Transition complex and operator/black

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Transition complex and operator/black

Post by Jb8743 »

I'm planning my operator/black template for once I finish base building, i was thinking about sprinkling in a transition complex workout once every few weeks for power as I was a big fan of PAP training when I tried p90x2 and this is the same idea

I was wondering if I should replace an MS or HIC with this workout that week since it seems pretty intensive with the 85% lifts even though it's listed as a conditioning workout

As a reference my full schedule will something like 3 MS, 1-2 HIC, 1 E and 4-5
nights of bjj/Muay Thai


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Re: Transition complex and operator/black

Post by Tyr0331 »

I'm not familiar with p90x so I can't help you in that area. Just follow the program that's outlined in the TB. He lays it all out there and I don't think there's really any tricks to it. The research is out there and there's many members that would agree that KB knows what he's talking about. As far as your planned schedule with operator/black you are looking at 3x/week Strength. That leaves you 3 days to play with to get your HIC and or E in, assuming you're not doing 2x/days. When I'm training BJJ I usually roll 2-3 nights a week, but I always hit my E day(LSS run) once a week. So that being said I'll have to double up an MS and BJJ day. I count BJJ as HIC, some count it as E. Guess it all depends how you train

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Re: Transition complex and operator/black

Post by WallBilly »

The program has the flexibility (and in some cases the suggestion) to insert some SE weeks between MS blocks. Maybe try it that way. Do 6 weeks of Operator/Black, then a week or 2 of your P90x2, then back to Operator.

By the way, that's a hell of a workout load; you must be a machine!

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Re: Transition complex and operator/black

Post by Jb8743 »

I only mention P90X2 because I was amazed to run across the concept of PAP again if not by that name, maybe its just more common than I'm aware, anyway you guys should try it (transition complex) if you haven't already, its really fun to do plyo immediately after heavy resistance work, crazy hangtime and power :lol:

Anyway after more thinking more I might replace an MS workout every 3rd week instead of a HIC even though its listed as conditioning, Ill start there and regulate the workload accordingly

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