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Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

K.B. wrote:
Tym87 wrote:I'm going to rebuild myself now post surgery with very conservative training maxes. Operator Black. Tested today

PULLUP 1x6 BW Start fighter Pullups at 5
BENCH PRESS 165 Training Max, plan to do 5 sets
DEADLIFT 320 will use Training Max
SQUAT 135, Very Conservative Training Max. Don't want to reinjure foot
Good to have you back TyM! Take your time with the rebuilding process.
Thanks KB!

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Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by J-Madd »

It's great to have you back in the mix Tym87!!!!

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Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

J-Madd wrote:It's great to have you back in the mix Tym87!!!!
Thanks JMadd. I'm ready to start squatting again

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Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

Just fighter pullups today. 5,4,3,2,1 reps

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Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

PULLUP 5,4,3,2,2
BENCH PRESS 4x5 125#@75%
DEADLIFT 1x5 240#@75%
SQUAT 4x5 95#@75%

garage was cold as hell

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Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

Fighter Pullups - 5,4,4,3,2
75% - Very Conservative training maxes. Rehab'n but feel better than I have in months
Bench Press - 5x5 @ 125
Squats - 3x5 @ 95

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Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

Fighter Pullups 5,5,4,3,2

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Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

Fighter Pullups 6,5,4,3,2
Squats 3x5 @ 95
BP 4x5 @ 125

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Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

Fighter Pullups 6,5,4,3,3, - 1min rest interval (Blasphemy!)
BP 4x5@135
SQ 3x5@110

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Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

Fighter Pullups
6,5,4,4,3 1 min rest interval

Did some rock climbing/bouldering problems with my kids at a rock gym. I wouldn't call it E/HIC/or SE...maybe just a grip burnout?

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