J-Madd's Training Log

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Re: J-Madd's Training Log

Post by J-Madd »

Jkk89 wrote:Hey J-Madd, question. Im running operator+Black non I/ia . When do you know when to go from 3x5 to for example 5x5 or higher. Just on how you feel. ? Read trough all of your logs but didn't find a answer. Like i understand in the book its more on how you feel that day. If you can do 1 more set etc. Thanx for help/tips and an awesome Log.
Right, it's mostly a "feeling." However, you don't know how you will tomorrow after you do those extra sets today, so I don't like leaving it up to how you are feeling until you are a very experience trainee - especially someone doing more than just lifting.. Here are some more concrete considerations:

(a) If you are still making good strength progress with three sets, then don't be too quick to add sets. Use the Minimal Effective Dose Principle. Anything more might be useless wear 'n tear.

(b) If you want the extra volume to add a muscle, the push the sets a bit.

(c) If you know you have a rest week around the corner, then you might confidently add some sets.

(d) If you are going to war with one particular lift, then add some sets it (observing (a) from above). This is what I'm doing with my WPU in my log from last fall.

I hope this helps!

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Re: J-Madd's Training Log

Post by J-Madd »

I've been doing a lot of Fobbits lately to work around my x4/week BJJ training. Yesterday was pretty grueling (five, fifteen minute rounds), so I put together something fairly basic today:

(2 min jog - 20 swings (48KG) - 2 min jog - 5 pull-ups) x 8

That took just under 38 min, it was pretty chill, and it checked a couple boxes for me.

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Re: J-Madd's Training Log

Post by nickgoldma »

J-Madd wrote:I've been doing a lot of Fobbits lately to work around my x4/week BJJ training. Yesterday was pretty grueling (five, fifteen minute rounds), so I put together something fairly basic today:

(2 min jog - 20 swings (48KG) - 2 min jog - 5 pull-ups) x 8

That took just under 38 min, it was pretty chill, and it checked a couple boxes for me.
5x15m rounds? Jeez! Thats intense.

I'm gonna play around with Fobbits soon too, I think to spice up my E sessions.
Get after it!

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Re: J-Madd's Training Log

Post by J-Madd »

nickgoldma wrote:
J-Madd wrote:I've been doing a lot of Fobbits lately to work around my x4/week BJJ training. Yesterday was pretty grueling (five, fifteen minute rounds), so I put together something fairly basic today:

(2 min jog - 20 swings (48KG) - 2 min jog - 5 pull-ups) x 8

That took just under 38 min, it was pretty chill, and it checked a couple boxes for me.
5x15m rounds? Jeez! Thats intense.

I'm gonna play around with Fobbits soon too, I think to spice up my E sessions.
I know, right? The first time my coach announced that we were going to do 15 min rounds everyone's face glazed over with fear. It's not, however, quite what you expect. It slows the pace down quite a bit. It's still full speed, but everybody is taking his/her time; not as slow as a flow roll, but not as intense as 5 min round. It's a really good chance to try out what you are currently working on. We do 15 min rounds every Thursday at the "lunch hour" practice, and I usually leave feeling great. Yesterday, however, I ended up going very hard for two of my rounds with some younger guys, and I came away pretty smoked! If you have a chance at an open mat, get with a partner who can keep it a little more chill, and try going for some longer rounds. I love it!

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Re: J-Madd's Training Log

Post by nickgoldma »

J-Madd wrote:
nickgoldma wrote:
J-Madd wrote:I've been doing a lot of Fobbits lately to work around my x4/week BJJ training. Yesterday was pretty grueling (five, fifteen minute rounds), so I put together something fairly basic today:

(2 min jog - 20 swings (48KG) - 2 min jog - 5 pull-ups) x 8

That took just under 38 min, it was pretty chill, and it checked a couple boxes for me.
5x15m rounds? Jeez! Thats intense.

I'm gonna play around with Fobbits soon too, I think to spice up my E sessions.
I know, right? The first time my coach announced that we were going to do 15 min rounds everyone's face glazed over with fear. It's not, however, quite what you expect. It slows the pace down quite a bit. It's still full speed, but everybody is taking his/her time; not as slow as a flow roll, but not as intense as 5 min round. It's a really good chance to try out what you are currently working on. We do 15 min rounds every Thursday at the "lunch hour" practice, and I usually leave feeling great. Yesterday, however, I ended up going very hard for two of my rounds with some younger guys, and I came away pretty smoked! If you have a chance at an open mat, get with a partner who can keep it a little more chill, and try going for some longer rounds. I love it!
That's awesome. It's great to find that "in-between" so to speak of your pace. I'll have to try that sometime.

I went to open mat last night at my gym for the first time in a few weeks. It was pretty fun since I had taken a few weeks off. I def need to re-prioritize my training to get back there more often. I think a fighter/green/BJJ template is in the future.
Get after it!

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Re: J-Madd's Training Log

Post by J-Madd »

I did a little Apex Tomfoolery today.

(Sprint up + 10 swings/48KG) x 20

My standard hill is the 100m+ dandy you may have seen in my Apex video. Today my wife was going to the track on campus to run some resets, which is in a bowl with an approximately 60m grass slope. It's much steeper than my standard hill, so I decided to join her, and I lugged my Beast to the hill. I wouldn't say this was any harder or easier than my longer hill; it's really quite a different workout. The 150 walk back to our van carry the Beast might have been the most interesting part!

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Re: J-Madd's Training Log

Post by J-Madd »

I had to get my Sunday HIC done on the quick and it was raining. The puzzle has an obvious s solution:

Meat-Eater II/48KB

I finished in 11:36, which is a pretty quick time on that drill for me. I'm starting to get some things finalized with my current "experiments," so I'll probably start logging more regularly soon.

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Re: J-Madd's Training Log

Post by J-Madd »

I did an unexpected "Brick" today.

About an hour into a fun ride on my new bicycle out on the levees and bluffs in the Missouri River bottoms, I got a flat tire. Stupidly, I left my kit at home and I was several miles out of town, so I had to call a buddy to come pick me up. I was about 2.5 miles from the nearest road where I could flag him down and I was afraid I would miss him if I didn't get there on the quick. I covered the ground running (while pushing my bike) over the levee and through open fields just in time to get to the road as he was passing by.

That little adventure sort of made up for the embarrassment of having to call someone to bail me out. :oops:

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Re: J-Madd's Training Log

Post by J-Madd »

Today I went to a BJJ class, that ended with 4 x 10 min rounds of live rolling. I came home, ate, and then headed out for an hour of gravel road and trail riding on my bicycle. This is why you want to get into all-around good shape: you can pack a lot of fun stuff into your day!

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Re: J-Madd's Training Log

Post by Green2Blue »

J-Madd wrote:I did an unexpected "Brick" today.

About an hour into a fun ride on my new bicycle out on the levees and bluffs in the Missouri River bottoms, I got a flat tire. Stupidly, I left my kit at home and I was several miles out of town, so I had to call a buddy to come pick me up. I was about 2.5 miles from the nearest road where I could flag him down and I was afraid I would miss him if I didn't get there on the quick. I covered the ground running (while pushing my bike) over the levee and through open fields just in time to get to the road as he was passing by.

That little adventure sort of made up for the embarrassment of having to call someone to bail me out. :oops:
Those workouts are sometimes the best. Any time there's adversity and a story that develops.

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