B71 Block 1: Operator/Black

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B71 Base Building Week 4

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Week 4

Sun 16 Apr 17
SE: 4 x TANGO circuits (BB Push-Press / Air Squat / RDL / V-Up / BB row)

I decided to just move ahead with the plan as written after fizzling out on last week's second 3-circuit, reduced rest interval session. I tried to focus on just continuing to do reps instead of counting the reps and 'beating' my previous rep counts.

It went fairly well. The fourth set ended up being more of a series of rest-pause sets: ten reps, a few breaths, ten reps, a few breaths, seven reps, a few breaths, et cetera.

Mon 17 Apr 17
E: 30 min LSS run on an indoor track.

Warmed up with foam rolling and hip stretches.

The run was fairly easy, as usual. I breathed through the nose the entire time, so I kept a good, easy pace.

I think I'm getting faster, but it's hard to say.

Tue 18 Apr 17
E: 30 min LSS run on an indoor track.

Same warm-up, same run. Putting in the work.

I am looking forward to being able to run outside. However, a late dumping of snow and continued crap weather has made the sidewalks treacherous to run on.

Wed 19 Apr 17
Rest day. No workout.

Thu 20 Apr 17
SE: 4 x TANGO circuits (BB Push-Press / Air Squat / RDL / V-Up / BB row)

This session was difficult. I have determined that the second SE session always yields diminished performance. On this occasion, I felt winded sooner and was thinking about cutting the workout short. I ended up doing 4 sets but on the fourth set, I didn't go for the full minute. Rather, I went for 20 reps on each exercise (except BB row - 40 reps) and moved directly into the rest interval. I figured that a diminished 4th set was better than no 4th set.

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B71 Base Building Week 5

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Week 5 had to wait a week. On Sunday 23 April 2017, I wasn't feeling it, so I took the day off. Then life conspired against me getting to the gym regularly for the rest of the week. So I re-started on Sunday 30 April 2017.

Week 5

Sun 30 April 17
SE: 4 x TANGO circuits (BB Push-Press / Air Squat / RDL / V-Up / BB row)

I only ended up with 2 circuits. I was super-disappointed with this result. I felt good doing 3 circuits previously but I just didn't have it.

Mon 1 May 17
E: 30 min LSS run on an indoor track.

Warmed up with foam rolling and hip stretches.

The run was fairly easy, as usual. I breathed through the nose the entire time, so I kept a good, easy pace.

Tue 2 May 17
E: 30 min LSS run on an indoor track.

Same warm-up, same run.

Wed 3 May 17
Rest day. No workout.

Thu 4 May 17
SE: 4 x TANGO circuits (BB Push-Press / Air Squat / RDL / V-Up / BB row)

I only got two sessions in before I had to pack it in. My endurance felt better but a knot in my upper back flared up big-time, making it stupid to continue. The knot had been developing over the last week or so (or longer) and I just couldn't do the exercises without pain.

I went for a massage in the evening and it was excruciating in the best way possible. I'm tight in the upper back, neck and across the chest. I'll be going back again next week to try to work out the rest of the tightness.

This tightness in the back might be one reason why the TANGO sessions have been such garbage recently.

Fri 5 May
E: 30 min LSS run.

The weather finally warmed up, so I ran outside for the first time in seven or so years. I enjoyed the run but I need to plan a better course. I ended up running concentric circles in my neighbourhood, so I wouldn't find myself too far away from home when my timer went off. I should estimate my distance and plot out a loop, rather running my neighbourhood like a mouse in a maze.

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B71 Base Building re-starts

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I had completed the first 5 weeks of base building and was very much looking forward to hitting the iron again when I was derailed by the combination of events arising out of my posting to another part of the country. After listing and selling our old house, going on a house-hunting trip to find and buy our new house, completing our week-long road move (with wife, two under-the-weather babies and stressed-out dog), waiting for our stuff to show up before moving into the new house and unpacking, and finally reporting for duty at the new place of work, I think I am finally ready to restart the program. I am really looking forward to getting back in the groove.

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Re: B71 Base Building: Week 1

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Mon 10 Jul 17

I no longer have a gym 4 minutes away from my house but after two months of sloth, I was determined to re-start the Base Building block lest I lose the motivation, so I did an Alpha circuit of BW exercises on Monday morning.

It wasn't entirely satisfying but it was a start.

I managed to get the workout in first thing in the morning, but I was in tight to make it to work on time, given my new 45-minute long bus commute. I now know that I have access to a gym at work, so I'll likely work out during the workday instead of first thing in the morning. And since I will have access to weights again, I'll likely pick up the AA variant (i.e., Tango circuits) with the actual exercise cluster to be determined once I get a look at what gear the new gym has.

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Re: B71 Base Building Week 1, Day 2

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Tue 11 Jul 17
First LSS session in a while. Ran slowly for 30 min on treadmill - I would have preferred to have run outside first thing in the morning but I wanted to be super-cautious about making sure I got to work on time.

Good run - easy pace, breathed through my nose the entire time (instead of monitoring heart rate).

I think I'll try to get tomorrow's LSS run in tomorrow morning, so I can run outdoors.

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Re: B71 Base Building Week 1, Day 3

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I intended to get a run in on Wednesday but the new schedule is still a bit loose. Plus, the girls haven't been sleeping through the night, which makes for some pretty crappy sleep anyway.

This morning, I was up early (thanks, girls) and decided to go for the LSS run. It went well, and even though it was raining a little and I came home drenched, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

30 min LSS run outside, nose breathing throughout.

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Re: B71 Base Building

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Last week turned out to be a false start. I was over-eager to get going but I couldn't get my commute, workout and work schedules to align right. The week fell apart after Wednesday.

I've since confirmed my working hours and other expectations with my new boss, I have a better grip on the facilities available to me, I know when my bus runs and I have a better idea of how long it actually takes to get from home to the gym and work.

I've decided that I'm going to go with the "Strength First" version of Base Building because I haven't lifted heavy in something like 3 months, which is just too long for me. Lifting weights is a little bit of zen time for me that I need.

I've also decided to play with intermittent fasting - basically skipping breakfast. Given the new time crunch in the morning, I just don't have time to prepare my breakfast the way I'd like, so the additional 20 or so minutes I gain by skipping the meal makes a pretty big difference to my morning schedule.

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Re: B71 Base Building

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Mon 17 Jul 17
Tested my Bench Press and Deadlift. I was a little conservative because I didn't have a spotter, but I don't think I was over-cautious.

Bench Press 1RM: 245 lbs.
Bench Press Training Max: .9*1RM = 220 lbs.

Deadlift 1RM: 395 lbs.
Bench Press Training Max: .9*1RM = 355 lbs.

It felt glorious to lift heavy again after so long away from it.

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Re: B71 Base Building

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Tue 18 Jul 17
30 min LSS run outside on gravel trail.

There are a couple of really nice trails 5-10 minutes away from my house. I think I might drive to the start so I can spend the whole 30 minutes on the trail.

Felt good. Breathed through nose. Left knee squawked at me for a couple hundred meters but then seemed to calm down.

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Re: B71 Base Building

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Wed 18 Jul 17
Recovery day.

I did my 5 minute foam rolling routine that I do prior to runs and workouts. I hadn't been doing anything for recovery days previously but I figure this routine will keep me mentally engaged in the process and, just maybe, force me into incorporating more mobility drills into my regime.

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