Deadlift question

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Deadlift question

Post by Ivan »

Hi everybody! a quick question:

I choose a simple cluster, bench press and deadlift (sometimes Pull Ups) because i don't have a rack for squat.
For deadlift, in your opinion, how many sets i should do?
For now i choose fighter templete, i'm an amateur boxer


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Re: Deadlift question

Post by Green2Blue »

With a cluster that minimal I wouldn't go below 3. You'll see recommendations for 1 set, but that generally goes along with a more complete cluster.

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Re: Deadlift question

Post by TangoZero »

Ivan wrote:Hi everybody! a quick question:

I choose a simple cluster, bench press and deadlift (sometimes Pull Ups) because i don't have a rack for squat.
For deadlift, in your opinion, how many sets i should do?
For now i choose fighter templete, i'm an amateur boxer

Depends on how sensitive you are to deadlifts and how quickly you recover. Personally they hit me pretty hard, any more than one or two work sets and it negatively affects my conditioning and training for the rest of the week. Your own experience may differ. Since you're a boxer, if I were in your shoes I'd start off with one work set. If you don't run into issues the first week then bump it up to two...then three..and so on until you find your sweetspot. This is assuming you'll be deadlifting for both of your Fighter sessions.

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Re: Deadlift question

Post by xfitxm »

Not answering your question but have you considered front squat or goblet squat?

You could clean the weight.

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Re: Deadlift question

Post by grouchyjarhead »

TangoZero wrote:Depends on how sensitive you are to deadlifts and how quickly you recover. Personally they hit me pretty hard, any more than one or two work sets and it negatively affects my conditioning and training for the rest of the week. Your own experience may differ. Since you're a boxer, if I were in your shoes I'd start off with one work set. If you don't run into issues the first week then bump it up to two...then three..and so on until you find your sweetspot. This is assuming you'll be deadlifting for both of your Fighter sessions.
Great answer here. I'm even more conservative - the first three weeks of Fighter I would just do one work set, then if that feels solid try two work sets the next three weeks and so on until you find your sweet spot like TangoZero is saying.

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Re: Deadlift question

Post by J-Madd »

grouchyjarhead wrote:
Great answer here. I'm even more conservative - the first three weeks of Fighter I would just do one work set, then if that feels solid try two work sets the next three weeks and so on until you find your sweet spot like TangoZero is saying.[/quote]


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Re: Deadlift question

Post by Ivan »

Thanks a lot For the answers. I think i'll go 1 set per workout For the 3 week and than 2 Sets. With the squat i have some problem, For the rack and For tecnique

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Re: Deadlift question

Post by TangoZero »

grouchyjarhead wrote: I'm even more conservative - the first three weeks of Fighter I would just do one work set, then if that feels solid try two work sets the next three weeks and so on
Even better. Patience pays off.

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Re: Deadlift question

Post by Green2Blue »

I'm going to maintain my difference of opinion by stating that you're going to have a hard time getting very strong with only two sets of a lower body lift per week. That may not matter for your goals though.

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Re: Deadlift question

Post by DocOctagon »

Green2Blue wrote:I'm going to maintain my difference of opinion by stating that you're going to have a hard time getting very strong with only two sets of a lower body lift per week. That may not matter for your goals though.
From what I gather the idea is to build up to multiple work sets over time, rather than jump in to 3-5 sets right away.

@Ivan, while you're building up your DL volume, don't be shy about filling your empty training time with KB swings, pull-ups, pistols and the like. As per Tango and Grouchy, take your time building up to it but try and aim for 5-6 sets (DL) per week in total. Don't be afraid to be "wavy". If you're having a rough week, go back down to one set, if you're on fire then bump up to 3 or even 4 or 5 as long as you've got suitable recovery time afterward.

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