KB conditioning question

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Re: KB conditioning question

Post by Aelian »

TBPenguin wrote:Thanks Aelian. I don't have any real love of swings, if they aren't a decent alternative for some form of conditioning then it won't bother me at all to not do them.
Copy that. Don't get me wrong, they're an excellent exercise in their own right (one of my favorite), but they wouldn't be my first pick for HIC or aerobic training.

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Re: KB conditioning question

Post by J-Madd »

I tried doing Kenneth Jay's 15 second snatch-15 second rest protocol (continuing for up to 40 min) for a while. I was OK, but it didn't really move the needle for me. I always felt like I would have done better to go for a LSS run or do so sort of HIC. I would expect something similar for swings EMOM, unless you are using a very heavy KB.

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Re: KB conditioning question

Post by GlassCityMedic »

What about going with more of a KB sport type template like snatch/jerk/long cycle with work sets up to 4-5 min without rest?

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Re: KB conditioning question

Post by DocOctagon »

GlassCityMedic wrote:What about going with more of a KB sport type template like snatch/jerk/long cycle with work sets up to 4-5 min without rest?
That would fit squarely in the GC/work capacity category. That's no different than doing any of the GCs in the vault, except you're solely using kettlebell movements. So yes, it'll definitely work for improving work capacity, but there are more efficient ways of developing traditional aerobic/anaerobic output.

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Re: KB conditioning question

Post by DocOctagon »

DocOctagon wrote:
GlassCityMedic wrote:What about going with more of a KB sport type template like snatch/jerk/long cycle with work sets up to 4-5 min without rest?
That would fit squarely in the GC/work capacity category. That's no different than doing any of the GCs in the vault, except you're solely using kettlebell movements. So yes, it'll definitely work for improving work capacity, but there are more efficient ways of developing traditional aerobic/anaerobic output.

From what I gather, Penguin is asking about using kettlebells to work on the aerobic system from a LSS angle. Which means keeping the heartrate between 130-150bpm/30mins+ for that particular set of aerobic adaptations.

There's a simple solution. Strap on a heartrate monitor and try the above for 30 minutes. See if you can keep your HR within the 130-150/aerobic zone for at least 30 minutes.

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