Member Introductions Thread

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Member Introductions Thread

Post by grouchyjarhead »

I was going to post my own, but decided maybe we should start one thread for everyone to pop in and introduce themselves.

Name's Grouchy, I posted/still post on the Reddit forum r/tacticalbarbell as the same. Presently have 19 years combined of US military and LE experience. Outside of those pursuits, I trained in the martial arts for 14 years, competed in amateur strongman and powerlifting, and now have set my sights on GoRuck events which I've done two of so far. On the mend right now due to some medical issues (service related), but once I'm up and moving I plan to start my own training journal on here.

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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by Moz69 »

Hope you recover quickly fella and look forward to reading your journal
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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by nickgoldma »

My name is Nick and I am 24. I am currently in school with aspirations to go into law enforcement/corrections with the local sheriffs department. I do BJJ 2-3 times a week and I really enjoy it. Though I am rather overweight, I feel TB is the perfect program to train and condition myself for my career goals as well as my BJJ goals as I have to keep reminding myself that consistency is the key to win. I would like to set a goal to compete in a BJJ tournament and prepare myself more not only on the mat but condition myself outside as well. Other than that, I love music, reading, and more. Looking forward to connecting with people here.
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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by Saracen »

Saracen123 from r/tacticalbarbell...good to be here. Ex-military, now in the private sector in a related field. Found TB last year and it made all the other programs I've used to date seem amateur-hour by comparison.

I'm not training for anything in particular other than to keep pushing and improve quality of life. Was pleasantly surprised at the caliber of the TB reddit community, looking forward to learning more with all of you.

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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by Sorntel »

Sorntel from r/tacticalbarbell checking in! Good to see some familiar "faces".

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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by CannonballRun »


Never registered on Reddit, but lurked for months and read everything. Thought I'd finally register here. Was military for several years and have been in federal law enforcement for over a decade. I have done some running events and triathlons in the past and have using TB in some form or another for about a year with good results. Looking forward to enjoying the new forum.

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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by mikhou »

mikhou here. I've been around TB awhile. I have no background in anything military or LE-related, but I have great respect for you guys. I'm 43 yo and am just looking to stay healthy and fit. I am an American living overseas in a 3rd world country working in the humanitarian aid sector, and I can't "scratch my sports itch" over here. So I use TB and TB2 as my sports fix. I try to do every TB2 session better than I did before (unless, of course, it's supposed to be an easy day).

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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by mtguy1976 »

Been doing TB for close to a year, love the reults so far.
LEO for 14 years, 12 of those years have been SWAT. I was a into powerlifting before the police academy, but found boxing and muaythai and went that way for a while. I did Muay Thai for about 6 years and fought competitively for 5 of those years (didn't do the best, that's why I stuck with my day job :lol: ) A lot of my training before TB was literally a mix of crossfit, running and body weight stuff thrown in with the occasional strength workout. I weighed 170 pounds in the academy. When I got into fighting I was about 155, fought at 150. After fighting and some personal stuff I withered down to 138, injured or just tired all the time. I found TB and am now up to 149-150 and am feeling a ton better

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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by Barkadion »

Hi guys,

I am u/Barkadion from the the reddit. Name is Bark. I am not from the military, but my father was a military man. He was the one who introduced me to the training when I was 10 y.o.
I am 46 y.o. now and I've been on and off training my whole life. I have done some structured and smart training as well as stupid and careless training.

I am coming back to the training from training related injury. I am rebuilding myself from ground zero in a way.

I've got twins 3 months ago and I have celebrated being new dad by starting Base Building. That was one of the smartest decisions in my life. I am running my very first Black OP now. My goals are modest. I want to be in safe injury free training as long as I can. And I hope to get to some of my pre-injury training numbers.

I was pleasantly surprised by quality of TB community. Happy to be here.
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Re: Member Introductions Thread

Post by travman »


I am a 27 year old graduate student, with a limited athletic background. (Three years of swimming in high school, and one year of wrestling.) More recently, I have done one powerlifting meet and that was an enjoyable experience. Before BB I did Pavel's Simple and Sinister. I enjoyed the principles and it compliments a busy schedule very well. I still want to reach the Simple goal.

I have been reading TB for over a year now, and I just completed BB today. I have lurked and read on the subreddit but never posted anything. I am excited to be apart of this community. I plan on uploading a training log onto the forum so I can provide a good rookie/beginners perspective of the TB Program.


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