JZT's log

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Re: JZT's log

Post by jzt »

I was dreading this week a bit since it's the exact same amount of reps and sets compared to last week, but the weights were being bumped by 10% which is somewhat of a big deal. A few sets were grinders early in the week, but as the week went by it got easier and easier. The last day of trap bar DLs, the very last set every rep was flying off the floor, I felt like I could've possibly gotten 12-13 reps.

On Day 2, I did a lot of stretching hanging off a pull up bar and it kinda killed by grip for day 3 workout. I managed to get it done, but grip was my limiting factor. I completely ditched the belts, straps, gloves, etc. and will not be using them ever, I consider them crutches now. So having my grip 100% is crucial. I won't be hanging off bars for minutes at a time before deadlifts anymore.

Mobility is at 52 for this week, with 1.5 days to go. As a rule of thumb, I'll aim to beat the previous week every time, until I reach 100, then I'll maintain 100 for every week.
Day 1
Trap Deadlift 3 x 5 @ 378
Press 3 x 5 @ 145
Chin Ups 3 x 5 @ BW+52
Day 2
Day 3
Trap Deadlift 3 x 5 @ 378
Press 3 x 5 @ 145
Chin Ups 3 x 5 @ BW+52
Day 4
2 rounds
3:00 ON / 1 OFF
Day 5
Day 6
Trap Deadlift 3 x 5 @ 378
Press 3 x 5 @ 145
Chin Ups 3 x 5 @ BW+52

Dips 2 x 15 @ BW
Back Extensions 2 x 15 @ BW+Bands (red)
Day 7
TBD - Tomorrow
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Re: JZT's log

Post by jzt »

Bonus: Few images from the gym. Just moved in 2 months ago, still need to hang my heavy bag.
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Re: JZT's log

Post by VenomousCoffee »

Nice setup! Jealous.

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Re: JZT's log

Post by Barkadion »

Great home gym! I value my time in my basement a lot. Best part of the day. Early mornings of training..
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: JZT's log

Post by jzt »

This wasn't my most productive week boxing/conditioning wise, but the strength training went great. I just got a new pup this week (german shepherd) so that took quite a bit of my time and sleep.
Day 1

Trap DL 3 x 3 @ 425
Press 3 x 3 @ 163
W Chin Ups 3 x 3 @ BW+84
Day 2

Day 3

Trap DL 3 x 3 @ 425
Press 3 x 3 @ 163
W Chin Ups 3 x 3 @ BW+84
Day 4

Boxing 3 x 2 mins rounds (1 min rest)
Boxing Skill Work 10 mins
Day 5

Trap DL 3 x 3 @ 425
Press 3 x 3 @ 163
W Chin Ups 3 x 3 @ BW+84
Day 6

Day 7

Mobility total for the week is at 48 which is pretty bad. I'll be aiming to do at least 10 minutes a day from now on.
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Re: JZT's log

Post by Likes »

That Glute hame raise :o

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Re: JZT's log

Post by jzt »

Likes wrote:That Glute hame raise :o
Your post actually made me motivated to use it during yesterday's workout :) Hit some GHRs and Reverse Hypers, I mainly use it for those 2 and Back Extensions.

I've been meaning to try Back Extension Rows as well, I'll report back when I do!

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Re: JZT's log

Post by Likes »

I loved hypers when I still trained in a gym. But I don't have one in my homegym and don't have the room to place one. However homegym>regular gym

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Re: JZT's log

Post by jzt »

Week 5 completed. I'll just be attaching the workout logs from now on, simpler format. Regarding accessories and cardio (boxing) I just go with how I feel. It's more of a weekly volume, same for mobility.

I was on night shifts all week, which means 2-3 hours of sleep at work, and then waking up, and 3-4h more hours at home with a puppy around. Clearly not ideal, but also temporary. Even with the less than optimal sleep, the training went great, the weights felt easy. I could've gone for more volume, but I feel fresh after hitting the minimums and want to keep it that way, for now. I still have Monday to complete some mobility work and boxing, then I'm starting week 6 on Tuesday.

For the next bloc, I'm debating if I try new 1RMs, or just rerun this bloc (that already feels fairly easy) but with more volume. I'm often short on time and I like quick/intense workouts, so I'm leaning towards testing new RMs and going with the minimum amount of sets/reps again. I would like to start programming boxing as well and work towards a goal, like 6 x 3:1 mins rounds at 80%. To be decided in a few weeks.
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Re: JZT's log

Post by jzt »

Another week done.

The weights felt lighter as the work out went on, for example the 1st set felt heavier than the 3rd set. I'm still sticking to the minimums up until now. Still injury free, everything feels 100%. A few of the nagging injuries I had when starting are now entirely gone (left elbow and lower back). Probably in part because I went from Chin Ups to Neutral Chin Ups and ditched the Back Squat and Deadlift for Trap Deadlift. That, and the low volume approach of TB Operator.

Mobility work is still a struggle, but I'm always aiming to do a little bit more than the previous week up to roughly 100mins/week then maintaining that. So far so good.

Boxing and assistance are kept fairly low, with long working hours and the new dog, my main focus right now is to get my strength done work and progress on that.

I'm now entering the last week of Block 1, I haven't stuck to a program for this long since 2010 and I really enjoy it. I probably will keep running this for a very, very long time due to its simplicity and the flexibility it allows. The last week offers more leeway with the sets/reps, so I'll see how I go about that. In the book it says to run a block for 6-12 weeks before retesting 1rms, for this one I think I'm ready to retests my 1RMs in a week. Getting 3 reps on the weights used in week 7 (95% initial 1RM) would set significant PRs on all 3 lifts. The last week will be telling on whether or not that's realistic.

I debated switching the Press for Bench and Trap DL for Squats on the next cycle, but I enjoy far too much the set up I have and zero injury risks with those lifts. If I want to bring up my Bench or Squat eventually, I'll use them as assistance during the week.

Also, I initially started at 207.2lbs (morning, fasted, dehydrated) and I'm now at 210.0lbs in the same conditions. I'd estimate BF at around 13-14% (last measure about 6 months ago showed 13.6%).
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