Fobbit the wrong way?

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Fobbit the wrong way?

Post by xfitxm »

I feel like I'm not doing Fobbit Intervals as it should.

For me it's the easiest workout. It feels almost too easy.

Should I try to go higher than 150 bpm on the running / airdyne portion of the workout or I should aiming to go faster and faster?

Since it's HIC I thought it should not be easy but maybe I'm wrong.

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Re: Fobbit the wrong way?

Post by DocOctagon »

Fobbits are not HIC.

They're HIC OR E depending on how you structure them. You might want to re-read the material (the articles & book).

In any case you're going to have to provide a lot more info if you want an intelligent answer. Sorry, this is a pet peeve of mine...people asking broad sweeping questions without providing any detail whatsoever. What does your particular Fobbit look like? How long? What exercises are you using? How long are your intervals? ...if it applies (max-strength Fobbit) what are you doing for your Max-Strength clusters the rest of the week? What conditioning protocol are you following?

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Re: Fobbit the wrong way?

Post by xfitxm »

I did fobbit as is in TB2 HIC section but used dumbbells push press instead of snatch and airdyne instead of running.

Same rep range and time (20 min) than the standard one.

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Re: Fobbit the wrong way?

Post by DocOctagon »

Make them more intense. Either increase the speed on the airdyne interval or increase the weight of your dumbbells. Or do a little of both.

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Re: Fobbit the wrong way?

Post by xfitxm »

DocOctagon wrote:Make them more intense. Either increase the speed on the airdyne interval or increase the weight of your dumbbells. Or do a little of both.
So the airdyne part should be more than an easy pace? I thought I shouldn't go crazy in this part because it's written a pace slower than a jog.

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Re: Fobbit the wrong way?

Post by DocOctagon »

Nowhere in my post will you see the words "go crazy."

If your Fobbit is a short HIC, 10-20 minutes, then there's no harm in going fast(er) and heavy. What you don't want to do is go so fast that your form breaks down and you injure yourself doing the DB work. It's a simple interval workout, not NASA. I'm sure you've done interval workouts before? The "work" portion should be higher intensity than the "rest" portion. That doesn't mean you can't adjust the rest portion to make it a little more difficult to make the workout more challenging overall.

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