uwe's log

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Re: uwe's log

Post by B71 »

uwewhttp wrote:3 T circuits followed by 10 mins passive stretching.
SE session was really challenging, had to take small breaks
during circuits and could not have done another single rep of
pushups, pullups or situps.
I hear you, brother. I just finished 3 x T circuits about 45 minutes ago and when I got to the third set, I felt like I had reached my max. My legs started getting shaky and I just couldn't get any more reps on air squats or RDL. It was pretty humbling.

Good on you for pushing through the 'suck'.

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Re: uwe's log

Post by uwewhttp »

B71 wrote:
uwewhttp wrote:3 T circuits followed by 10 mins passive stretching.
SE session was really challenging, had to take small breaks
during circuits and could not have done another single rep of
pushups, pullups or situps.
I hear you, brother. I just finished 3 x T circuits about 45 minutes ago and when I got to the third set, I felt like I had reached my max. My legs started getting shaky and I just couldn't get any more reps on air squats or RDL. It was pretty humbling.

Good on you for pushing through the 'suck'.
It' s only "gently strengthening the muscles and ligaments". It was strengthening allright, but I am not so sure about the gentle part anymore ☺.

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Re: uwe's log

Post by uwewhttp »

Yesterday: 30 min run @136 hb. No stretching, to tired.

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Re: uwe's log

Post by J-Madd »

uwewhttp wrote:
B71 wrote:
uwewhttp wrote:3 T circuits followed by 10 mins passive stretching.
SE session was really challenging, had to take small breaks
during circuits and could not have done another single rep of
pushups, pullups or situps.
I hear you, brother. I just finished 3 x T circuits about 45 minutes ago and when I got to the third set, I felt like I had reached my max. My legs started getting shaky and I just couldn't get any more reps on air squats or RDL. It was pretty humbling.

Good on you for pushing through the 'suck'.
It' s only "gently strengthening the muscles and ligaments". It was strengthening allright, but I am not so sure about the gentle part anymore ☺.
I don't think Tango is any easier than Beta. It's just different. What exercises are you using for Tango?

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Re: uwe's log

Post by uwewhttp »

That was just a bit of whining, no worries. The Tango circuits are a challenge, but doable. I use hinges, situps, leg lifts ( lying on my stomach ), pushups, bw squats and pull/chinups. When I can't squeeze out another rep, I fall back to an easier version, i. e. pushups on the knees, negatives for pullups. Did not have to do that for the other exercises.

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Re: uwe's log

Post by uwewhttp »

Another 3 BWE citcuits. Fewer reps than Wednesday, but that was to be expected. I was really tired and hungry.

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Re: uwe's log

Post by uwewhttp »

An enjoyable 60 min jog @ 135 hb.

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Re: uwe's log

Post by uwewhttp »

Start of AA BB week 3.
Slow jog @130 hbs.

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Re: uwe's log

Post by uwewhttp »

Tuesday: 3 BWE circuits with compressed RIs, 30 s between exercises, 60 s between circuits. No pullups, stayed in a hotel and could not do them.
Wednesday: Was home late from the trip and skipped today's LSS session.
That should not be much of a problem, the 30 min runs feel pretty easy by now.
Today: BWE circuits. Same intervalls as Tuesday, but with pullups. Quite hard, but
easier than I thought before. Compared to last week, I lost a few reps on pullups, had about the same number of hinges and leg raises and gained a few situps, pushups and squats. Looks like some adaptation has taken place.

Tomorrow the familiy and me will go on a week of vacation at the North Sea. I wonder how the training will go there.

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Re: uwe's log

Post by uwewhttp »

Sun, 16 th, 30 mins jog@137 hb.
Mon, 27th,38 min @136 hb.
Took a break til today to give my tennis elbow a bit of rest.
Feels better now, but pain is still there.
Today 30 min@137hb.

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