Continuation (Strength, BJJ, & running)

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Continuation (Strength, BJJ, & running)

Post by Rackem88 »

Hey guys just wanted to get some thoughts on putting together a protocol after BB.

Currently doing BB with fighter (squat, bench, deadlifts, pull-ups). After I finish the strength phase I will head into SE and HIC (running specific) to prep for PRT in late April. Things have been going great so far, This has been the strongest I have been while also pushing running endurance.

I know this may be planning ahead however I'd like to start thinking about a continuation protocol for after the PRT. I will be able to resume BJJ after the PRT but I would like to continue improving my running (specifically 2-4 miles) while working on maximal strength. Ideally run this block for around 12+ weeks. So here here is what I am thinking.

Strength: Fighter or Operator continuing Squat DL Bench and WPU

BJJ 2-3x a week

Running 2-3x a week

Any input on which conditioning workouts to supplement this would be great. I can do lifting, BJJ and running any day of the week.

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Re: Continuation (Strength, BJJ, & running)

Post by J-Madd »

What does your BJJ training look like? How many live rounds do you typically roll (and how long are the rounds)? Do you do any conditioning at practice?

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Re: Continuation (Strength, BJJ, & running)

Post by Rackem88 »

BJJ practice looks like this

15 min warmup
20-30 min drill
15-20 min rolling

Rolling portion is usually 3-5 min rounds with 1 min rest. Sometimes though we will warmup and roll the entire class and on saturdays the class usually lasts around 2 hours. If there is a competition coming up there might be more conditioning . I am also a white belt with just under a years experience. My goal for BJJ is just to keep learning and getting the basics down.

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Re: Continuation (Strength, BJJ, & running)

Post by J-Madd »

Rackem88 wrote:BJJ practice looks like this

15 min warmup
20-30 min drill
15-20 min rolling

Rolling portion is usually 3-5 min rounds with 1 min rest. Sometimes though we will warmup and roll the entire class and on saturdays the class usually lasts around 2 hours. If there is a competition coming up there might be more conditioning . I am also a white belt with just under a years experience. My goal for BJJ is just to keep learning and getting the basics down.
I would count your BJJ practice toward GC/HIC, because I assume you are rolling pretty hard during those shorter rounds. I suggest you use OP I/A, since your BJJ schedule is variable. Do a Fast 5 and/or one other running HIC (preferable some sort of hill sprint) every "week" of OP I/A. Throw in a LSS as needed.

This is not how I work around my BJJ, but I'm rolling x4/week now and I'm old and decrepit. ;)

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Re: Continuation (Strength, BJJ, & running)

Post by Rackem88 »

The more I read into Op I/A , the more this makes sense. I really like the frequency of operator. Do you ever do 2-3 weeks of just SE after a few blocks of Op? I have noticed that I really feel my groove with BJJ when I am doing 4-5 sessions a week however improving my running is just a bit higher of a priority at the moment. Although, I'd like to hear how you structure your workouts with that much time on the mat a week.

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Re: Continuation (Strength, BJJ, & running)

Post by J-Madd »

Rackem88 wrote:The more I read into Op I/A , the more this makes sense. I really like the frequency of operator. Do you ever do 2-3 weeks of just SE after a few blocks of Op? I have noticed that I really feel my groove with BJJ when I am doing 4-5 sessions a week however improving my running is just a bit higher of a priority at the moment. Although, I'd like to hear how you structure your workouts with that much time on the mat a week.
When doing OP, I actually do a week of SE/GC every fourth week. I think taking a few weeks of progressive SE after several blocks is good, especially if you job demands it. Unless you need it for your job, you BJJ probably checks that box for you. You could also throw in a few rounds of a Tango Circuit every so often instead of a conditioning drill.

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Re: Continuation (Strength, BJJ, & running)

Post by Rackem88 »

I know you have a book coming out soon about training at a "mature age" but I was wondering what you would recommend for someone a bit younger, i.e. 27, in terms of setting goals for fitness. My job doesn't really require much in the ways of strength or endurance, those are just more personal goals for myself. It would be great to set out some long term goals a year or two down the road such as 300,400,500, for bench, squat, and deadlift as well as decent body weight strength and running ability. You seem to have achieved all of this so I figured you'd be the best person to ask.

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Re: Continuation (Strength, BJJ, & running)

Post by J-Madd »

Rackem88 wrote:I know you have a book coming out soon about training at a "mature age" but I was wondering what you would recommend for someone a bit younger, i.e. 27, in terms of setting goals for fitness. My job doesn't really require much in the ways of strength or endurance, those are just more personal goals for myself. It would be great to set out some long term goals a year or two down the road such as 300,400,500, for bench, squat, and deadlift as well as decent body weight strength and running ability. You seem to have achieved all of this so I figured you'd be the best person to ask.
I think a great lifetime goal would to do the following in the same month:

BP 200% of bodyweight or DL/SQ 300% of bodyweight
Run <20 min 5K or <6 min 1600m
20 strict pull-ups
Complete 1/2 Marathon

As far as more intermediate goals, where are your lifts/run times now?

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Re: Continuation (Strength, BJJ, & running)

Post by Rackem88 »

I am 6' 225 lbs, probably between 18-20% body fat. Haven't rested maxes in a while but calculating it based on current lifts, it would look close to this.

Squat 300 lbs
Bench 255 lbs
Deadlift No idea, I have pulled 435 but that was three years ago. I stick around 315x5 for work sets at the moment
Pull-ups 15
5k ~24-25 min

The numbers you listed would be great to achieve. It will probably take quite a few years to get there but I'm really in no rush.

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Re: Continuation (Strength, BJJ, & running)

Post by Green2Blue »

J-Madd wrote: BP 200% of bodyweight or DL/SQ 300% of bodyweight
Run <20 min 5K or <6 min 1600m
20 strict pull-ups
Complete 1/2 Marathon
I like these. Very difficult, but not impossible.

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