PFT Training Log

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Re: PFT Training Log

Post by DocOctagon »

supernova wrote: DAY 3 - E x 40
I thought I started off too slow but kept a good pace until the end. Started to drag myself to finish. When I checked my time/distance I noticed I was 25 seconds ahead of the last session.
One thing, maybe I'm misreading how you intend this but E during Base is not a timed event. Worrying about how fast you're going or how much distance you're covering is the wrong mind-set. Your only job is to run within the heart rate parameters for the assigned amount of time. Trying to beat time or cover a greater distance is a faulty approach.

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Re: PFT Training Log

Post by supernova »

DocOctagon wrote:
supernova wrote: DAY 3 - E x 40
I thought I started off too slow but kept a good pace until the end. Started to drag myself to finish. When I checked my time/distance I noticed I was 25 seconds ahead of the last session.
One thing, maybe I'm misreading how you intend this but E during Base is not a timed event. Worrying about how fast you're going or how much distance you're covering is the wrong mind-set. Your only job is to run within the heart rate parameters for the assigned amount of time. Trying to beat time or cover a greater distance is a faulty approach.
Oh yes I'm aware. It's moreso just personal awareness and self satisfaction knowing I'm progressing. I'll admit though sometimes I feel like I'm going too slow and other times too fast. K.B. states the pace should be at a level where you can hold a conversation so I adhere to that principle.

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Re: PFT Training Log

Post by supernova »


Day 1
BP 5 x 5 at 75%
SQ 3 x 5 at 75%ish
Pull-up (assisted machine) 3 x 10

Pushups 2 x 20
Situps 2 x 30

Maybe its in my head but I feel like I'm stagnant with pushups and situps. I'm sure it'll get easier now that maximal strength is in the program. Pull-ups were a pain even on the assisted machine. I felt a soreness the next day which I'm sure was primarily because of the pull-ups. However, on the bright side I did feel like my arms grew an inch of muscle afterward.

Day 2
600M Resets

Well this was interesting. I did way worse than I thought I was going to do. Extremely disappointed with myself after this session. Did 6 intervals. Felt like puking after the second. I know this was supposed to be an all out run, but it still took me about 3 minutes to run each interval. I thought at least with the first interval I'd get around 1:30. Boy was I wrong. I know I have a lot of work ahead of me if I want to meet my goals. Funny thing is my heart wasn't pounding out of my chest and my legs overall weren't killing me like they had prior to BB, but my quads were absolutely fatigued. For each interval, the first 100m or so were great, but then my gas tank went from 90% to 0% in a heartbeat. Plus I ended up with cramps and my knee started acting up again. Frustrating to say the least. I'm hoping for the best that these issues will disappear with time as I progress. I'll be making foam rolling a daily activity to aid with my knee.
Last edited by supernova on Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: PFT Training Log

Post by supernova »

Day 3

Did 3 x 10 lat pulldowns and kept the day light.

Day 4

5x5 BP
3x5 SQ
3x10 PU (assisted)

Pushups 2 x 20
Situps 2 x 30

I realized I calculated the wrong weight last session for BP. Bit annoyed at myself for doing that, but I've adjusted to the right weight. I feel like I can do more on SQ, but I'm going to keep it light. I'll add more during Continuation after recalculating 1RM. Overall I feel much better.

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Re: PFT Training Log

Post by supernova »

Day 5

Fast 5 or in my case slow 5. First 200m I felt absolutely great. Then the gas tank dipped as if there was a leak. Legs just couldn't move as well and I developed cramps which didn't help either. I was only able to do the basic version 1.5 as opposed to the regular 5k. Noticed that my time is 4 minutes more than what I was getting before starting BB. I'm eager to get my time back down, but will stay patient as I trust the process. I did notice that I recovered a lot quicker afterward than I had before BB. Hoping I'm doing all this right.

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Re: PFT Training Log

Post by supernova »

Day 6

E x 30
This felt like a drag. I thought I'd be able to easily breeze through this, but I ended up having to push myself to finish. Not sure why, but I felt like I was regressing with all the work I'd done up until now.

Day 7


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Re: PFT Training Log

Post by supernova »

Week 7

Day 1

BP - 5 x 5 at 80%
SQ - 3 x 5 at 75% (didn't feel comfortable adding weights just yet)
Pull ups - 3 x 10 (assisted machine)

Pushups 2 x 20
Situps 2 x 30

Felt like I had a small breakthrough that will hopefully continue. At the end when doing pushups, I felt like the first 10 or so were a breeze and much easier than they've ever felt. This has been the weakest of my 4 events I'm training for so this felt a step in the right direction.
Not sure if others experience this, but my hips tend to tense up and "tighten" after I'm done with pushups. Is this normal?

I've contemplated incorporating deadlift during continuation. Would you guys recommend this to help reach my goals?
Last edited by supernova on Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: PFT Training Log

Post by supernova »

Day 2

600 m resets
Still a pain to get through, but I notice I don't feel the soreness anymore. Somehow my last 2 runs were slightly better than my first 4. I feel like I can fly through the first 100m (although I know I can improve) then my speed dramatically slows down.

Day 3

Push-ups 2 x 20
Situps 2 x 30
Lat Pulldown 3 x 10

Day 4
BP 5 x 5 (80%)
SQ 4 x 5 (80%) I really need to improve on this. I feel like I'm way behind everyone else as far as quad strength. Maybe its just in my mind.
Pullups (assisted machine) 3 x 10

Pushups 3 x 30 - still feel hard as when I started BB. Not sure if I'm progressing at all. Every once in a while some repetitions feel easier then the difficulty comes back.

Situps 3 x 30

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Re: PFT Training Log

Post by supernova »

Day 5

Fast 5

I stopped worrying about speed and went at a faster pace that E. I ran 1.5 miles then walked a lap then finished up the rest. Is this fine to do?
I know I'm not going to get the time I was getting before BB right away so I'm trying build myself up again rather than just trying to get it back in 1 session. If that means being slower then thats what it is, but I'm confident I'll get back to where I was and need to be soon enough.

Day 6

E x 35

Even though I ran at a slow pace I still felt like it was a pain to get through. I kept imagining that by now these would be a breeze, but they don't seem to be. If anything I feel like I'm still fighting to keep going rather than just gliding through it. Frustrating.

Day 7


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Re: PFT Training Log

Post by supernova »

Week 8 (final BB week)

Day 1
BP - 90%
SQ - 90%
Pushups (assisted) - 3 x 10

Situps - 3 x 30
I decided to time myself for the first set and wow I was surprised how slow I was. I'll attribute my slow time to probably being fatigued from the workout, but I plan to run a mock PFT after this week to see where I stand.

Pushups - 3 x 30
I have to break all these sets into mini sets. Still a bit surprised why its so difficult for me to complete some of these sets. Probably just in my mind, but I feel like I haven't progressed with pushups.

Day 2

600M Resets

Definitely see some progress here or at least I think. First interval was 2:30, but need to improve my 300 m sprint substantially still. The rest of the intervals were at 3 minutes, a few seconds faster than before. No matter whether I feel like I'm going fast or slow, I still get around the same time for each interval. Now if only I can keep this pace up for 1.5 miles.

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