G2B's Goal Based Training

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

Zulu I/A Black 5/3/1 Hybrid
Episode 1
Mini-Block 2
Week 2
Day 4

Trail Run.

Didn't run the whole thing. More like a run/hike/walk. Plenty of incline and relatively technical. The mountain in the distance is the one I hauled the sandbag up yesterday (not the whole thing). I'll climb to the top of it later this week, without a load, as my last conditioning session before my Spartan Sprint.


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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

Zulu I/A Black 5/3/1 Hybrid
Episode 1
Mini-Block 2
Week 2
Day 4

Unplanned rest. Didn't sleep well the night before, and I spent the day laboring.

Zulu I/A Black 5/3/1 Hybrid
Episode 1
Mini-Block 2
Week 2
Day 5

3@215 (70%)
3@260 (80%)
3@290 (90%) PR set

WPU: 3x5@75 (75%)
PP: 3x5@125 (75%)

RI 3 mins

-Bare minimum today. The Spartan is Sunday.

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

Zulu I/A Black 5/3/1 Hybrid
Episode 1
Mini-Block 2
Week 2
Day 6



So I haven't brought this up yet, but last week I started to develop shoulder impingement from all of that shoveling I did. I thought it was getting better but I think the sandbag hike made it worse. Now, if I move my shoulder in a few specific ways, the pain is enough to drop me to my knees.

Yet I still lifted yesterday. Squatting doesn't feel great. OHP surprisingly enough is fine.

I couldn't be more frustrated that this happened right before my Spartan Sprint. As a shorter distance athlete this was going to be my highlight race of the year. Now I'll be nursing my shoulder every inch of the way.

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

Zulu I/A Black 5/3/1 Hybrid
Episode 1
Mini-Block 2
Week 1
Day 7

DL: 3x5@335 (75%)

3@165 (70%)
3@185 (80%)
3@210 (90%) PR set

RI 3 mins

-Bare minimum due to impingement and upcoming race. Nothing really bothered my shoulder too much except once when I was moving plates.

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Tym87 »

Green2Blue wrote:05/09/17
Zulu I/A Black 5/3/1 Hybrid
Episode 1
Mini-Block 2
Week 2
Day 6



So I haven't brought this up yet, but last week I started to develop shoulder impingement from all of that shoveling I did.
I couldn't be more frustrated that this happened right before my Spartan Sprint. As a shorter distance athlete this was going to be my highlight race of the year. Now I'll be nursing my shoulder every inch of the way.
That shit is a bummer, I hope you figure it out. Nothing is more frustrating than an injury.

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by J-Madd »

Green2Blue wrote:05/09/17
Zulu I/A Black 5/3/1 Hybrid
Episode 1
Mini-Block 2
Week 2
Day 6



So I haven't brought this up yet, but last week I started to develop shoulder impingement from all of that shoveling I did. I thought it was getting better but I think the sandbag hike made it worse. Now, if I move my shoulder in a few specific ways, the pain is enough to drop me to my knees.

Yet I still lifted yesterday. Squatting doesn't feel great. OHP surprisingly enough is fine.

I couldn't be more frustrated that this happened right before my Spartan Sprint. As a shorter distance athlete this was going to be my highlight race of the year. Now I'll be nursing my shoulder every inch of the way.
I'm sorry to see this G2B. Just remember to have the longterm in mind. This will pass, and there will be other races. In any event, good luck!

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by close_fox »

Green2Blue wrote:05/09/17

So I haven't brought this up yet, but last week I started to develop shoulder impingement from all of that shoveling I did. I thought it was getting better but I think the sandbag hike made it worse. Now, if I move my shoulder in a few specific ways, the pain is enough to drop me to my knees.
Wall slides help whenever my shoulders get crunchy. This link shows basically what I do (minus the squat):
http://www.flexibilityrx.com/wp-content ... Slides.jpg
"You oughta know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there." Talking Heads. "Life During Wartime." Fear of Music, Sire, 1979.

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

Thanks all I appreciate the support! No training until race day. I'll report back when it's done.

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

Race went well. I'll write more about it when I have time. Took one day off after the race.

Zulu I/A Black 5/3/1 Hybrid
Episode 1
Mini-Block 2
Week 3
Day 1

Dynamic Stretching

5@240 (75%)
3@275 (85%)
10@305 (95%) PR set https://instagram.com/p/BULYul-lBUl/
1@340 (105%) Joker set
1@375 (115%) Joker set*
5@240 (75%) First Set Last set*

WPU: 3x5@85(85%)
PP: 3x5@140 (85%)

RI 3-5 mins

Fat Gripz Farmer's Walk ~50 ft
Tire Flips x5

*My old nagging hip injury kicked in at this point, so my FSL set was less than stellar.

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Re: G2B's Goal Based Training

Post by Green2Blue »

Zulu I/A Black 5/3/1 Hybrid
Episode 1
Mini-Block 2
Week 2
Day 2


PC: 3x5@140

5@175 (75%)
3@200 (85%)
7@220 (95%) PR set
1@235 (100%) Joker set
1@245 (105%) Joker set
12@175 (70%) First Set Last set

RI 3

95 lb "Axel"
Clean and Press x3
Pendlay Row x5

AMRAP in 5 mins

-I loved this finisher! Used Fat Gripz. It smoked me but it was a lot of fun.

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