What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

1 June 2017

Op I/A
Week 2/Day 2

3 sets x 5 reps x (BW +10lbs)
2 sets x 3 reps x (BW + 10lbs)

1 set x 4 reps x 145lbs
2 sets x 3 reps x 145lbs
1 set x 1 rep x 145lbs (fail)

5 sets x 3 reps x 250lbs

Ab Wheel from knees
10 reps with vest, hated it, could get full extension and it didn't really make it harder
Ditched the vest and did 4 sets x 17 reps

I was frustrated with the OHP, thought I could do more...
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

2 June

Meateater 1
100 meter sprint, 10/10 one arm swings with 50 lbs KB, walk back to the start. Total time was 25:10.

I'm really liking working through the different HIC workouts. I think I was getting a little stale, and the novelty keeps it interesting.
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

Op I/A
Week 2/Day 3

2 sets x 5 reps x (BW + 10lbs)

2 sets x 5 reps x 210lbs

2 sets x 5 reps x 310lbs

Messed around with some ab stuff

Easy day
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

10km run, 59:34 min. Not too happy with that time, but it's been a little while since I did a longer run.
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

6 June 2017

Op I/A
Week 3/Day 1

This was a terrible workout. Felt weak as hell, failed on almost everything and had to drop from 95% to 90% on all three lifts just to get the minimum reps/sets for the day. And yes, I skipped abs.

2 sets x 2 reps x (BW +35lbs)
2 sets x 1 reps x (BW +35lbs) fail
2 sets x 2 reps x (BW + 25lbs)

1 set x 2 reps x 235lbs
1 set x 2 reps x 225 lbs
1 set x 1 rep x 225 lbs (WTF!!!)
1 set x 2 reps x 220lbs

3 sets x 2 reps x 330 lbs
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

800 meter-ish repeats x 6

These were supposed to be 600 meter repeats. I marked out a loop in my neighborhood using my car's odometer. When I ran it this morning, I checked it against my GPS watch, and it was a little over 800 meters, not 600. But, by that point I was already done 1 loop, so I just went with it.

Brutal workout, felt good. Took about 3 minutes between intervals.

3:38, 3:28, 3:29, 3:35, 3:35, 3:39
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

So... Friday was the second day of week 3 of my Op I/A cycle ...and I stalled hard. Couldn't get the weights up for the minimum reps.

Very upsetting.

I checked through my log I realized that while my conditioning has gotten better than it has been in years, my strength has kind of stagnated over the last few months.

I bought TB 3rd edition on Saturday after reading through the forum and seeing others have had this problem. I've tweaked my routine to bring it into line with the new book.


Operator (vanilla) Day 1/ Week:

3 sets x 5 reps x BW

3 sets x 5 reps x 170lbs

3 sets x 5 reps x 200lbs

1 set x 5 reps x 255lbs

Ab Wheel (from knees)
4 sets x 15 reps
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

Did BOO today. Brutal.

30 reps x 50lbs one arm KB swings (15/15)
800 meter run
2 min rest

5 rounds

34:20 min

One of my procedural breakthroughs has been walking off my "track" distances around my house with my gps watch, since getting to the real track in the morning isn't practical for me.
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

Week 1/ Day 2

3 sets x 5 reps x BW

3 sets x 5 reps x 170lbs

3 sets x 5 reps x 200lbs

1 set x 5 reps x 255lbs

Ab Wheel from knees
4 sets x 15 reps
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Re: What is Steel, Compared to the Flesh That Wields It?

Post by Nick »

14 June 2017

Ran 6 miles, 55 minutes.

Felt good.
The wind calls your name; get out of your bed.

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