just use the Max Rack when you can't get to the gym.
If I don't end up getting a bar myself for work, I think this is the safest option. The ego will have to suck it up with the lower numbers!

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Re: Free Weights vs Max Rack

Post by Blackmetalbunny »

Your_Lunch wrote:If I don't end up getting a bar myself for work, I think this is the safest option. The ego will have to suck it up with the lower numbers!
An alternative is to treat your Max Rack sessions as semi-SE sessions, load up a little heavier and do more reps. It's very un-TB, but you're training another energy system which you'd definitely have a use for. You might have to change to a Fighter program and do some juggling to align your MS training days on your off-days.

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