RC4 Training Log

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RC4 Training Log

Post by RC4 »

Thought this would be a good idea to hold myself accountable as well as get feedback and see my progress in a well laid out format.

Some background info:
I'm 19 years old and run cross country recreationally as well as play tennis. I've always enjoyed working out and have dabbled with strength training before (StrongLifts and various bodybuilding routines).

However, I've always had issues with doing both strength training and conditioning, always having to neglect one or the other. But then I found Tactical barbell.

My goals are to increase maximal strength as well as increase conditioning for overall fitness as well as specific to running and sprinting (tennis and track)

Starting Stats:
Age: 19
Weight: 150lbs
Height: 6'2

BP: 85lbs x 4
SQ: 125lbs x 4
DL: 170lbs x 3
Pull-Ups: 5

I'm going to be starting the traditional base building template with fighter BP/SQ/WPU and BP/SQ/DL. My endurance sessions will mainly consist of LSS, but I might experiment with biking and other forms of exercise.

I'm really looking forward to starting this journey and I hope it can be of use to some of you guys!

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Re: RC4 Training Log

Post by RC4 »

35 Min easy trail run yesterday. Felt strong, pretty sore from test day

Today I did the first Max Strength Session.

BP: 5x5 @ 70lbs
SQ: 5x5 @ 105lbs
WPU: 3 sets, 6, 5, and 4 reps respectively

Kept the RI around 2-3 minutes, I went with BP first, not sure if I should be doing Squat first. Also is there a protocol for warm up sets? Anyone have any ideas?

Either way, it felt good to be back in the gym, looking forward to the endurance session tomorrow.

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Re: RC4 Training Log

Post by RC4 »

Endurance Session today, 40 minute road run. Felt good to get out and felt pretty strong. Legs aren't tired from yesterday but my lats are sore from the pull-ups.

Looking forward to the strength session tomorrow!

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Re: RC4 Training Log

Post by RC4 »

Forgot to post the past few days, but anyways,

Saturday: Max-Strength Session, felt good
Sunday: Recovery, didn't do much other than walk the dog
Monday: 60 min LSS, was planning on 40 but a closed bridge required me to run a little more :p
Tuesday: Rest, feel great and not sore at all. Ready for tomorrow's strength session :)

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Re: RC4 Training Log

Post by RC4 »

Max-Strength Session today went well

BP: 5 x 75lbs
SQ: 5 x 110
WPU: 1x 7, 1x6, 1x4

Did the bench again which somewhat tired me out for the end of the squat/pull-ups, was hoping to do more sets of pull-ups but was semi-rushed. Otherwise feel pretty good, however I'm a little worried my nutrition isn't on point, recovery hasn't suffered but I think as the weight goes up it's going to get harder and harder to recover if I'm not eating enough.

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Re: RC4 Training Log

Post by RC4 »

40 Min trail run yesterday and 45 min trail run today. Feel great and ready for the strength session tomorrow :)

Posts: 9
Joined: Sun Apr 23, 2017 8:55 pm

Re: RC4 Training Log

Post by RC4 »

Strength Session today went well!

BP: 5x5 @ 75lbs
SQ: 5x5 @ 110 lbs
DL: 1x5 @ 145lbs

Accidentally did a few pull-ups as well :)

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