Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

So this is what I am thinking of doing for the next couple weeks.

Day 1
Back Squat
Fighter pullups

Day 2
Fighter pullups

Day 3

Day 4
Back Squat
Fighter pullups

Day 5
Fighter pullups

Day 6

Day 7

Basically Zulu I/A, but using a minimalist cluster. I will pair it with the fighter pullup program to add a bit of strength endurance work and frequency in the pullups. I had some great success with this in the past and would be happy to use this in place of HIC work if I find recovery is an issue.
I plan to focus on BJJ as my main form of conditioning, but add in some interval runs or short HIC work when I am able. The HIC's I do will involve some form of running interval of 400m +. I feel this allows me to maintain my aerobic base while focusing on BJJ.

I will take recovery days as needed and just focus on consistency with the max strength sessions and making it to BJJ as much as possible.
On the days it says rest/BJJ W ill go by class times, my work and how I am feeling on the day.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays Training

Midday BJJ

Focusing on mount and controlling from the top
Head control, side mount and other variations to maintain top control.
5x5 mins rolling

30 min later
TB Zulu 70%
Session 1
5 Rounds of

Benchpress 70kg x5
Fighter Pullups 12/10/8/6/4
rest between rounds

I really enjoyed my first day of TB Zulu with fighter pullups. I decided to alternate between the pullups and benchpress to maximize rest and it worked well. I definitely felt fatigued from the bjj just before, but I have a easy training day at work tomorrow to recover. I have tweaked my neck at bjj but still seem to be able to train. Hopefully I can still squat tomorrow.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays Training

General Warm up

5 rounds of

Barbell Back Squat x5 60/80/100 x3 rounds
Fighter Pullups 12/10/8/6/6

PUllups were much easier today without BJJ first. I did this training session after a long day at work and only did the bare minimums. I think I will keep the squat at 3 sets and try and up the volume on the upper body work. I have dropped about 6 kg in the last two months and need to put some back on.

Tomorrow will be rest or BJJ depending on how the body feels.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays Training

TB ZULU 70% Session 3

For 5 rounds
Benchpress x5 70kg
Fighter Pullups 12/10/8/8/6
Rest as needed between

Another nice simple session today. I just got up and got my sets done and decided to skip the conditioning. I am really enjoying this progression at the moment and todays benchpresses felt very easy and very strong. I also hit the pullups with nil issues.

I will do my squats and pullups tomorrow and depending on how I feel I will either go to BJJ or do some running type conditioning after. I just need to confirm my work schedule.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays Training

Zulu session 4 70%

Back squat x5 60/80/100kg x 3 rounds
Fighter Pullups 12/10/10/8/6

24kg kettlebell carries 20metres
1 arm overhead alt l then r
1 arm farmer alt l,r
1 arm clean position carry alt l,r

24kg 1 leg deadlift
20 sec eccentric/5 sec pause at bottom x 2 each side.

Finished my first week of zulu and loving it paired with the pullups. I just need to get to BJJ more and cover off on the conditioning. I may do a long run or similar tomorrow and then take a few days off.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays Training

Zulu week 2 session 5 80%

Barbell back squat 60/80 110kg x3 rounds
Fighter Pullups 12/12/10/8/6
Alternate for 5 rounds

Another good zulu session paired with the fighter pullups. I really like this minimalist combo. I limit the wear and tear on my body from heavy weights and have enough energy for work. I also get to hit the pullups frequently and improve.

I am having some neck and shoulder issues from the vest at work. I skipped BJJ but I already regret it. I will try and get a running session in sometime this week as well as BJJ at least once.

Strength is going well, I just need to square away my other training now. I am using a prepared meal service here called youfoodz, so I may finally square away my nutrition.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays Training

TB ZULU Session 6 80%

Benchpress 80kg x5
Fighter Pullups 14/12/10/8/6
Alt each round for 5 rounds

Late night at work last night and probably only got 4-6 hours sleep if that. 3 coffees later and I got this session done before heading into work for another late one.

I really like this progression for strength work, I still need to actually get some conditioning in, but I have 5 weeks off to look forward too soon. I will be able to train more then. The benchpress felt very strong for the first 3 rounds and started to drop off, but I was able to get all 5 sets. The pullups were good also, though I think I should of set my max a bit more conservatively. Hopefully the extra day of rest each week makes up for the already high volume.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays Training

ZULU +Fight Pullups
Session 7 80%

Benchpress 80kg 3x5 rounds
Fighter Pullups 14/12/10/8/8
Alt between both exercises

I have been having some neck troubles so I dropped the volume on the bench press. I have also been skipping my BJJ and conditioning, which I need to sort out. I am going on a week long holiday soon and will be giving the weights a break. I will still be active, but no clue on whether a gym is available. I will be using SUP and similar to maintain fitness while on leave.

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Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays training
Zulu +fighter pullups
Session 8 80%

Barbell squats 110 2x5
1 leg bridge 5x ea side
Fighter pulluips 14/12/10/10/8

Only two rounds of squats because of my back playing up. They felt easy just felt some tweaks and played it safe. I will get through most of nextweek and take an easy week on holidays. I might change things up to deadlifts
next cycle.

Posts: 1977
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:23 am

Re: Maximum Rippage ( Training log ) TB + Conditioning

Post by Maxrip13 »

Todays training
Zulu +fighter pullups
Session 8 80%

Barbell squats 110 2x5
1 leg bridge 5x ea side
Fighter pulluips 14/12/10/10/8

Only two rounds of squats because of my back playing up. They felt easy just felt some tweaks and played it safe. I will get through most of nextweek and take an easy week on holidays. I might change things up to deadlifts
next cycle.

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