Endurance Exercise ENHANCES Strength Training

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Endurance Exercise ENHANCES Strength Training

Post by DocOctagon »

Very intriguing. Opposes earlier studies which suggested endurance inhibits strength and muscle:

http://journals.plos.org/plosone/articl ... ne.0149082

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Re: Endurance Exercise ENHANCES Strength Training

Post by Green2Blue »

I'm going to sound like a negative nancy here but... These guys are untrained. Exercise of any kind has almost magical effects on the untrained. I think your average tactical athlete might fall into the category of doing too much of any one thing and having it actually hurt their performance. Or maybe that's just me. Because that's definitely me lol.

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Re: Endurance Exercise ENHANCES Strength Training

Post by Jefferson »

Interesting, but echoing G2B, untrained individuals are generally terrible at everything, so doing anything will yield positive results.

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Re: Endurance Exercise ENHANCES Strength Training

Post by DocOctagon »

You make good a point gents, but the part that interests me is that the expression of mTor (leading to anabolism) was enhanced. In past studies E inhibited mTor which used to be one of the reasons given as to why doing E and strength training at the same time was counterproductive.

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