What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

Operator week 5/ day 2

3 sets x 5 reps x (BW + 5lbs)

3 x 5 x 130lbs

3 x 5 x 225lbs

KB swings, 2 handed, 50lbs==> 6 sets in 3:03 min
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

Operator week 5/day 3

3 sets x 5 reps x (BW + 5 lbs)

3 x 5 x 130lbs

3 x 5 x 225lbs

2 hand swing, 50 lbs KB, 7 sets in 3:35
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

Operator week 6/day 1

3 sets x 2 reps x (BW + 32 lbs)

3 x 2 x 145 lbs

3 x 2 x 250 lbs

2 hand swings with 50 lbs KB, 8 sets of 10, 3:23

My foot was feeling a little wonky last week, so I didn't get all my mileage in; no need to panic, I planned for something like this.

Took this weekend off and I'm going to repeat my planned running workouts for last week.

With regard to lifting, last week was a real grind, but today the weights just flew up.

Workouts for this week;
3 mile run
5 mile run
7 mile run
Operator w/swings
Operator w/swings
Operator w/swings
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Posts: 256
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

5 mile run, 46:14 min, 1% grade on treadmill. Wore an old pair of sneakers; between that and taking a few days off of running, my foot isn't giving me any trouble. :P
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

Operator week 6/day 2
3 sets x 2 reps x (BW + 32 lbs)

3 sets x 2 reps x 145 lbs

3 sets x 2 reps x 250 lbs

90 2-hand swings, 50 lbs KB, 4:00 min
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

3 mile run, 1% grade, treadmill, 24:50 min. Wanted to get under 25 min, and I did.

Gotta get under 21 now. That might take a few more weeks...
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

Operator week 6/day 3

3 sets x 2 reps x (BW + 32lbs)

3 x 2 x 145 lbs

3 x 2 x 250 lbs

50lb, 2 handed KB swings ==> 100 in 4:16 min

Last day of operator! I'll test soon and put up my new maxes. Weight is down to 215lbs. Feeling good.
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

So, re-reading TB, and I see I'm supposed to test after 12 weeks (i.e., 2 cycles of operator). So, back to week 1...

3 sets x 5 reps x BW

3 x 5 x 110lbs

3 x 5 x 185lbs

1 hand 50lbs KB swings====> 50 reps in 1:59 min
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

Missed another run day yesterday. Fuck. I'm supposed to have PT time in the afternoon on Tuesdays and Thursday, but work continues to interfere. I'm going to perform the runs I was planning for tue/thur afternoon in the morning on tues/thur.

Operator week 1/day 2
3 sets x 5 reps x BW

3 x 5 x 110lbs

3 x 5 x 185lbs

One-hand swings, 50lbs KB, 60 reps, 2:17 min
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Posts: 256
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

Ran 5 miles, 47:20. Certainly not my best time.
The wind calls your name; get out of your bed.

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