Joe's PFT Training Log

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Re: Joe's PFT Training Log

Post by Joe »

Block 1 Week 3
Day 1: MS (90%)
SQ 3x3 166.5 lbs
BP 4x3 185 lbs
PU 4x8 BW (180lbs)

Day 2: 1.5 mi LSS

I got injured, going to be posting PT updates for a bit instead of TB workouts.
Last edited by Joe on Mon Feb 08, 2021 6:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Joe's PFT Training Log

Post by Barkadion »

Sorry to hear that, mate.. been there. Wish you fast and safe recovery.
"Man is what he reads." - Joseph Brodsky

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Re: Joe's PFT Training Log

Post by Joe »

Barkadion wrote:Sorry to hear that, mate.. been there. Wish you fast and safe recovery.
Thanks for the support, I really appreciate it. One thing that's helping my mental health is to remember just how much progress I made with TB in such a short amount of time. It gives me the confidence to know I'll be able to get back to where I was relatively soon after.

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Re: Joe's PFT Training Log

Post by Joe »

Active Recovery Week 1

Day 1: Rest

Day 2:
2x Hip & Core PT (3x 1:00 Plank per session)
1x Light Shoulder PT
10k Steps

Day 3:
2x Hip & Core PT (3x 1:00 Plank per session)
2x Light Shoulder PT
10k Steps
Feeling the planks already. I need to find a good video on shoulder PT until I can meet with a physical therapist.

Day 4:
1x Hip & Core PT (3x 1:00 Plank per session)
1x Light Shoulder PT
10k Steps

Day 5:
1x Hip & Core PT (3x 1:00 Plank per session)
1x Light Shoulder PT
6k Steps

Day 6:
1x Hip & Core PT (3x 1:00 Plank per session)
1x Light Shoulder PT
12k Steps
Shoulder feeling a lot better today, no discomfort in hip for the past couple days. Still nagging knee pain.

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Re: Joe's PFT Training Log

Post by Joe »

Transition Week 1
Shoulder is feeling better, knee is still acting up. Not confident about running just yet.

Day 1:
SQ 3x10 BW - Mixing in half/deep squats
BP 5x5 115 lbs
PU 5x6 BW (180lbs)
Reverse Row 3x10 BW

1:30 rest w/ BW
14, 16, 12, 12, 18

1x Hip & Core PT (3x 1:00 Plank per session)
1x Light Shoulder PT
9k Steps

Day 2:
1x Hip & Core PT (3x 1:00 Plank per session)
1x Light Shoulder PT

Day 3:
SQ 3x10 BW - Mixing in half/deep squats
BP 5x5 115 lbs
PU 5x6 BW (180lbs)
Reverse Row 3x10 BW

1:30 rest w/ BW
14, 16, 12, 12, 18

1x Hip & Core PT (3x 1:00 Plank per session)
1x Light Shoulder PT

Day 4:
First session of official physical therapy.

Day 5:
SQ 3x10 65 lbs
BP 5x5 135 lbs
DL 3x5 135 lbs
Happy with today, felt good to bench and was able to squat a little deeper without pain.

1:30 rest w/ BW
14, 16, 12, 12, 18

2x PT Stretch
1x PT Strength

1x Hip & Core PT (3x 1:00 Plank per session)
1x Light Shoulder PT

Day 6:
30M LSS: 11:45/pace at 153BPM/162 Avg cadence
Knee felt fine while running. Little sore after.
Pushups Max Text: 33
Down from 37, but I’m happy I didn’t lose too much SE.

2x PT Stretch
1x PT Strength

1x Light Shoulder PT

Day 7:
2x PT Stretch
1x PT Strength

1x Light Shoulder PT

First day without knee soreness.

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Re: Joe's PFT Training Log

Post by Joe »

"Transition Week 2"
Knee still feeling sore, shoulder feeling better.
Going to start a 6-Week MS block now for BP, PU, and DL at week 1.
I'll be trying to run again albeit at a slower pace.

Training Max:
BP: 185 (Knocking off 20 lbs for now)
DL: 245
PU: 9 BW

Day 1:
SQ 3x65 - Knee still sore.
BP (70%) 5x5 135 lbs
PU 5x6 BW (180lbs)

1:30 rest w/ BW
14, 16, 12, 12, 18 (+2 more to 20)

2x Stretch PT
1x Strength
1x Hip & Core PT (3x 1:00 Plank per session)

Day 2: HIC #2 (Fast 5)
3.00mi at 9:57/mi Avg HR 161BPM

Day 3:
SQ 3x65
BP (70%) 5x5 135 lbs
PU 5x6 BW (180lbs)

1:30 rest w/ BW
14, 16, 12, 12, 18 (+4 more to 22)

1x PT Stretch
1x PT Strength

Day 4: HIC #3 (600M Reset)
10 min jog
4x600M @ 3:00
4min rest between

Second session of official physical therapy.

PT, PT,'s always PT. Starting to pile on...

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Re: Joe's PFT Training Log

Post by Joe »

Update: Passed PFT
Situps: 44
300M: 47s
Pushups: 30
1.5mi: 11:58

* My pushups have been dropping steadily from around 35-37 to barely getting 30 from January to June.

Scored above the minimum but still not where I need to be to pass the official test. It's been a long time since I updated this log. Had to work through several injuries here and there and was walking 15-20k steps a day for work. Now trying to refocus on the home stretch.

My recovery consisted of a ton of PT, a ton of not doing PT, and eventually the following:

Fighter + Black

Exercise Cluster:
Low Bar Squat (Never went above 95lbs) or Bulgarian Split Squats
Pullups (twice a week)
Romanian Deadlifts (once a week)
1-Sided KB Carry

Pushups (twice a week)
Max Pushups (once a week)

Minimal Core Work

Fast 5 (3 miles --> 2 miles)
600M Repeats --> eventually Oxygen Debt 101
LSS 30minutes+

Mock PFT (every other week, since April)

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Re: Joe's PFT Training Log

Post by Joe »

Starting a 3 week SE-only block + Black then transitioning to Fighter Bangkok + Black.

Program: Alpha

Pushups / Pullups
Nordic Curls / Situps
Pushups / Pullups
Situps / Hyperextension
1-Sided KB Carry / KB Squats

Week 1
Day 1:
3 Circuits x 10 reps
90 second RI between sets
3 minute RI between circuits
* x4 reps for Pullups
Felt east today, bumping to x15-20 reps next time and 6-8 reps for pullups.

Day 2:
Oxygen Debt 101
x2 rounds @ 40 second 200's

StrongFirst Pushups
Day 1
# sets: 10 (6+4)
Reps: 10
Going to try running Pavel's Pushups for a few weeks, will need to swap out pushups in SE for something else.

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