But for now it's time to head into some autumn hypertrophy blocks! I'm really looking forward to going on a caloric surplus. I've been, without paying too much attention, switching between caloric maintenance and deficit since I finished basebuilding in January, with a total loss of 5kg/11 lbs.
My preliminary plan for the upcoming months is to do repeated 3 week blocks of Mass. Every X weeks I'll go on a 3-6 week operator/black block and maybe try a block of specificity.
I was originally planning on running grey man, but the Zulu HT really caught my eye. So I will start there for now.
Starting weight is 89kg and I will aim for 1-2kg weight gain every 3 weeks.
Weekly plan, of 4 gym sessions and 2-3 E sessions. In reality there will always be at least 1 day of full rest and instead some days with both LSS and gym. But I plan it like this to make it easier to cross off.
Mon: Zulu HT
Tue: Zulu HT
Wed: LSS 30min
Thu: Zulu HT
Fri: Zulu HT
Sat: LSS 30min
Sun: LSS 30min / Rest / Yoga
Cluster, to be reviewed every three weeks. I will use the peaking to guide progression. TM of 90% when applicable.
Main Exercises
- OHP: TM 57.5kg, tested
- TPDL: TM 133.5kg, keeping the previous TM
- BW Rack Chin: TM 15 reps, tested
- Dumbbell Shrug: TM not tested
- AB wheel: TM not tested
Main Exercises
- Bulgarian Split Squat: TM not tested, I will start unweighted and gradually add dumbbells
- Bench Press: TM 105kg, forced progression with 5kg
- Barbell Row: TM not tested
- Face pull: TM not tested
- Dumbbell curl: TM not tested