LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by Aelian »

spemma wrote:I read TBII, but I'm in the process of re-reading it. TBII is my first book of the TB series, so no, haven't read TBI. But I have lifted my whole life, probably to the detriment of other aspects of my fitness (e.g. Conditioning).
10-4. I'd recommend reading TB1 regardless, if you're preparing for a tactical role. It'll give you insight and strategy into combining your strength training with hardcore conditioning so that it isn't detrimental to either strength or conditioning. At the same time, you'll get real strength training as opposed to the stuff you find in Crossfit or Gym Jones, which is, as KBlack puts it, "lip service" strength training. Personally speaking, I'm seeing more strength improvements with Operator/Op IA than when I did Texas and 5/3/1.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by spemma »

so i'm wrapping up week 2 of what Balaclava suggested as:

1 x LISS (Aim for 45-60mins. Minimum 45minutes)
2 x Fast5
1 x 600m Resets or Hills

and i'm also doing one SE session of 3x40 of 5 bodyweight exercises

plus 2 days of BJJ per week

i have to be honest....i'm starting to feel it a bit

still no word on PFT test date for me. i'm resting well, eating good food at slightly above maintenance, but this is still a decent pick up in activity from my previous levels. i made it through 2 weeks of BB before switching to the above, so going on 4 weeks of TB-style conditioning.

i'm going to run a self-administered PFT this weekend and see how i'm progressing. a bit early, but i do want to practice the events in succession and get a gauge on what i should work on.

question - can i drop one of the fast 5's? i think each are helping me a lot, so i wouldn't want to drop one completely.

i've been running my fast 5's at a 27-minute pace at about average 160bpm.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by WallBilly »

I'd consider replacing one of the Fast 5 days with another LSS, or take the day off.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by Green2Blue »

I'd personally go the opposite direction.

Replace a Fast 5 with something like O2 Debt 101 or Speed Endurance Ladders. You're doing plenty for the 1.5 mi, but very little for the 300. The 300 kicks the crap out of more cadets than any of the Cooper events.

Honestly, since you're doing LSS I might even drop the remaining Fast 5 to something like 2 miles. I understand wanting to go beyond 1.5 miles, but you're that during LSS. You need to start training closer to the test distance/pace.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by close_fox »

spemma wrote:
plus 2 days of BJJ per week

i have to be honest....i'm starting to feel it a bit

question - can i drop one of the fast 5's? i think each are helping me a lot, so i wouldn't want to drop one completely.
I would drop BJJ before I dropped a run. You have a very specific goal (PFT performance). I don't see how BJJ helps you get there. I would be doing relevant, targeted exercise or resting (which is also relevant).
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by spemma »

Dropping bjj temporarily or down to 1x/week is probably the right answer, which I was thinking myself, but didn't want to hear.

I will lose all my special bjj powers :cry:

With regards to dropping a Fast 5 for one of the other more high intensity HICs - I personally feel like the 600m resets whoop my ace the most, so I'd be afraid of adding another one of a similar nature. Though I hear what you're saying.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by Balaclava »

close_fox wrote:
spemma wrote:
plus 2 days of BJJ per week

i have to be honest....i'm starting to feel it a bit

question - can i drop one of the fast 5's? i think each are helping me a lot, so i wouldn't want to drop one completely.
I would drop BJJ before I dropped a run. You have a very specific goal (PFT performance). I don't see how BJJ helps you get there. I would be doing relevant, targeted exercise or resting (which is also relevant).

x2 on this. In this situation BJJ makes no sense at all if you're feeling over-stretched. Drop BOTH sessions before tampering with the running. Doing BJJ at the expense of such a specific and important goal is poor judgement. BJJ isn't going anywhere.

If I remember correctly the reason you're packing more than 3 runs in per week is because you only have a couple weeks no?

Personally I would keep the weekly running frequency up (4 sessions+) even if you have to change up the running style. It's not always going to feel pleasant, but that's the way it is if you want to get better in a short period of time. It would be a different story if you had time for a full block. Don't forget to rest up completely 2-3 days before PFT, otherwise you'll go in weaker than baseline if you're not mostly recovered.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by spemma »

yeah you guys are right, and that's what i knew in my head was probably the right answer.

i am doing this because it's a short time to the test, although i still don't have a date yet.

i will do a full 3-day rest prior to the PFT once i hear when it is. hopefully they give me at least a 3-day notice.

thanks for the honesty.

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by spemma »

learned today that the test will be next wednesday. here's my plan, interested in last minute tips/advice:
  • monday (completed) - SE 3x40 - push-ups, rows, squats, sit-ups
    tuesday - 600m resets - might throw in a 300m or two to practice
    wednesday - fast5
    thursday - fast5
    friday - SE 3x40 - same cluster
    saturday - LSS x 60 minutes
    sunday through tuesday - rest
    wednesday - PFT
i plan to eat a bunch of beets tuesday night.

does the above sound good? would you make any changes? any "grease the groove" type suggestions? am i resting too long - should i do something sunday?

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Re: LE Physical Fitness Test Help/Advice

Post by spemma »

I had the PFT and unfortunately bombed out on the 1.5 mile run. I'm definitely disappointed, but I will have my chance again soon and I will no doubt pass the next time.

There were some interesting observations from the actual test that I thought I would share for the benefit of others, based on my own experience.
  • If you think you are practicing strict protocol on push-ups and sit ups, be even more strict. In fact, I would shave 3-5 reps off your final tally when you self test to get an idea of where you will probably land on test day.
  • Have training days that include both SE and HIC or E. Learning to run after being tired from SE is an important adaptation.
  • If you're right on the passing mark for your cumulative score before test day, count on your score being lower on test day.
Bottom line for me was that my E wasn't up to snuff yet. I was banking on strong scores in push-ups and sit-ups, but the stricter protocol shaved some much needed points on each event. My sprint ended up going really well, my strongest performance ever. However, I thought I had more rest than I was allowed and went into the push-ups winded still.

By the time I got to the 1.5 mile, I was still huffing a bit at the start. The time I needed for the 1.5 mile to push me ahead to a total passing score was nothing tremendous and it was a time I've accomplished before (though not exceeded). However, the cumulative fatigue from the other events was too much for me to overcome for the 1.5 mile, especially since I had to put max effort in push-ups and sit-ups only to attain a lower score.

I did this PFT about 5-years ago, but the protocol wasn't as strict then. I was also in better shape, bottom line.

Thanks to everyone here who helped me out, I really appreciate your advice and suggestions.

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