Tym Training Log

Posts: 367
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:10 am

Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

forgetting to log again.

BP - 5x5 @ 145
SQ - 2x5 @ 120
DL - 1x5 @ 280 (warmed up at 155, 205, 245)
BW Pull Ups - 5x8

Posts: 367
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:10 am

Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

BP - 4x5 @ 145
SQ - 3x5 @ 120
BW Pull Ups - 4x8

Farmers Walks with 2 50# kettlebells to failure

Posts: 383
Joined: Mon Aug 29, 2016 12:11 am

Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by nickgoldma »

I haven't done this yet myself but do you find using a training max useful for you and your training? I'm thinking about doing that for my next block.
Get after it!

Posts: 367
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:10 am

Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

nickgoldma wrote:I haven't done this yet myself but do you find using a training max useful for you and your training? I'm thinking about doing that for my next block.
I use my garage so I don't have access to different sized dumbells. I have 2 35# kettlebells and 2 50# kettlebells so instead of changing weight, my training max will have to be distance or sets. The 35s are too light for the carries so I'll just adjust distance for now. This is also my first time adding it in at the end and it smoked my grip pretty good, but this morning I'm not sore, probably because I just did the one set.

I have a set of Olympic dumbbell handles, but the weights are too large and I just smack my legs while walking.

Posts: 367
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:10 am

Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

BW Pull Ups - 4x8
BP - 5x5 @ 145
SQ - 3x5 @ 120
DL - 1x5 @ 280
- DL breakdown -
1x5 @ 135 overhand
1x3 @ 205 overhand
1x3 @ 255 2/3 overhand
1x5 @ 280 mixed grip w/chalk

Posts: 367
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:10 am

Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

BW Pull Ups - 3x9
BP - 4x3 @ 165
SQ - 3x3 @ 135

Posts: 367
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:10 am

Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

BW Pull Ups - 3x9
BP - 3x3 @ 165
DL - 1x3 @ 315 (more like 3 singles-ish)

was off today didnt eat or sleep much

Posts: 367
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:10 am

Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

BW Pull Ups - 4x8
BP - 6x5 @ 140
SQ - 3x5 @ 115

Posts: 367
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:10 am

Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

BW Pull Ups - 5x8
BP - 3x5 @ 140
SQ - 3x5 @ 115

Posts: 367
Joined: Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:10 am

Re: OCS PREP 1st Post on the Forum!

Post by Tym87 »

BW Ring Pull Ups - 3x8
BP - 3x5 @ 140
DL - 1x5 @ 265
Plank & Shake & Hang (doubled over towel in each hand hanging from bar) 1min/1min/:30sed
Hate switching mid-cluster, but nagging little shoulder issue made me want to switch to the rings.

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