G2B's Goal Based Training

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

Zulu I/A Black
Episode 1
Mini-Block 1
Week 4
Day 3


Strength Deload
A (65%)
SQ: 3x5@205
WPU: 3x5@65
PP: 3x5@115
RI 2 mins

-I was going to do some SE circuits too, but I was beat. Must be all the physical labor I've been doing. I want this deload to be an actual recovery period, so I skipped the SE.

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

Zulu I/A Black
Episode 1
Mini-Block 1
Week 4
Day 4


Conditioning Deload
~3 mile run

-No GPS, no HRM, just ran with my dog. I could tell it has been a little while since I've run any distance.

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

Zulu I/A Black
Episode 1
Mini-Block 1
Week 4
Day 5



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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

Episode 1 Block 2 Plan

Block 1 Review

Block 1 went well. Hit a squat PR. Pushed myself pretty hard in terms of work volume, which I feel may be the next step to push myself to the next level. One thing I didn't get to do was my baseline of a 10k, just due to scheduling. I'll need to get at least one of those in this next block. One thing I also noticed is I really NEEDED this deload from pushing so hard this block. Another deload wasn't originally scheduled after this next block, but I may do one just considering how hard I know I'm going to push myself.


For forced progression I'll push SQ up by 10 and BP up by 5, keeping in line with this episode's goal. I'm also pushing PC/DL up by 5 because they were pretty easy.


Keeping in line with my goals, I'm going to make a pretty huge change to my programming this block, For SQ and BP I'll be doing 5/3/1; with PR sets, joker sets, and first set last sets. All other lifts will follow standard Zulu IA percentages. Why? Because it's a little more aggressive in seeking my specific goals. With how I set it up, I feel that 5/3/1 and TB work very well together.

I'm also doing it this way because I'm coming up on a year of TB. The first 6 months or so I did TB to the letter. The last 6 months I've done minor tweaks like mini blocks and whatnot. I think to make progress you need to stick with a program for an extended period of time. But to stay interested in training I eventually need to change things up. I get bored if I stick with one method for too long.

Since I'm doing my other MS lifts on top of my primary lifts (which is more work than standard 5/3/1 which only usually has one primary lift per day) I probably won't do much extra work such as accessory sets and vanity sets. At least not this block; we'll see how it goes. I still want to do those short finishers so I can work on my Spartan Race skills. My first Spartan of the season is in less than a month.

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

Zulu I/A Black
Episode 1
Mini-Block 1
Week 4
Day 6


Strength Deload
A (65%)
DL: 3x5@285
BP: 3x5@150
RI 2 mins

-Canceled my M|WOD subscription.

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

Zulu I/A Black
Episode 1
Mini-Block 1
Week 4
Day 7


Zulu I/A Black
Episode 1
Mini-Block 1
Week 4
Day 8


I was supposed to run a 5k today. However, I spent 4 hours rototilling and was pretty beat by the time I was done. I figured it's close enough to conditioning. Last day of my deload. Episode 1 Block 2, my TB-5/3/1 hybrid, starts tomorrow.

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Barkadion »

Green2Blue wrote: Episode 1 Block 2, my TB-5/3/1 hybrid, starts tomorrow.
This will be very interesting to follow! Good luck with your new block!
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

Zulu I/A Black 5/3/1 Hybrid
Episode 1
Mini-Block 2
Week 1
Day 1


5@210 (65%)
5@245 (75%)
10@275 (85%) PR set
5@305 (95%) Joker set
5@325 (100%) Joker set
15@210 (65%) First Set Last set

WPU: 3x5@70 (70%)
PP: 3x5@115 (70%)

RI 3 mins

Heavy Bucket Carries

-I had so much fun doing this! It was pretty brutal, but I made sure not to go to failure on any of the sets. I don't know if I've yelled during a lift since starting TB, but I did plenty of yelling today.

-I was pretty toast by the time I got to my finisher. I can usually get 4 heavy carries in during my 5 minute finisher window.

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

Zulu I/A Black 5/3/1 Hybrid
Episode 1
Mini-Block 2
Week 1
Day 2


PC: 3x5@135 (70%)

5@150 (65%)
5@175 (75%)
7@200 (85%) PR set
5@210 (90%) Joker set
3@220 (95%) Joker set
12@150 (65%) First Set Last set

RI 3 mins

Plate Sandwiches: 12.5 lbs for as long as possible in 5 mins

-BP looks like it's a bit closer to true max as I couldn't push as much out as I did with my SQ. It's certainly been my worst lift since... always. Hope this method helps!

-Plate sandwiches were pretty cool. Got the idea from Brian Alshrue. Totally different muscles worked than grip work like farmer's carries.

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

Zulu I/A Black 5/3/1 Hybrid
Episode 1
Mini-Block 2
Week 1
Day 3


Hill Sprints (baseline)
20:38 (PR!)

-I'll start this out by saying my legs are the sorest they've been since starting TB. Obviously this is due to the SQ 5/3/1. I'm sure it's temporary and will go away once I've been doing this for a while.

I picked hill sprints because they're largely concentric and would play well with my sore legs. I also needed to get a baseline workout in.

I noticed that despite not being able to run much faster, my RPE was much lower than usual for this workout. I thought it might just be because I had to run slower because of my sore legs.

But, when I finished I found out I hit a PR for time! I think that just goes to show how effective a well planned deload can be.

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