Integrating Weightlifting

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Re: Integrating Weightlifting

Post by Barkadion »

Blackmetalbunny wrote:
Barkadion wrote:BMB, are you doing fighter pu every day or steed;e it this way on your lifting days? Thanks!
5 - 6 days a week.

I try for higher reps, lower sets on strength days

Then on conditioning days, I go for ultra low reps, but hit high sets. So far I've gotten to 15 - 20 sets of 2 reps.
Thanks. Makes sense.
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Re: Integrating Weightlifting

Post by DocOctagon »

Blackmetalbunny wrote: OR just have a block of

Clean & Press

I've got quite a few ideas, including integrating the variants of the WL, while balancing it out with some strength lift. I'll post some ideas, as I test them, but YMMV - I'm trying to train up my upper body right now.
@Canterbury, this is my preferred method. Treat it like a "conversion-to-power" block. Do it right after a block of maximal-strength training/conventional Operator (or zulu,fighter). Build strength > convert to power.

@Blackmetal, would like to see some write-ups on your various trials, do keep us posted.

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Re: Integrating Weightlifting

Post by WallBilly »

I wish I could do it for a block once in a while.

The jumping part of the snatch and power clean just plays hell on my wobbly old ACL. :cry:

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Re: Integrating Weightlifting

Post by Tym87 »

Blackmetalbunny wrote:I'm currently on a Fighter template which I'll modify in the following vein for weeks 1 & 3

3 X 3 - Snatch / C&J
4 X 5 - Back Squat
4 X 5 - Overhead press
Fighter Pull-up

I'm subbing out deadlifts for the Snatch / C&J. At the same time I'm lowering my session volume for the back squat and OHP because there's already some over head work on the snatch / jerk / push-press.

With the increased demands from the WL lifts, I might even lower the sets to the minimum 3 to maximize recovery. I do not want to do the explosive lifts in 2 days time if I'm drained.

The idea is to do the minimum effective dose to increase your strength while putting emphasis on the WL lifts over the strength lifts.

Another alternative is to only practice high pulls, or hang snatches / hang cleans if you want to focus on the strength + explosive portions of the WL lifts. Then you can increase your volume on the strength lifts.

OR just have a block of

Clean & Press

I've got quite a few ideas, including integrating the variants of the WL, while balancing it out with some strength lift. I'll post some ideas, as I test them, but YMMV - I'm trying to train up my upper body right now.

Just thinking out loud here, but you could possibly do a day of Fobbit Intervals using your 70% 1rm on some of your WL movements. Not like a crossfitter doing high rep snatchs, but hit the treadmill for 2 minutes, walk off, and do 2-3 snatches or C&J's and then back on the treadmill. Power Fobbits

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Re: Integrating Weightlifting

Post by Blackmetalbunny »

Tym87 wrote:Just thinking out loud here, but you could possibly do a day of Fobbit Intervals using your 70% 1rm on some of your WL movements. Not like a crossfitter doing high rep snatchs, but hit the treadmill for 2 minutes, walk off, and do 2-3 snatches or C&J's and then back on the treadmill. Power Fobbits
I'm gonna leave that to some of the more conditioned and stronger guys. I can see where you're coming from, but just setting up and initiating the first pull were pretty demanding to me. I don't think I could that with an appreciable level of fatigue in my muscles.

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Re: Integrating Weightlifting

Post by Blackmetalbunny »

Did my first session of practice of weightlifting yesterday.

If I never knew where my traps were... I sure as heck can feel them now.

EDIT: One more thing, I used to fear carbs like they would make me fat if I were to even swallow a slice of bread. Now; after WL, I find the magic in carbs. Although I know it's a tight balancing act. Too much can make you put on more weight, but too little and I feel crappy the next day, or when sleeping.

Now that said; I found an epic source of post-exercise carbs! Puffed quinoa and puffed amaranth. Supposedly quinoa is a complete protein, and amaranth has high concentrations of lysine, but more than that, they taste really good. A nice roasted / nutty smell. Every time I open the bag, it reminds me of my childhood favourite of puffed rice cereal. Putting them in protein shakes really give it a nice texture and flavour.

EDIT 2: Oh another thing. Weightlifting shoes. SO GOOD! If you high bar squat or front squat, and you've never used a pair, you have NO IDEA what you're missing out. Screw the idea of shoes being crutches, or "transferable" strength - a pair of WL shoes is the first word on squatting equipment. Shoes > Belts > pre-workout > music > sleeves or wraps.

Now I feel like I missed out squatting in Nanos for so long.

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Re: Integrating Weightlifting

Post by Barkadion »

There is a good new book coming out:
"Weightlifting Movement Assessment & Optimization: Mobility & Stability for the Snatch and Clean & Jerk" by Quinn Henoch and Greg Everett. It will be on Amazon an a couple of weeks.

I just though it might wort of mentioning in this thread..
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